Cake Wrecks the Game Show?

Some cakes are like those ink blot tests you saw in grade school: baffling blobs of color open to interpretation. Well, not exactly; cakes are usually supposed to look like something in particular. Sometimes they taste better, too.
Anyway, since I've gotten a few of these "ink blot" type cakes submitted, I thought it'd be fun to add a little suspense to your daily dose of Wreckage. That's right, boys and girls, now it's time to play...
Everyone ready? Ok, clear your mind of all thoughts. Now, scroll down and tell me what you see:
"What's that? Ah, you see the moon cooking on the grill in a paper bag? [scribbling on notepad] Interesting, veeery interesting... [looking over glasses] And tell me, how IS your relationship with your mother?"
Check back tomorrow for the "answer": I'll post a picture of what the cake was supposed to look like. In the mean time, let's see who can come up with the most outrageous explanation. I may even post the top 3 guesses here, so bring on the funny, folks; fame and fortune await!*
Thanks to Dana W. for inspiring a brand new category! Oh, and Dana? Don't go giving away the answer just yet, k?
*By "fame" I mean a shout-out to your posting name, and "fortune" is used more in the "destiny" sense of the word than the "wealth or riches" sense. So in other words, no, you won't be getting any money*. Unless someone sends it to you, of course. But that someone would not be me. So probably not.
* Or begetting any money, either; 'cuz that'd just be weird. And wrong. But mostly weird.
Reader Comments (575)
This has got to be a sugary re-interpretation of Plato's Allegory of the Cave.
Well, it's obviously a football stadium.
But why is it built on Ayers Rock, and when did the Saints relocate to the Austrailian desert?
The sad demise of the New Orleans Saints, tragically crushed trying to outrun the “bifteck et poisson énormément”, or Huge French Surf n’ Turf
I see a tomb which is brightly painted and has a shinny dome top with a fleur de lis added for good measure. The football helmets are worn by the earthworms who saw what was inside and are making a run for it so fast that they are leaving little trenches is the dirt.
My first guess was a tombstone, but then there are all those football helmets. Maybe it's a cake for a memorial service for a football team? Except that's awfully gruesome. Especially since, now that I think about it, those look like the flames of hell on the cake. Yikes. Guess somebody didn't like THAT team.
A football stadium eh? hmm... I don't see it but I'll go with it for a second.
How about a football stadium that was picked up in a tornado (or hurricane) Wizard of Oz style and upon landing crushed the evil team of football players. Kind of like the house on the wicked witch.
a couch with a casket as a coffee table surrounded by football helmets??? wtf is it supposed to be? and i hope no one actually PAID for that thing.....
Maybe it is a steak on fire with a fleur de lis sent up as some kind of bat signal.
Hmmm... It's a rock that opens up to reveal a flaming piano keyboard, just above the...I just don't know anymore.
OK - it's a rock at the Boy Scout camp (hence the fleur de lis), there is a small fire, rocks are all around the campfire...again, I just don't know.
I thought it was a coffin at first!
At first I thought it was some sort of French fireplace.
Took me a minute to see the football helmets.
I'm guessing....
A French Lava Hamburger being devored by some sort of disgusting looking beetles.
(stomach rolling...)
It looks like several slabs of ribs in a barbecue cooker. The two on top have just gone in, so they're pink and you can see the rib bones. The one on the bottom has achieved succulent, barbecue-y goodness.
It was done for a football game day party, hence the little helmets all 'round.
I have no idea what the Fleur de Lys is doing in there.
it has captured the essence of a baleen whale, somehow.
It's mostly a grilled hotdog on a bun.
What do I see?
The Death Star, rising over the decimated (the brown stuff) and burning (the orange and red stuff) trees on the Forest Moon of Endor,
edged with the little brown stripey mound-graves of slain Ewoks who lost their lives in their brave fight against the Empire! The little numbers pay homage to how many rocks/sticks/clods of dirt each little Ewok threw at approaching Storm Troopers before his or her untimely demise. *sniff* Brave Ewoks, we salute you with this Wrecktastic Cake. Long Live the Rebellion!!
What is it actually supposed to be?
The Superdome. Yuck.
Carmiehead (who's imagination is working waaaaaaay overtime on this one!)
Given the fleur de lis and the footballs (thanks for the clarification), I am going to go with the Superdome. But I am pretty sure it is one fire. It also might be a zit surrounded by footballs considering the puss like icing appearing about to pop.
Oops! Must add this to my original post, cause I forgot to mention...
The Fleur-de-Lis is the shadow of an X-Wing Fighter, doing a fly-by in homage to the fallen Ewoks.
Good? :D
There is no doubt in my mind it's the Superdome.
The question perhaps is, before or after Katrina?
It looks to me like a large filet of french (obviously) salmon on top of a fire being carried about by giant beetles. The beetles are numbered of that must mean they are teamsters right?
It looks like Spartan Spirit gone horribly awry.
Clearly it's a french salmon being cooked on dirty grill, surrounded by black olives to keep it from running from the wreckitude.
