A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
Are you ready, Muskogee County? 'Cuz this weekend...IS...
MEGAWIZARDDRAGONANIMEBABECON! presented by Bass Pro Shops and Fashion Bug
That's right, freaks n' geeks, the MWDABC has it all!
- Bazillions of "A" list celebrities, like that guy that guest starred on Buffy that time!(You know, the one with the hair? Yeah, that one!!)
- Amazing costumes!
(By Brian Fishman who has a fantastic sense of humor)
Note: please wear amazing costumes.
Also, body paint is allowed, and even encouraged...
...on females.
- The largest Vendor Room this side of Gallifrey, where you'll find every comic book, funny hat, or authentic-movie-replica sword you've ever dreamed of!
NOTE: actual merchandise may differ from promotional imagery.
Like so.
- HUGE role-playing tournament area!
WOW, gamers, this room is to "die" for!
- Vow renewals!
NOTE: Additional fee applies. Cake not included. Choice of action figure wedding toppers include Watchmen (shown above) and Spock n' Leia:
"Love is illogical."
"I know."
- Back by popular demand, the "Picard Maneuver" photo opportunity!
NOTE: Additional fee applies. Reasonable Picard facsimile may be substituted.All rights reserved. MWDABC will not be held responsible for any communicable diseases contracted while participating in the Picard maneuver photo opportunity.
- And, fellas, don't forget all the bodacious booth babes just waiting to have their pictures taken with you!
"For the last time, no, we DON'T know when Slave Leia is coming back. Now, do you want a picture or not?"
Plus, don't miss our featured events:
Lou Ferrigno!
NOTE: Mr. Ferrigno will not be appearing in costume. Nor will he be smacking anything.
And Val Kilmer!
NOTE: Mr. Kilmer actually will be appearing in his original Batman costume. We're not sure why.
- And finally, be sure to check out our exclusive appearance by the one and only William Shatner! Who may or may not be performing his iconic "Rocket Man!"(Assuming we can find enough cigarettes.)
He's a ROCK. IT. MAN.
Thanks to Kimberly C., Theresa, Jaclyn C., Talia B., River W., Barb I., Kelli G., Teresa M., Lucy V., Missy B., & Clau...
And a happy belated briday to the Shat.
Oh, and now that I've got you all pumped for a con, I should note that there really *is* a scifi convention in Orlando this weekend, and John and I are totally going. See you there, fellow Florida geeks!
We're taking my 13-year-old son and three of his friends for his birthday party. My son made his own costume and parts of the ones his friends will be wearing. They'll be dressed as a group they made up. So, if you happen to see four youngish teens wandering around together dressed in home-made costumes you don't recognize, you could say, "Happy Birthday, Malcolm!"
Shatner FTW! (Although nothing can beat his rendition of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"!)
My daughter and I have been to enough cons that I can say, there is no exaggeration in this advertisement. That is exactly what they are like, both in advertising and in reality...
Thank you for sharing that William Shatner bit. I will never forget it. (And will likely waste much time at work today making everyone I know watch it!)
Oh, wrecked geekery. My three year old daughter is currently running around in a Hellboy mask brandishing a lightsaber at the cats, so these posts are always a family favorite.
I don't know why... but the inner voice that read the commentary was the "MONSTER TRUCK MANIA!!!!!" Announcer. Which brought the hilarity to a whole 'nother level! Have fun at the con and I look forward to pictures on "the other blog."
I think all these wreckerators were high [long inhaling puff] as a kite! I think it's gonna be a long, long time before we see a decent cake.
Spock and Leia--that's awesome! Be even better if she was in the slave outfit.
The Disney Princess cake should have been delivered to the Drag Festival (the one that has nothing to do with fast cars) because there's no way those are chicks.
I don't think that's Val Kilmer's Batman, but it does look a bit like Adam West, the original Batman and current Mayor of Quahog.
The bad Buzz Lightyear attempt doesn't look much like The Shat to me, but any excuse to post the Rocket Man video is okay by me! Come on, Bill, quit bogarding that thing and pass it around. I actually remember watching that broadcast when I was a kid and long before "WTF" became a thing, I was thinking it! Even then, I thought the effects were uber cheesy, especially when the Transporter malfunctions and his right arm temporarily gets beamed away.
Oh, and get ready for backlash from Muskogeegans. Muskogeeans. Muskogogeeites. People from Muskogee.
WV: lyclopma A rare disease that causes severe deformity of the head such as that suffered by Captain Picard.
Embarassingly AWESOME! I actually saw Lou Ferrigno last year at Wonder Con. He was across the aisle from the Bionic Woman and Tasha Yarr. No Hulk costume.
