Happy Labor Day!

I'd like to wish you all a very happy Labor Day in true Cake Wrecks fashion.
(So, you know, you might want to put that coffee down.)
Can I get a virtual drum roll, please?
Bonus Pun: Say, do you suppose this bakery delivers? (Booyah!)
- Related Wreckage: Hey Everybody, Thish Cake ish from Holland. Ishn't that Vierd?
Reader Comments (147)
That writing on the sign is beautiful... too bad...
Oh dear lord.
Yet another nightmare to haunt me for weeks....
That is the creepiest cake I have ever seen.
That's all folks? Isn't a birth the beginning? And I don't want to get started on how unappetizing a surgery wound cake is.
WV-eurgin Eurgin see your lunch again if you look at that cake too long.
Most of the horrible cakes I see on this site I think I would eat after scraping some icing off.
A C-section cake? I don't think I could go there.
this was great!
( :
Most. Disturbing. Cake. Ever.
This is so disturbing! What is the "That's all, folks" supposed to reference? A much-needed C-section? So strange.
No way!!!
(Great puns btw!)
I will never understand these "protruding belly" cakes! As a woman who's given birth twice (via caesarian section both times), I can't say there is anything appealing at all about eating such a cake. Booyah, indeed!
Looks like that mom was having a c-section...
bad idea for a cake.
That is so repulsive! Ugh!
my but that's a gross little cake. I've got this sick desire to get one for my friend's baby shower...
Oh my GOD! Now I know why my husband was so disturbed by my c-section. Hmmm...I'm thinking anniversary cake here :)
I love the new look! Happy Labor Day! Perfect "labor" cake!
What a great way to celebrate my birthday -- by seeing this "birth" day cake! (I was born on Labor Day, too) ;) The cake is truly disgusting.
AAGGHHHH! an Alien.
Wow, that is truly disturbing. I can hardly wait for an episiotomy cake! Maybe with licorice stitches! Mmm...
Whoa! Run away, run away!!!
Great. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be too frightened tonight to get any sleep with images of bloody wounds and baby hands dancing in my head. Ew ;)
*Utah's answer for all things bargain-y*
Who in their right minds would want that? ICK!
~Amy B
Whoa! Run away, run away!!
I love it.
P.S. My word verification to post on your blog is 'hymen'. Even more perfect.
"That's all folks?" Just how many babies did the cake recipient have?
Is this an Octomom cake?
I guess we can be glad that's not a Looney Toons hand sticking out.
And 20 lashes with a wet noodle for the bad pun, Jen. =P
*falls to knees, lift hands to the heavens and screams* WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?
I don't think I'd want to be in the room when someone cuts into that cake.
The sound of screams are already haunting me.
Is it supposed to be a C-section or a pro-abortion cake? Either way, EEK!
My husband just saw the picture...I think his brain snapped. He's babbling now.
This looks like a scene from my oldest son's birth video.
Oh dear. You know, I had a c-section, and I got my beautiful daughter because of it. But that cake....*dry heaving*
That is THE most gruesome cake yet (I'd I've been a silent admirer or your "arts" for quite sometime.)
Someone is seriously disturbed.
If nothing else, I know *I* am!
Yeah... I've had two kids via c-section, and seeing this cake has made me reconsider ever having more children... It's actually making me reconsider eating cake ever again too!
...except, um, that's a c-section, which kind of doesn't really involve *labor* (assuming it was planned, since there's a cake and all...)
When I was pregnant, I dreamed this exact thing! The baby's little hand popped out of my belly, waved at me, and popped back in. The dream was weird. This is way beyond weird.
3 kids by C-section here. I really didn't want to know what happened on the other side of the curtain.
wv spliet. How appropriate.
I think the cake is celebrating the birth of a baby, and the ending of the mother's ability to have more as in after the baby is delivered she's having her tubes tied.
Just when you think people can't ruin the beauty of cake anymore, you get this.
*deep sighs and head shakes*
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
That has to be the single most disgusting thing (I refuse to call it a cake) I have ever laid eyes on.
oh wow! what a wreck!
Proving once again that skill level and taste are not precisely the same thing. The workmanship on it is pretty good, but ye gods and little purple fishes! the concept is both revolting (who wants a slice of a sliced up belly?) and surreal in the extreme (that's all folks???? just the hand???? holding a sign in utero????? Salvador Dali couldn't have come up with that one! and if he had, he'd have slapped himself).
BTW, loving the new look, Jen! Naked mohawked baby carrot jockeys FTW!
"Hey! Can I have a c(ake) section? Yeah, just "hand" it over. That looks so yummy, I can't wait to rip into it. Mmmm! Oh baby!"
Oh. My. God.
I'm not sure which is more appalling here, the customer who ordered this affront to all good taste, or the other-wise apparently capable person who produced it.
Why, oh why, can these wreckerators not use their skills for good instead of evil??? *sob*
great design! Love the new blog.
I knew that the baby carrot jockeys couldn't be hidden!
Sabrina from Argentina
**gasp** Ok, it took a full 5 seconds to wrap my brain around what I was seeing, after taking my breath away!! The first second DID NOT see C-section!!! Now the fits of giggles begin!!
I don't understand that sign. "That's all folks" makes it look likes he's going back IN.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
I'm having a repeat section in six weeks...and I'm on OR nurse. That still makes me wanna throw up.
However, I'm having a tubal at the same time, so THAT'S ALL FOLKS! No, dear husband, I do not need a tubal cake.
I have a co-worker who will be delivering by c-section this month. For some reason, my sick little mind wants to make this, but with a sign that say "Coming Soon To A Belly Near You!"
I'm hoping that is the Octomom's belly with baby number eight coming out. That's all folks should mean she's finally closed her womb!
I just really don't get the 'that's all folks' thing???
You didn't even mention the missing apostrophe in "Thats". It's pretty understandable, though. That cake is gruesome.