Guess What!


So I'm going with "uterus."
Also "uterus."
And finally, today's bonus round is in the bag:
The magic baby bag.
Awww yeeeeeah.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
So I'm going with "uterus."
Also "uterus."
And finally, today's bonus round is in the bag:
The magic baby bag.
Awww yeeeeeah.
Barnes & Noble
Watch the trailer here!
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Reader Comments (125)
These are horrifying.
Someone has uterus on the brain! :)
This makes me miss mine even more. I need some cake.
What? I just guessed what so now you have to tell me what I won.
Uterus cakes. Sad to say, you are correct, it's exactly what they look like. But WHY???
"uterus with sprinkles."
I used to think everything was better with sprinkles. Maybe not so much anymore?
This post just made my morning! I'm going to have the psychadelic uterus in my head all day. Ha ha ha!
On LSD....*snort* *chortle*
Had that one not said Hook 'Em, I would not have guessed that to be a cow head at all.
What? No Princess Bride quotes today? These certainly deserve it.
Sharon's Edible Art
All I can see is uteruses. It is disturbing, although now my brain is turned to what is if that was the proper spelling for plural uterus. I feel as though uterus should be the plural for uterus, like moose. My brain is suffeciently addled. Time to go to work.
Those are hysterical! Cake 1, reminds me of Shrek 2 when the fairy godmother gets zapped and all that's left is her glasses and wand.
Cake 2, Boy what a sadistic cake! Smack, then pucker up? (read it like the old Batman TV show...Pow! Zap!)? I guess that's why the lips are so huge.
Cake 3, "Uterus on LSD" LOL-ed on that one! I think it's starin' at me man!
Cake 4, Uterus with sprinkles? She may want to go have that checked out.... O.o
Cake 5, I'm guessing that's supposed to be some sort of sport team mascot? FAIL.
Cake 6, Yeah, another one that needs their Va-dragon checked. Spots. Not. Good. Nice lettering tho'.
wv: chancy: It's awful chancy using these "bakers" to make your cake!
"Gestate!" Buahahaha!
Are you trying to say something, is Jon expecting ?!?!?!?!
I Gestate... I love it
Ohhhh, Jen! Gestate???? I love your puns more than cake.
Honk Em?
Ouch. The longhorn cake hurts. Any baker worth their salt in Texas knows how to make a longhorn cake.
I'd like to think my uterus is psychedelic. ;D
"Thanks, but I gestate."
Awesome! Made me snort! Thanks...
These cakes are uterus-lly ridiculous!
Love them all, in a wrecky sort of way.
wv - mingrae: Looking at all the uterine wrecks gave me a mingrae headache!
Is the Princess Uterus moldy? Maybe flecked with dark purple overspray from a different cake??
"Uterus on LSD"
I just chocked on my coffee.
You rock this post :)
At least the Uterus on LSD looks...well...happy! I think it's smiling...or maybe it's a flashback....
wv - dusnes: Hey - dusnes look like a uterus to you?
" . . . but I gestate." Genius!
Those are positively fallopian (what? It's an adjective, isn't it?).
wv - sansupsy
I'm embarrassed to say "uterus" - I prefer cutesy words. So, I'll just say that, since my hysterectomy, I am sansupsy. Hope your upsy is fine!
Ridiculous is right!
Oh gee...I hope I don't see uteri (plural?) everywhere I look now. That's the last thing I need...
I would just like to say that my almost two year old daughter climbed in my lap when I was looking at today's post, looked at the screen, popped her thumb out of her mouth, and said "Oh no!". Even a two year old can recognize a Wreck.
Being pregnant, I have had my uterus on my mind lately so I appreciate today's post. Thank you!
"Gestate" !!!! Love it! :)
But I must ask -- what was the LSD uterus really supposed to be?
I can see what they were all going for except for the one on LSD. What is that supposed to be and why can't I see it? (Help!)
"Thanks but I gestate"????
I love a good pun in the morning. Thank you.
I once made a co-worker a Uterus Memory Book when she was getting ready to have a hysterectomy, complete with opening "Ode to My Uterus" poem. Who knew we could have had cake too??
I don't see how that one on LSD could be anything BUT a uterus! WHY does this exist?? :J
Thanks but I gestate XD XD perfect pun :D
This kind of made my day, since I'm going to the lady parts doctor this afternoon. Maybe if I ask nicely she will put some sprinkles there.
I was totally expecting a pregnancy announcement at the end of this one!
Jen, is it that time of the month? uterus on the brain. Does that last one have a venereal disease?
I might like my uterus more if it came with sprinkles.
Hilarious post! <3 <3
yes, what was the LSD cake going for? ET meets the Rainbow Connection?
Meanwhile the cake with sprinkles looks like Pippi Longstocking with dandruff (or confetti) in freefall
The uterus on LSD...I think that one might actually be a uterus...on LSD.
The rest, unrecognizable...
The last cake is proof that buying a fancy fondant cutting machine doesn't always improve your decorating skills. At least it helps with the spelling.
I thought the first one said Princess Balls. Which actually made sense, since they could be pink balls. However, I doubt that Princess' have balls. The others, I got nuthin'.
Uterus #1 looks more like a stomach. If you swallow that much hardware, though, you're definitely going to have a grumbly in your tummy.
And, finally, "Thanks, but I gestate" is a criminally bad pun. And yes, it made me laugh until almost choked.
WV: shesses. Shesses it's not her fault everything looks like a uterus.
right lets see...
1)The Princess Uterus: ok, I have no clue on this one!
2)The 'Also' Uterus: I think this is supposed to be a set of kissing lips
3)Uterus on LSD: I don't know, but I'm getting trippy just looking at it
4)Uterus with Sprinkles: Pretty sure this is supposed to be yet another set of kissing lips
5)The Ridiculous Uterus: Bull head. Texas Longhorns??
6)The Magic Baby Bag: guessing this is supposed to be a handbag cake... but in reality I think it looks like panties
Abby said "This kind of made my day, since I'm going to the lady parts doctor this afternoon. Maybe if I ask nicely she will put some sprinkles there.
March 23, 2011 11:11 AM"
Abby-- I live in MN too and if you find a lady parts doctor that wacky and fun I'm gonna need details. (thanks for cracking me after I got so giggly at Jen's post.)
I DO have a psychedelic uterus -- but that's because of things I Gestate in the 70's. sigh.
"Thanks but I gestate." *falls over laughing* :D Your years as a jungle cruise skipper weren't good to you, were they?! :D Love this! NOTHING whets my appetite like cake shaped like ambiguous reproductive organs. So irresistibly YUM.
The first one is supposed to be a sash...I think. Sadly, this is actually what the picture looks like from Deco Pac/Bakery Craft. (I don't remember which company actually sells this kit.) So it's their fault for creating such ugly cake designs.
Disgusted in TN
When you said "uterus with sprinkles" I almost spat out my coffee. LOL!
When will these CCCs go away?!? Although my local grocery store makes some beautiful ones...
It just makes more sense, with the Sprinkles and Cupcakes, DC craze that people would just order two dozen INDIVIDUALLY decorated cupcakes...doesn't it?
Seriously. What was the "Uterus on LSD" one supposed to be?!
The next to last one is probably supposed to be a Texas Longhorns logo... I think the "writing" on the lower right hand side is supposed to say "Wreck 'Em!"
Oh, irony, you are so sweet.
- Odie
When I quote your polite refusal I expect you to be there to defend me!
I gestate... my children might block your site from my computer ;-Þ
Maybe the Longhorn CCC (patooie!) was done by an Aggie. They are the "Wrecking Crew" after all!
Great post today! Perfect pun at the end. LOL!