Put The Coffee DOWN

It's not often that a baker submits on of his/her own creations for us to pick on. But Maayan, who both bakes and documents funny food horrors, did just that.
The following diet-assisting monstrosity was actually ordered by a customer. And what is it?
Spaghetti with tomato-y cream sauce?
An ear?
A cherry, Cheez-Whiz and regurgitation torte?
Nope, nope and nope! Give up?
It's a fetus-with-an-iPod pie!
Uh, I guess fetus cookies would have been going too far?
Thanks to Maayan Z. for being such a great sport!
- Related Wreckage: Fetal Bites
Reader Comments (256)
What the hell??? That's all I can say!
I think I see how this happened:
One guy: "Are you going to feed us pie?"
Second guy: "Yeah, feed us pie!"
Mob: "Feed us pie! Feed us pie!"
Frenzied mob: "Fetus pie! Fetus pie!"
*blink* ummmm. Does the fetus realize there is a mjor case of worms going on around it?
VW:ingsted-kind of says it all
OH Holy Mother of God!!!! There should be a warning before that picture. Some of us haven't eaten our breakfast yet (and now may never eat again).
Oh my... I lost consciousness for a minute there. Didn't think it was possible, but I have officially lost any desire for cake EVER AGAIN.
I don't know if the vernacular exists to even describe how disgusting that is, both in concept and execution! On the plus side, it looks pretty much the same before you eat it as it does when it comes back up.
That has to be the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.
fetus pie?
Whaaaaa???? *sigh*
I was going to guess an upper and lower intestine.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
do you mean ordered by the customer? YUCK!
Beats my guess, which was "a stomach that has been assimilated by the Borg"
http://schoolcrisisconsultant.blogspot.com" rel="nofollow">Monday Morning Crisis Quarterback
I'm speechless. And horrified.
Wow, I thought it was a human organ with some sort of medical device attached...I do work in a hospital though.
Did the people who ordered this like it?!?!
wv: ingsync: I sure hope that fetus isn't listening to ingsync.
I...I...I don't feel well now.
Thanks for the coffee warning, Jen, but you should have also given a food warning: "Caution, this wreck is not just diet-assisting, it's diet-inducing!"
Seriously icky. I was thinking about breakfast a few minutes ago, but now... I'll stick with coffee, thanks.
wow, that is foul.
Holy cow. I thought it was some kind of internal organ (intestines, pancreas, something) with an iPod. I'd never have guessed the fetus. I think I sense my breakfast coming back to visit me.......
I call shenanigans! This is a PIE, not a cake, and therefore does not count as a wreck......or something.
Just getting that out there early, maybe you wont get 8,000 camments like that. Or maybe you will. Meh
I really want to say "I can't believe someone ordered that.", but I have been reading this site for far too long and its no suprise. Gross.
I just hope its Mozart they are puttin through to that bebeh.
wv: khanymb - probably all a fetus can hear on an ipod.....they gots no ears!
i thought it was a brain with an ipod implanted. i was on the right track, but not nearly gross enough.
Well, I'm not sure how something could be ordered by a "custom", but if a custom were to order something, it would only make sense that it would be something strange.
This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!
Wow, I thought it was a stomach...yeesh, people are SO weird! LOL!
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Ew. That's about all I can say.
Oh, gag! That is totally gross. What WAS the customer thinking????
Looks positively delish... in a completely repugnant and grotesque way.
Oh man, that's grim. I could have sworn it was a cochlear implant - equally grim.
way to wreck!
Ooooh, what a disgusting way to start a Thursday. Thanks!
That's disgusting!! I must confess i thought it was a pre-gastric bypass pie. That would have been ironic, right?
I hadn't eaten breakfast yet...I may wait now...lol
say it ain't so. please.
btw, anatomically speaking, that's one helluva umbilical cord, assuming that's what the squiggly thing is around said fetus.
sheeeesh. i can only hope he's listening to dylan ...
Eeeeeeeeeeeeew! That is even more disturbing than the children watching the jaw being cut off the life size Vladimir Lenin cake.
People are so unnaturally proud of those sonogram/ultrasound photos.
Eew. Eeew.
What's really scary, or perhaps sad, is I guessed it correctly on the first try.
Something this horrible has to have a back story. Does the baker know it, or did he just fulfill the order unquestioningly?
That is absolutely...stunning!
I was going with an x-ray of a stomach after ingesting an ipod. Bluuurgh.
ew. at first glance, I thought that was one of those deals where you get your large intestine 'stapled' or 'tied' so you lose weight.
Your revelation didn't lower the disgusting quota much.
Perhaps the customer just wanted to instigate one of those devilishly charming, friendship-killing dinner party debates by taking the pro-life argument to the next level... "So the idea of carving up a music-loving fetus bothers you, does it? Uh? UH?"
I guessed it, too.
I think the internet has made me callow, though. While I find that weird and unappetitising, I do not find it horrifying, and I'll be eating my breakfast now, hum.
All I can say is thank god Stanley Kubrick didn't get a load of this cake. 2001 may have had a TOTALLY different ending.
Frack, that's gross. WHY???
what really freaks me out is that I guessed right! I then dismissed my guess as not remotely possible, since no-body was likely to order a foetus-with-ipod anything!
my eyes are bleeding
my stomach is churning
I may die this very instant
It's just a fetus people...with an ipod. What's they big deal? I bet many feti would love to have something to pass the time in there. :)