Guess What!


So I'm going with "uterus."
Also "uterus."
And finally, today's bonus round is in the bag:
The magic baby bag.
Awww yeeeeeah.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
So I'm going with "uterus."
Also "uterus."
And finally, today's bonus round is in the bag:
The magic baby bag.
Awww yeeeeeah.
Barnes & Noble
Watch the trailer here!
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Reader Comments (125)
The link to the LSD cake says it's a butterfly. Even knowing that, I'm not seeing anything but a uterus!
Oh, Jen. "I gestate." Genius.
"Thanks, but I gestate." GROAN!!!
Honestly, what are they trying make? 'Cause uterus is what they all look like to me :P Wierder and wierder :)
Maybe these bakers secretly dream of becoming an OB/GYN, should the whole "cake decorating" gig not pan out..
wv: nobetai Nobetai better lay a finger on my uterus cake!!! I gotta get through med school!
hahahahahahahahaha "Thanks but I gestate" I literally lol'd at work and almost choked on my salad.
@phantomessj (9:49 am): Thank you...if I ever put together an all girl band, I now have a name for it: The Psychedelic Uterus. Awesome!
@Abby (11:11 am): If your "lady parts doctor" won't do it, you could always try Vagazzling! (Uh...may not be safe for work...)
Uteri? Like fungus/fungi? There may have been an uncontrollable outburst at LSD Uterus... I love having to scroll down to see the entire post. It really adds to the shock value seeing the progression of awesomely bad, instead of seeing them all at once. :)
I know, I know!!! The last one is a uterine tissue sample under the microscope! Now they all relate to one another......if we're talking about uteruses of Texas Longhorns(?) Great "gestate" pun, BTW :)
LOL, seriously especially the "with sprinkles"
(not even gonna mention daisy's)
I think that last uterus has endometriosis...
WV: crocke
Professional bakers? What a crocke!
WV: dewsh. Nothing left to say, certainly goes with today's wrecks.
Yikes, I think I feel some cramping coming on..
#1 Stomach. With scepter and tiara. Took me a while to decode 'Princess Belle'. Not liking the gray spots, though.
#2 If the spots on the first one are what I think, then a bowl of Pepto may be just what is needed afterward.
#3 Even the Correction Cops are flummoxed by this one, it seems. Jen wins!
#4 I see a lei -- which might be what was intended. Scary thought...
#5 Huh. Is it a CCC (patooie!) if the frosting pavement has gaps in it? Perhaps the picture was taken before the final coat was applied.
#6 'Congrats' if you can determine what this was intended to be -- and can get past the salmon mousse frosting and the general yuckiness of the CCC(p).
you have reason to be proud of the "gestate" pun... that's gold!
the uterus piped onto the marshmallows took me a minute - because by then I couldn't even figure out what ELSE it could have been...
At last year's Austin Day of Sharing a demonstrator had a cutter design that he put on a cake and someone called out, "Everyone here is thinking that looks like a Longhorn!"
I quietly thought, "Um, no, I thought it looked like a uterus."
You're warping me. Awesome. :D
I'm two days overdue, so this post is strangely apropos for me. In any case, you gave this hormonal, weepy pregnant lady a much needed laugh. Thank you.
That first one didn't say "Princess Balls"? They missed an opportunity there.
Just goes to show... Uterus oughta be in pictures... (blinkblink)...
WV - arewori: If you arewori'd about trusting wreckerators not to make your ccc look like a uterus, you have a good reason.
Uterus, but she hardly knew us.
I want a Fallopian tube! With sprinkles!
All of these "cakes" are CCCs! Anyways...
#1: I'm initial guesses are a short, pudgy pink scarf or a pink crescent moon. I know they have nothing to do with "Princess" but that's all I've got.
#2: Lips. Definitely.
#3: I've got nothing.
#4: I think they are also lips, but mainly do to the fact that there is a red outline (the sprinkles are on top of the red outline)
#5: I think some kind of (white and orange) silhouette of a bull.
#6: A polka dot purse.
That is what I've come up with. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go dig up some graves to the bury the brain cells #3 has murdered.
Hey, man, did you ever really look -- I mean REALLY look at your uterus? Far out.
I feel like Cake #1 is staring at me, and I really don't appreciate that kind of behavior from a uterus. Also, your "gestate" punchline resulted in me shouting "HA! Perfect!" quite loudly. Now I have a disturbing cake AND an attitude-y cat staring at me. Awesome.
wv - emetin: "Oh, emetin a uterus cake, what are YOU eatin'?"
"This is ridiculous" looks more like "uterus with ovaries" to me ;-)
I gestated 6 babies ... I'm a cannibal!!!!
These are sovary bad!
oh. "hook 'em." i squinted and turned my head and pondered for many seconds trying to figure out why the uterus needed to "hork 'em."
wv - tritc: the tritc is to get someone to think you decorate well. if you can't tritc them, you won't sell many ccc's. (patooie!)
I LOVE these cakes, but I'm an OB/Gyn so I have an excuse... slay me. Thanks for some superb wrecks and even better writing. Love!
You are wrong! They aren't uteri (sp?) but panties! Now put on your big girl panties and deal with it!
Hahahahahahahaha . . . snort . . . hahahahahah . . . *tears* . . . hahahahaha.
I can only think that perhaps someone's biological clock has alarmed suddenly? Ovary well, perhaps not, but we all gestate and digest that idea. I am still rolling on the floor spraying ice tea nasally. Excellent blog today. Thanks!
*ROFL* seriously! DO these people have uterus shaped cake pans or what? (and I'm not exactly a Longhorns fan but that cake is a total disgrace)
Bwahahahaha! My 4 year old guesses: "Sock, pot, rainbow, snail, robot, spots."
WOW! That Hook Em' Horns cake takes the uhmmm... cake.
Yeah I went there.
Sharon, that actually was a cow head. Hook 'em is the moddo for the Texas Longhorns football team.
Well, if you tire of making uterus cakes, you could always switch crafts...
Yes, I knit one of these for my best friend after her hysterectomy. After she stopped laughing, she was much appreciative.
The first one looks like it's supposed to be a pashmina. Just saying.
Gestate... ROTFL!! I'm going to be giggling about that one all night. Love it!! :-)
I love posts like this where I literally laugh out loud over and over and over again. Thanks, Jen!
Methinks we need a "uterus cakes" tag, given how many cakes out there unintentionally (or intentionally) resemble the lady-bits.
De-sgusting! Maybe they were driven around in the trunk of a car at 50 mph first.
So, is the Longhorn cake a U.T.-rus?
I can not imagine what the Uterus on LSD is really supposed to be other than what you wrote. I tried to think of something else that it could be, but uterus, uterus, uterus is all I can see.
Thanks for the perfectly timed laugh! Once again, your post coincidest with what I'm studying in nursing school...and now for something completely different (sigh)...gestational diabetes.
"Uterus with sprinkles" - hahahaha!!! best quote ever!
I just had an idea! Maybe if I buy a uterus cake it will help me get pregnant! LOL.
OMG! I think "Uterus on LSD" actually is a uterus! I see uterus, vagina, ovaries... I think I can even see the cervix. Maybe it's a cake for a obstetrician's conference? 70's disco themed conference?