Why On Earth Did You Buy THAT?

Well, ok, then.
"It beats jello"
"95% of diets fail anyway"
"Cheaper than therapy"
"It was this or rhubarb pie."
"The end MIGHT be nigh"

Now, quick, go BE FUNNY. Chop chop!
UPDATE: Here are some of my favorite entries so far, in case you don't feel like scrolling through the 1000+ comments:
"Think of the laughs you'll get" - Anony 10:09
"You could always send this to Cake Wrecks" - TechyDad
"Eatable" - Kathyrn R.
"Mostly Harmless" - Cat Beiber
"Get Used To Disappointment" - Lynn
"My Other Cake Has A Witty Saying On It" - Tessa Beers
"D***n it, Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a cake decorator!" - Becky@whatslifewithoutwhimsy
"It's not as old as it looks" - Jen (3:44pm)
"I quit" - Donna
"It was this or death" - M.A.
"Think of the children" - Tracy
"Like you could do any better." - Tami
"The bananas in your cart look lonely." - Charlie's Mom
"As seen on Cake Wrecks!" - Ashley
"We only would have screwed up your custom cake order, anyway." - Julie
"Don't act like you've never settled before." - Bryan & Jessica
"In some foreign countries this is actually a compliment." - Dolores
"Suck it, Trebek." - Janebabes
Reader Comments (1396)
It was 4:45pm when I startied this and Im not payd overtime...
It was this or a CCC...
Why drinking, driving and cake don't mix.
"You need a reason?"
Dang! Haley beat me to it! ... I think...
"You're going to eat it anyway."
Approved for human consumption.
What crack?
You know you want me anyway!
Does this make my butt look fat????
I have PMS and this is the best you're gonna get!
Beats wrecking it yourself...
Here's a couple:
You can't handle the truth.
In true Maury style, "You are NOT the father."
It was only one time.
It's not you, it's me.
Cause I dropped the first one.
Because it was cheaper than whatever you wanted.
Proof that demon possession exists.
I was young so I didn't know any better.
"Cake, cleavage, what more d'ya want?"
Made from recycled materials.
got milk?
What crack?
"Don't judge a cake by it's decorations."
"Please excuse my penmanship."
You have to take it home.
It's the inside that counts
You know, in some foreign countries this is actually a compliment.
crack ISN'T whack! as long as it's in the icing
Because "Happy Falker Satherhood" was already taken.
Natasha McCallister
The more you drink the better it looks!
Put quotes around 'couldn't afford the fish sticks'
"Buy this 'cake'."
Sugar is a food group.
I only love you this much.
It all goes to the same place anyway.
There's always tomorrow.
"Because yes"
"Hey some of the best things in life are a little cracked."
"Cake can't cure disease, but it sure makes you feel good."
"Cracked? I don't see any crack."
"Not unlike your favorite plumber... I also show crack"
Because I didn't have any will power left.
-Monica :)
I can't be funny...I am too busy laughing.
"5-Second Rule, Right?"
"Recycle Me."
Kelly H.
"5-Second Rule, Right?
"Recycle Me."
Kelly H.
"The Cheapest One"
"Your girlfriend wants me."
"Take me to your kitchen."
"My fate: your mouth or the dumpster."
"and eat it too"
"At least I iced this one"
"It could've been worse"
"I want a raise"
You can eat it before you get home. NO ONE HAS TO KNOW . . .
I just thought of another one:
"No longer You-Know-Who's horcrux. Now safe for consumption."
-Kate M.
"What else are you doing"
"Real Cake included"
"What, you're not perfect either."
"Happy Birthday, Crackhead"
"Repent and Avoid The Abyss"
"You're worth it."
Fresh Day-Old!
Frosted with pride by Bobbie Lurlene
(by Kris Ricigliano)
Just piping this to add more icing. I like extra sweet cakes, ya know?
You'r already fat, just eat it
"At least it won't give you syphillus"
Stephanie :)