Why On Earth Did You Buy THAT?

Well, ok, then.
"It beats jello"
"95% of diets fail anyway"
"Cheaper than therapy"
"It was this or rhubarb pie."
"The end MIGHT be nigh"

Now, quick, go BE FUNNY. Chop chop!
UPDATE: Here are some of my favorite entries so far, in case you don't feel like scrolling through the 1000+ comments:
"Think of the laughs you'll get" - Anony 10:09
"You could always send this to Cake Wrecks" - TechyDad
"Eatable" - Kathyrn R.
"Mostly Harmless" - Cat Beiber
"Get Used To Disappointment" - Lynn
"My Other Cake Has A Witty Saying On It" - Tessa Beers
"D***n it, Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a cake decorator!" - Becky@whatslifewithoutwhimsy
"It's not as old as it looks" - Jen (3:44pm)
"I quit" - Donna
"It was this or death" - M.A.
"Think of the children" - Tracy
"Like you could do any better." - Tami
"The bananas in your cart look lonely." - Charlie's Mom
"As seen on Cake Wrecks!" - Ashley
"We only would have screwed up your custom cake order, anyway." - Julie
"Don't act like you've never settled before." - Bryan & Jessica
"In some foreign countries this is actually a compliment." - Dolores
"Suck it, Trebek." - Janebabes
Reader Comments (1396)
It's tastier on the inside!
Amy Pond made me do it.
"Just shut up and eat it."
"I found it in the parking lot."
Eh could be worse.
Here's your stupid cake. HAPPY?
"Because I love you THAT much..."
I have cake in my crack!
Eh...could be worse.
Here's your stupid cake. Happy now?
cut here"
Well see it looks really good when you're hungry...
Because it's her third wedding.
Because it's her third wedding ...
"You're not such a prize, either,"
"You should have seen the other cakes"
(Though, I'd vote for Dharmamama's "5 second rule!")
"Like the kid cares"
"I'm sorry. :("
"after-earthquake special"
"Lerner's kake."
Because you can't eat ice cream anymore.
This cake was wrecked because your ass is too cheap to buy a pretty one!
'For the extra Weight Watchers points you have to spend'
Jessica, Boise, ID
The color complements my eyes.
Lerner's kake.
After earthquake special.
"You should have chosen the salad - Picture of scale"
Happy Earthquakes!
(perhaps "Earthquacks"?)
"Its all I could afford!"
"This is not a cake."
"Sheet Cake Happens"
It's the thought that counts.
I was in a hurry.
I forgot it was your birthday.
"I sort of tried."
that's definitely enough to make me buy!
Well...I was the one who dropped it...
Jen (not that Jen)
Because no one wants your pie....
It's going to go to waist.
Sue Weldon
"Not as easy as pie."
"I'm just too tired (or lazy) to care"
Dude, you must have had your cake goggles on.
"Dont judg a cake by its wrekage."
All grammatical/spelling errors intentional :D
Suggestion: The Cake is a Lie, But your hunger is real.
We couldn't afford bread!
"It's either this or cupcakes"
The frosting is "Low FAT".
"Like you could do better"
"Shut up, it's still cake"
I had a coupon.
"The force is not strong with this one"
How about:
"You know you've eaten worse"
"Welcome to California!"
Because cake can be breakfast. Who say's it's not?
"It ain't gonna eat itself, you know!"
That's what she said.
The Devil made me do it
"hey at least we remembered!"
But in true wreckie fashion it'd probably look like this "HAY aT Leess we remberd"
"You Know You Want It"
From Cathy: catsch1 (at) yahoo (dot) com