Why On Earth Did You Buy THAT?

Well, ok, then.
"It beats jello"
"95% of diets fail anyway"
"Cheaper than therapy"
"It was this or rhubarb pie."
"The end MIGHT be nigh"

Now, quick, go BE FUNNY. Chop chop!
UPDATE: Here are some of my favorite entries so far, in case you don't feel like scrolling through the 1000+ comments:
"Think of the laughs you'll get" - Anony 10:09
"You could always send this to Cake Wrecks" - TechyDad
"Eatable" - Kathyrn R.
"Mostly Harmless" - Cat Beiber
"Get Used To Disappointment" - Lynn
"My Other Cake Has A Witty Saying On It" - Tessa Beers
"D***n it, Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a cake decorator!" - Becky@whatslifewithoutwhimsy
"It's not as old as it looks" - Jen (3:44pm)
"I quit" - Donna
"It was this or death" - M.A.
"Think of the children" - Tracy
"Like you could do any better." - Tami
"The bananas in your cart look lonely." - Charlie's Mom
"As seen on Cake Wrecks!" - Ashley
"We only would have screwed up your custom cake order, anyway." - Julie
"Don't act like you've never settled before." - Bryan & Jessica
"In some foreign countries this is actually a compliment." - Dolores
"Suck it, Trebek." - Janebabes
Reader Comments (1396)
Better than sex.
I have two suggestions:
Because you deserve it
"Buy me quick...they're gonna euthanize me tomorrow!"
Going out of "business" sale.
50% effort
What did you expect for minimum wage?
No laxatives required
We broke the mold when we made this one.
Apathy is... caring enough to give the least
National Fungal Celabrashon Day
yer mooooooom!
The Tequila made me do it!!!!!!!!
You wouldn't want your dinner to be lonely in your butt and thighs.
"The itch will go away eventually"
"This too can be yours!" (if the price is right)
"Nobody will notice if you cut it before serving."
It's cake...What did you expect, Da Vinci?
Better than the other cake... it was molded.
We were drunk.
I spent too much time at peopleofwalmart.com.
Bake and Shake.
Turns out there IS a 10th level of hell.
WF: pulswin: The Polish! They won!
~ Cynthia
"The power of icing compels you!"
I'm on the cake diet :)
Sandra Viscarra.
This was the cheapest one... :)
"Don't be so shallow, it's the inside that counts."
At least our carrots don't have jockeys.
(So wait..Can they be considered carrots if they don't have jockeys??)
"Admit it: You need this"
"Pink roses that won't wilt and die"
"You're skinny enough"
"Congratulations on your diet"
my kid made this
alms for our blind decorator
hey its coated in frosting what more do you want?
"For revenge!"
Kathy D.
"I still want sprinkles" would be my inscription.
"Buy me, the decorator just returned to work after her stroke" would be my ad slogan to get somebody to buy it.
wv: milec The exact location of a wrecked cake..>Mile C
"pretty cakes are so overrated"
"I thought about paying for a nice cake. It's really the thought that counts."
I said no to drugs but yes to crack.
hey you get what you pay for
It's better than being baked.
Half the price, half the fun, half the flavour...
I just wanted to comment that you have 1000++ comments now... hahaha!
Other than that... "I like misspelled cakes." :D
"We know it's not really for a party, anyway.."
"It was this or the moldy lump in the back of the fridge"
"I'm beautiful inside"
"Cake is cake, close your eyes and eat it anyway"
"Decorator in training" or "Made by the new guy".
How many time, when your new in a job do you use your lack of seniority as an excuse for screwing up? At least, whe you work in a store, they give you the "In Training" pin to announce to the world that you're not slow or ignorant, just new. So imagine a cake whih says the same thing!
Eat and be merry for tomorrow you may diet.
Oh, here is another idea: "This is all they had left".
CAKE: "I may be ugly, but I'm still delicious...I hope."
"Thank You for Being Our Plumber."
wv: mouss: I saw a mouss run down the crack in that cake.
"Bet yo momma couldn't do it better"
It tastes like fish.
If a wreckerator tried saying "cheaper than a therapist" on a cake, it would probably end up saying "cheaper than the rapist"....
Yeah, I know, the line is way back there, and I ignored the sign that said do not cross, but I bet somebody is laughing :)
So old the calories leaked away!
The mistake makes it a collectable!
"It's not you, it's me."
"Happy Birthday with Cake" has been my new one for people's birthdays.
"Don't resist your temptations."
"You want me, I can feel it"
"Got tea?"
"You don't HAVE to say no to crack"
"Cause I have half a brain... And I like pina coladas"
Kathy D.
WV: rhathe -- I'd rhathe have a nicer looking cake.
Your message here.
"Just buy it, no one else will"
"Ugly cakes need love too!"
WV: Butlerse
With all this wreckage, you're gunna need some butlerse to clean it up!
Cake for the blind.
Because I'm not really that sorry.
(But Jen, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard at a wreck!)
This cake intentionally left blank.
"Serve in the dark for best results"