And I found a copy of the William Shatner CD with the classic Mr. Tambourine Man.
The flier left off an appearance by Mark Douglas in "Wolverine: The Musical" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIJvECLL5NY (I haven't got the hang of embedding links.) No doubt the Wolverine cake celebrates his performance.
I thought it said "BaCon" - now Bass Pro Shops would sponsor that!
Since Batman got a little soft around the middle, the Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Cat Woman continue to wreak havoc on Gotham City.
This post was great! I, too, used the monster-truck-rally-announcer-voice while reading this. Looking forward to the sweets this SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!
The Disney princess cake reminds me of the time my husband and I were watching a Monty Python sketch with our young daughter. It was her first time to see men in drag, and she innocently asked why the "girls" looked like boys! Grown-up laughter ensued...good times...
Are Leia and Spock on a flan "cake"? The Star Wars and Star Trek universes battle it out in wedded bliss atop a tasty Mexican dessert, my mind is officially blown.
I haven't posted before, but this post is killing me. Not that everything wasn't awesome(I mean, Shatner? Come on!), but that simpering 1st Hulk still has me in tears. I laughed so hard, my coworker in the cubicle across from me is convinced I've lost my mind, again. Thank you for all this spectacle on such a grim day!
Reader Comments (141)
That princess cake looks more like it belongs at a drag queen convention.
"...like that guy that guest starred on Buffy that time! (You know, the one with the hair?...)"
I've never watched Buffy so I was lost from the get-go.
Why is Batman so sad?
OMG I nearly SHAT my pants LOL
Oh, daily Cake Wrecks dose, how I love thee.
God, this is so awesome. My husband wants a Picard cake now.
We're taking my 13-year-old son and three of his friends for his birthday party. My son made his own costume and parts of the ones his friends will be wearing. They'll be dressed as a group they made up. So, if you happen to see four youngish teens wandering around together dressed in home-made costumes you don't recognize, you could say, "Happy Birthday, Malcolm!"
I'm pretty sure that Buzz Lightyear cake was presented at opening night at the Boston Gay Theatre's production of Toy Story.
Shatner FTW! (Although nothing can beat his rendition of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"!)
My daughter and I have been to enough cons that I can say, there is no exaggeration in this advertisement. That is exactly what they are like, both in advertising and in reality...
Thank you for sharing that William Shatner bit. I will never forget it. (And will likely waste much time at work today making everyone I know watch it!)
Do you think sad sack fat Batman has to be on purpose? I kind of hope so.
You know, the Wolverine cake wasn't too bad really.
And now I have Rocketman stuck in my head, so thanks for that.
Batman: "sigh. Oh! Why can't I be on a GOOD cake?!!!"
I feel there is absolutely nothing wrong with the transvestite princess cake.
wv: demorati- members of the liberal, left-wing, tree hugging, latte-drinking, east coast democratic elite.
"The demorati feel there is absolutely nothing wrong with the transvestite princess cake."
I agree!
Sad that "Buzz" Rock.it.Man looks more 'fetching' than the Princesses...
Who knew Spock was so much bigger than Leia?
Holy crap! You just fulfilled all my wildest fantasies in that one post!
Cake D&D? Check
Cake Picard? Check
Cake Wolverine? Check
Pincess Leia and Spock on top of cake? Check
I don't care how wrecky they are (and they ARE), I can now devour each and every one of my geeky obsessions like I always said I would.
Look out Patrick Stewart - ::chomp, chomp, Mmmmrrawrrr::
wp: bactrad - backtracking in a very suave, cool manner.
chuckling loudly inwardly :0)
Poor Buzz... I didn't know he was half human and half octopus. Where exactly is his other hand again?
Thanks for the giggles.
Can't stand Shatner doing ANYTHING so i passed on the Rocketman vid.
Have fun at the convention!
Fat Batman *has* to be intentional. Right? Right?!
Love Shatner. Anyone who can self-mock as well as he does is one to admire.
This was very very FUNNY!
Thank you for starting my morning off right. :)
@ SuBee--I love your interpretation of your WV! LOL
wv: reriz. French for "to laugh again." pronounced "ree ree"
Anonymous said..."OMG I nearly SHAT my pants LOL". I thought profanity wasn't allowed?
To "die" for. Heh heh. Heh.
The Wolverine cake is actually pretty awesome. Just sayin'....
Oh, wrecked geekery. My three year old daughter is currently running around in a Hellboy mask brandishing a lightsaber at the cats, so these posts are always a family favorite.
I can't be the only one who sees this.
Batman is sitting on the toilet wearing flipper socks.
Right? Right?
