Like Our New Look?

Hmm, something seems a little different here on Cake Wrecks today, doesn't it?
Yep, behold the glory of our brand new site design! Thanks for the many lovely comments so far; I do hope you'll all find it more streamlined and purty-like.
Shout-out time: many MANY thanks to Awesome Aric (yes, I think that's how I shall refer to him from now on) of Tiki Kitchen Design. Aric has been working with me and John for weeks now, and for every "hey, what if we tried THIS?" he gave us multiple options and somehow managed to mask his desire to throttle us with unbridled patience and enthusiasm. Those of you familiar with web design know just how difficult it is to design a customized site in Blogger, so the fact that Aric was willing to try - and had the skills to write code from the ground up when necessary - has been a godsend. We'll be continuing to tweak some of the links and pages this week, but in the meantime y'all be sure to thank Aric in true CW fashion, k?
Reader Comments (316)
I do like it! Unfortunately I seem to need to be on Windows to see it...It's broken for Safari and Firefox on Mac OS X :(
I like it!
Erm. As of right now...the new look isn't showing up...the page is just simple HTML right now...
To add...I'm on Windows, so it's not just the Mac users...
i wondered what the problem was. i can't see whatever the new glory is either.
Leslie-I'm on Mac OS X, using Safari and it works.
Yup. Can't see anything cool.
Good luck.
BTW, Mac w/ Safari here.
Woot! Thaks Aric!
Love the header!! Ha ha!
I'm on Mac with Firefox and can see it fine... although Firefox just crashed for the first time ever so maybe not so good after all!
I thought the ads were supposed to disappear? Or did I misread the "we're cutting ads" bit of the announcement? Normally I read through the LiveJournal feed so it doesn't matter but I was curious when I saw they were still there.
I can't see it on FF, running Vista, either. :(
I can see it just fine, and I'm on Firefox in Windows! It looks fantastic! Great job!
When I first went onto the site it looked wrong too. But I just refreshed and it fixed it. Now it's working fine. Looks awesome!! Go Carrot Jockeys! :)
I can't see it either on my iPhone where the old blog cane through just fine. All I get is a white background with skinny ads on the left and the blog WAY down at the bottom. So far I like the old Cake Wrecks much better.
Love it! Love it! Love it! (The design, although those WoW cakes are awesome too) ;)
FWIW, I'm using Firefox 3.5.2 on Windows Vista, and I'm seeing all the bounty of the new Cake Wrecks. Looks great!
I can see it just fine on Firefox on Mac OS X. Looks great!
On Firefox I see it but there's no banner at the top. On IE8 it's just completely broken :(
I'm on Mac OS X on Firefox, and I can see the new theme on this post but not on the main page. (I accessed this post thru an RSS aggregator, so that might have something to do with it.)
Linux with Firefox, all that showed up was some black text on white background. Shift + reload and the new site design did come up.
I don't see just HTML, but I don't see any page design - just a white screen and text. Firefox and windows
I got the html version at first, I am using Mozilla in Windows. I do like the new blog. Go Wreckers!
yay, i like it!!! it looks a lot cleaner! (mac w/safari)
Yay for the new layout! Looks all professional and fancy and whatnot. :o)
Unfortunately, the first time it loaded I did get just plain html messiness. I'm on a PC, using Explorer in Windows. But, as per your suggestion, I reloaded and was rewarded with the new site in all its glory.
Thanks for removing that light blue text on dark blue background. It was rather hard to read for these.. um.. older eyes. Now if you could do the same for the category links on the left side of the page, please.
I had a plain page for a couple of tries today, but third time's a charm! I'm using a Mac (OS v10.4.11) with Safari (v4.0.3). New site looks great!
Love it! Beautiful job!
I'm on WinXP using FF 3.5 and can see it all just fine. Three carrot-jockey-thumbs up!
just a plain html page, using Mac OS X version 10.5.8 with safari version 4.0.3
Using Mac OS X (10.4.11)...
The site looks awesome in Firefox (3.5.2), but very plain (not in the sense of being Amish, mind you... but maybe so, now that I think of it, since it seems very low tech) in Safari (4.0.3).
Did I mention that it looks awesome in Firefox? ^_-
It looks good to me!
I use the newest versions of Opera, Firefox and IE on Windows XP and can see the site without any problems.
The layout looks great!
I like the new header logo, but why doesn't it say "Cakewrecks" anywhere? I don't feel like I'm on the main page even when I am. Just my two cents.
In case it matters, I'm on Mac with Firefox, and yes I can see it.
I too, got the simple html at first. I'm on a PC using firefox. Once I refreshed, I could see the new blog in all it's glory. Looks great!
OK, and now I can see it say "Cakewrecks" but I couldn't before, so obviously I'm not getting everything I should ever time.
Love the new site, Jen! I'm on a Mac (using Safari) and I had no problems at all. Looks great.
Thanks guys,
We're working on it over here. The odd thing is, with Blogger, you can only control so much. Since the occasional breakdowns are pretty well distributed over several operating systems and browsers, I think it might be a Blogger issue.
Thanks again,
p.s. Older Eyes,
We'll move it to the right in it's own light box with black text :)
I'm on a Mac using Firefox and everything is rendering fine
Well it all showed up except for the title. I refreshed it and then it was just HTML... not sure what's wrong. I run Windows and I use Firefox..
Oh wow, I love it! Especially the little carrot favicon :D
First view on Safari 4.0.3 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 is basic HTML, no stylesheets being applied. Haven't tried it on other browsers yet.
it looks great!! the only thing is we have to disable javascript to see it. . .
Hi! I'm on firefox on mac and the header's not showing up at all.^^;;;;
Windows XP with the latest IE. html page until refreshed - then it worked.
the white background is great for these 'older eyes', the 3 ads & various odds & ends before the daily wreck? not so much,I had to scroll down almost a third of the page before the column actually started?bleh~sorry
I lurve the new look. SO much better! Well done for remodelling, Jen!
And also: thak you, Aric!
Like it! Nice sunburst :)
On a mac running firefox, had to refresh the page but it works now :)
It's broken until I refresh for safari on mac osx
Lovin' the 'Hawkie Jockeys' (get it? Mohawk, Jockeys... ;/ Great new look! Keep up the good work!!! You brighten my day - every day. Can't wait to get my book ... wish you were coming here. :(
Getting the HTML-look right now. I'm on a PC and using Firefox 3.5. IE 8 looks alright. Though I did prefer the previous, all-blue, look. :/
I can't see the site! Tried refreshing and that didn't work. FYI I'm using Google Chrome (on a PC)