Put The Coffee DOWN

It's not often that a baker submits on of his/her own creations for us to pick on. But Maayan, who both bakes and documents funny food horrors, did just that.
The following diet-assisting monstrosity was actually ordered by a customer. And what is it?
Spaghetti with tomato-y cream sauce?
An ear?
A cherry, Cheez-Whiz and regurgitation torte?
Nope, nope and nope! Give up?
It's a fetus-with-an-iPod pie!
Uh, I guess fetus cookies would have been going too far?
Thanks to Maayan Z. for being such a great sport!
- Related Wreckage: Fetal Bites
Reader Comments (256)
Great! Now I need some Unicorn Chaser...
I stared, open mouthed, for a good minute trying to decipher what I was looking at. Once I found out, I stared, open mouth, a bit longer...
what the?!
I sure hope it's waterproofed!
Yes, but what kind of pie is it? Strawberry? Cherry?
Actually, I thought this was created to celebrate a surgery gone wrong, and the subsequent successful malpractice suit - with the surgeon's iPod dropped into the intestines...
I just threw up a little... in my mouth :(
Oh my god. I thought it was intestines with some kind of surgery tool left in the body!!
again, oh my god.
The photos makes me physically ill.
Fetus, you say? So the orange-y thing is probably the umbilical cord…?? So Feety can run, like 10 miles, while listening to the I-Pod?? Now there’s a sight…as if we needed a worse one.
Fetus with an ipod?
Someone needs a new job.
I'll never eat pie again thanks to that horrific picture!
This is timely. Considering the Universities will soon be filling up with students. We'll get to walk to work in the morning on the much missed vomit covered sidewalks that signifly "Frosh week".
wv: pardy...Yup
And as Stria noted..."Some of us haven't eaten our breakfast yet (and now may never eat again)."
I'm going to print this off, tape it to my fridge, and cancel my Jenny Craig membership. Thanks, Jen!
Oh god . . . that is absolutely disgusting.
Somebody really bought that? Somebody really ate that?
I definitely thought it was a kidney. With an iPod.
Sadly my first thought was a fetal pig laying in his mother's entrails....
um...then I saw the 'ipod' which I thought was a blood pressure cuff, so I was more than a little confused. Then I read your answer and am MORE confused.....
What kind of drugs was this person on when they ordered this pie?
WV: Argen...the sound I made when I urped up my sandwich after seeing this.
My thoughts were stomach intestines with an ipod. Like maybe they were giving a pie to someone who swallowed one, as a gag gift.
YUCK just the same.
Honestly, I'd be pretty upset if I ordered a fetus wearing an ipod and got a stomach and intestines. I hope the customer didn't have to pay for that.
I wonder what he/she/it is listening to?
I wish I hadn't been eating when I typed your url in my browser!
I don't know how everyone saw the iPod...I saw a fetus (or maybe brain) with a pressure cuff.
That might even make a bit more sense.
I thought it was a depiction of the top of a superior section through a skull and brain, with a cellphone inside. As in this is what is going to happen to you if you talk on that phone so much.
And here I was going to say a stomach with surrounding intestines. But a FETUS???? Ummmm....okay, maybe if you black out the lights....and squint. Or close your eyes.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Tacoma, WA
OMG!!!!! How in the he** did I actually guess that?!?! LOL!!!
I think I'm going to go loose my lunch now.
Is it sick that i guessed right? (It is sick that someone made such a thing...bleh!)
Mmmmmmmm... fetusy.
I thought that was going to be weight loss surgery cake. Vile!
Oh no!! That is exactly the kind of brain-looking goo I found online when I was looking for inspiration for my medically themed cupcakes. Very horror movie, hannibal... eek!!
Aaaah!!! I can't unsee it!!! I'm now damaged for life.
Okay, that's seriously so gross! That's even worse than the fetus cookies, because at least they resemble a cookie when you look at it!
OMGosh I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit!
I thought it was a celebration of a stomach pump removal of your mp3 player... And I still think it looks more like a stomach than a fetus. It Would explain the squiggly lines around it (other organs/flesh?) I suppose.
that literally jolted me when I scrolled down. So very wrong.
More like a very early-term embryo pie. They're usually a little more defined than that by the time they're bigger than an iPod.
Wh-what? *Why*? In the name of all that is holy, *why*? I-I have no words for this. *headshake* I can't decide whether this is one of the most hilarious or one of the most disturbing Wrecks I've ever seen. Maybe both.
Oh.My.Gawd. I think I just lost my appetite for the next month.
I think it looks like a heart with a pace maker, with lots of squiggly fat around it. Yeah, that's pretty diet-inducing too.
Hopefully this iFetus won't become a trend, we have enough baby shower wrecks out there that would make Jason Vorhees cry.
Oh. My. God. That actually made me gag a little bit.
OMG. That takes the whole realistic baby cake to a whole new level. You thought that was disturbing? Apparently it can only get better. Yum (as she fights a gag) Thanks for sharing?
OH. MY. GOSH. I have just one more thing to say. WHY????????????
It's a WHAT?! Oh dear lord! *hurk*
Am I the only one who saw a headless lamb with an ipod ripping out of its stomach surrounded by brains and circled by a trail of blood? Perhaps the result of a Pagan ritual?