OH MY GOSH!! 3 Shatners! I had to keep pausing because my eyes were watering so much from laughter!
He doesn't need to climb the mountain anymore. This is my new earworm! Love the Shat!
Thanks for posting this!
Oh, and the wolvie cake looks like that guy from Tropic Thunder
Of course the princess cake is appropriate -- it's for the Drag On part of the convention!
wv - ollyz: When I look at ollyz cakes I have to laugh.
I was more interested when I first read the title and thought it ended "BACON!" instead of "BABECON!"
I don't know why... but the inner voice that read the commentary was the "MONSTER TRUCK MANIA!!!!!" Announcer. Which brought the hilarity to a whole 'nother level! Have fun at the con and I look forward to pictures on "the other blog."
That's some Shat his dad says right there.
I think all these wreckerators were high [long inhaling puff] as a kite! I think it's gonna be a long, long time before we see a decent cake.
Spock and Leia--that's awesome! Be even better if she was in the slave outfit.
The Disney Princess cake should have been delivered to the Drag Festival (the one that has nothing to do with fast cars) because there's no way those are chicks.
I don't think that's Val Kilmer's Batman, but it does look a bit like Adam West, the original Batman and current Mayor of Quahog.
The bad Buzz Lightyear attempt doesn't look much like The Shat to me, but any excuse to post the Rocket Man video is okay by me! Come on, Bill, quit bogarding that thing and pass it around. I actually remember watching that broadcast when I was a kid and long before "WTF" became a thing, I was thinking it! Even then, I thought the effects were uber cheesy, especially when the Transporter malfunctions and his right arm temporarily gets beamed away.
Oh, and get ready for backlash from Muskogeegans. Muskogeeans. Muskogogeeites. People from Muskogee.
WV: lyclopma
A rare disease that causes severe deformity of the head such as that suffered by Captain Picard.
Embarassingly AWESOME! I actually saw Lou Ferrigno last year at Wonder Con. He was across the aisle from the Bionic Woman and Tasha Yarr. No Hulk costume.
And I found a copy of the William Shatner CD with the classic Mr. Tambourine Man.
I don't know...that Wolverine cake is pretty cool. I wouldn't mind having it at my X-Men party. If I ever had and X-Men party.
"Holy Flabby Batman, Batman!"
Sorry... I had to...
Also,why does Cinderella have a beauty mark? Please let that be a beauty mark...
OMG can't... comprehend... wrecks
Nite Nurse @ 10:25 am
You are NOT the only one !!! I thought exactly the same thing!
wv: defitene
These cakes can defitene be called super wrecks.
"...this side of Gallifrey..." #10 FTW!
The flier left off an appearance by Mark Douglas in "Wolverine: The Musical" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIJvECLL5NY (I haven't got the hang of embedding links.) No doubt the Wolverine cake celebrates his performance.
I thought it said "BaCon" - now Bass Pro Shops would sponsor that!
oh my. the shatner "song" was too painful to watch.
Y'know you're lucky. I was diagnosed with an ear infection an hour ago. Otherwise I'd be suing you for the pain in my head right now.
WV: commist
These cakes have all been invaded by the godless commists.
That Shatner clip lasted a long, long time.
@ elissa, are you *sure* he was being self-mocking??
wv: defluti
"Did you hear defluti playing in the background of "Rocket Man?"
Oh, my...that's the hardest I've laughed in a LONG time!
Sun said "Why is Batman so sad?"
Since Batman got a little soft around the middle, the Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Cat Woman continue to wreak havoc on Gotham City.
This post was great! I, too, used the monster-truck-rally-announcer-voice while reading this. Looking forward to the sweets this SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!
The Disney princess cake reminds me of the time my husband and I were watching a Monty Python sketch with our young daughter. It was her first time to see men in drag, and she innocently asked why the "girls" looked like boys! Grown-up laughter ensued...good times...
Are Leia and Spock on a flan "cake"? The Star Wars and Star Trek universes battle it out in wedded bliss atop a tasty Mexican dessert, my mind is officially blown.
I like the first Hulk, he looks so darn happy being on the cake.
ANS can you believe Shatner's 80!!
The Disney princesses are less like drag queens to me, and more like the screaming paintings from Black Swan. And just as terrifying.
Spock and Leia! WHAT? That doesn't even go together.
I haven't posted before, but this post is killing me. Not that everything wasn't awesome(I mean, Shatner? Come on!), but that simpering 1st Hulk still has me in tears. I laughed so hard, my coworker in the cubicle across from me is convinced I've lost my mind, again. Thank you for all this spectacle on such a grim day!
@Nite Nurse--
That's what I see too. And so did my four-year-old son ("Batman going potty?").