I say it's a "French Salmon" because it's got a Fleur de Lis on it, and that's pretty French, isn't it?
Those of you saying Superdome..How in the H!!! do know this?? I would never have guessed, even with the little football helmets swarming the edges of
Wow this is a popular thread! From the picture on the RSS feed, I was convinced it was a fireplace with some kind of bizarre grate. I didn't have an answer for the big grey thing - a puff of unconvincing smoke? Or to why anyone would want a cake rendition of their fireplace, but judging by this site, people want weirder cakes than that (manky, diseased feet anyone?). When I visited the site, I did notice all the little numbers, which started unravelling my half baked theory. However, it seems like most people concur that it is something to do with American football, which I know nothing about.
Some kind of fish?
It looks like a the couch of a saints' fan, that is slowly being eaten by those armored monsters in super mario brothers (you know, that look like the little walking darth vader heads), also saints' fans.
If I wasn't from New Orleans I wouldn't have known. But that's definitely the Superdome where the Saints play =)
The first thing I thought is that it looks like a fireplace...
I'm from Louisiana originally. I'd know the Superdome anywhere!
I actually think it does have to do with the Saints. However, my guess is that's it's commemorating a Saints fan's living room re-decorating project. Tie-dye couch, proudly displaying the fleur de lys, complete with football helmet roller base and superdome grey remote shelf in back. You see it now, right?
Well, the Fleur de Lis doesn't say "football" to me - I must be in the wrong country. Nope, I'm saying it's a comfy overstuffed couch, with those old fashioned claw feet. Lots of 'em.
I'm betting all my money on a coffin in the incinerator.
Having never seen the Superdome, I couldn't understand how in the world that could be a stadium depicted on the cake, until I saw" REL="nofollow">this picture...
I can't believe a professional could create something so horrific, but then again, that's why I read this blog.
It's obviously some clue left behind by the Priory of Scion, informing us of the location of the Holy Grail.
Well you tricked us, because you posted the gosh darn thing upsidedown. Had it been turned the other way, you could clearly see it's a piano for a 4 armed freak with yellowing keys, who enjoys steak-like wood grain and pods of spiders to carry it around. And oops, it looks like his fake mustache fell off while tickling the ivories.
It's imported French salmon delicately pan-seared on a bed of crushed football players...bon appetit!
Before reading the comments my thought was it was a fireplace. The brown bottom being the metal base. The red/orange were the burning logs, and the grey thing at the top was just the background/smoke. I thought the 'football helmets' were just little decorative metal ball type things. The Fleur De Lis thing also being a decoration, like on the glass doors to a fireplace.
Sadly I think all the Superdome guesses are correct. But IMO it looks more like a fireplace than the superdome.
Rebecca M.
Duhhh! It's totally some olives stuffed with maraschino cherries being crushed by a giant sushi monster that visited New Orleans and got too drunk in the Frech Quarter and came home with a fleur de lis tatoo.
I mean, honestly. The numbers under the cherrolives and the dome totally give it away.
A really bad cake for a really bad team?
Bedore I read any of the comments, the first thinfg that came to my mind was "weird Jaenne d'Arc comemoration-cake". It did make sense (well, at least for a second or so): the french fleur de lis, the flames/stake/"grill", the little helmets represent the knights who fought in the war of hundred years. I have no idea why they are numbered, though. The stone-thingy on top stands as substitute for a tombstone, since Jeanne d'Arc was denied one.
A football team with a stadium dropped on them a la the Wizard of OZ?
I'm from the Netherlands and don't understand the first thing about football (beside the fact that it has nothing to do with actually playing with your foot...).
Soooooo, I'm guessing it's agiant log burning a giant marshmellow which is rising too high so they put a rock on it.
(and then someone decided it'd be fun to put those little helmets around the edge just for the heck of it...)
So... did I win???
I think the baker was trying to make a steak burning on a grill. He might of overdone it by showing it before it burned. This is a blogger named Coco the Great.
It's an unfolded sofa bed in Texas (or possibly Florida) with really huge cockroaches crawling out from under it.
I'm seeing a fish, hot dog, and steak on a gril with a fleur de lis, which is making me think here, Louisville. As far as I know, though, we don't have any foot ball teams with those colors... And if it's supposed to be a meaty food, then that's probably tailgating.
A bad version of the team's logo?
Or a start of football season cake?
My first thought was a sofa on a hard-wood floor- that's the brown lines coming off the front
My second thought was a rack of ribs, also on a hardwood floor.
But neither of those explains the grey protuberance on the back, or the fleur de lis on the rack/sofa!
It's totally the crown for a deposed French prince. His relatives still think of him as king so it's happy birthday to Le Royale Emile
Well, in the dark with one eye closed it might resemble the Superdome...I think.
Well, it's wuite obviously a French lily sitting on a coloured sofa in an arty concrete cellar, overtaken by a music art community. The Grey thing is the granite stage, used for Open Stage new age singer-singwriters.
It's a piece of elaborate football themed sushi. That has to be salmon in the middle with the silvery skin left on. The brown is a seaweed base.
I see a Victorian couch, surrounded by football helmets.