Game Show Results

Judging from your overwhelming response to yesterday's post, I'm sure it will surprise none of you to learn that the Guess-a-Wreck was indeed supposed to resemble the Super Dome in New Orleans. Here's what that looks like:
And the cake again:
Now the to the fun part.
Most of you either saw a couch, grilling steak/lobster/sushi, a Boyscout campfire, a French bed, or a coffin carried by beetles. There were also conjectures including demonic pianos, misshapen torsos, and tombstones. A few of you even reported favorable relationships with your mothers, which was nice to hear.
With over 500 comments posted, it was hard for me to choose just 3 "winners". However, here are three rather creative answers that made me chuckle:
metalnoir wrote:
"Doc, I'm seeing the wringer mechanism from one of those old-style clothes washing machines which are popularly referred to as wringer-washers; and, it's in mid-wring of a garment with a French Fleur de Lys pattern.
Oh, and, Doc, I don't really much care about the fame and fortune. I just want the PAIN to GO AWAY! Please, can you help me, Doc?"
Metalnoir, I advise vast amounts of sugar consumption. That'll be $125, please.
Here's Leslie's $.02:
"Of course it's not the Superdome. What we have here is a re-enactment of the Great Beetle Linen Theft of 1658.
Unbeknownst to most historians, it wasn't Louis the 14th's dicey wedding plans that led to tense relations with Spain, but rather the King of Spain sending his hoardes of racing beetles (depicted here with their little racing numbers) to steal Louis the 14th's favorite sheets (which in this cakey re-creation had just been neatly folded after being laundered).
As we all know, most men are cranky when they don't sleep well and therefore skirmishes broke out shortly after the incident.
*nods earnestly*"
Fascinating. Thanks for giving us the low down, Les!
And Tanya Brown's explanation was short but sensible:
"It's Gulliver's sleeping bag, and he's just killed the entire football-playing population of Lilliputia."
Ah, of course! How could I not have seen it?
And these readers get honorable mentions:
"The football team got teleported to the Land of OZ (note the yellow brick road) by a large grey rock where a giant couch (complete with fleu-de-lis decorative cusion) and coffee table were dropped on them. That dark reddish brown piping at the bottom is depicting the gory nastyness."
"Clearly, this is France's revenge for our calling french fries "freedom fries". They have sent a mutated, grilled baked potato to wreak havoc on our country, it's deadly fleur-de-lis ready to eviscerate any slow-moving american in its path (and as many fr9ies as many of us have eaten, we are slow-moving indeed.)
Why did they take so long to attack? They didn't. The spud of doom is propelled by classic French escargot (snails to us Americans.) It just takes them a while to get where they are going."
"...a Cajun leprechaun's pot of stone soup that he's serving at his Monday Night football party."
- Karin
Thanks, everyone! Rest assured there will be more Guess-a-Wrecks coming your way soon!
Note: If any of you "winners" would like your name linked to your blog or website, please leave a comment on this post to let me know. Thanks!
Reader Comments (49)
I like the guessing game, but I was also hoping for a new cake today in addition to the answer for yesterday's...
Huh. What amazes me is that those candles range anywhere from $5-$11 for a set of two, and there are 14 of those suckers surrounding that cake.
This is how you do a superdome cake
Awesome! Good idea for a game! I loved what everyone had to say!
And I still don't see how it could be the superdome...
The superdome? Really?
Wouldn't it have made more sense to just do a cake with a rounded top instead of trying to portray something that's essentially cake-shaped from the side?
I just feel bad you had to wade through 503 comments!!!
Where is the orange from the original picture??
You have got to be kidding! I do not see no orange on the photo!
Ahh that was friends have been telling me for months that quitting caffeine has made me say strange things and apparently they were right.
Can we play again soon? Pleeeeeease? :-D
(oh and no link for me...I'm one of the last losers on the planet that doesn't have a blog because I can't think of a good topic)
Well I feel silly. I totally missed that those were helmets and never even saw the numbers under until I squinted at the thing for a few minutes.
I think I'm glad my internet was acting up and saved me the embarrassment of admitting that I thought it was a pirate's chest. What? I was going for a kinda but only in a if you say so kind of way.
Yup, not feeling stupid at all.
I will admit I still don't see it, but at least I see the helmets and numbers now!
Wow. Just wow. It must be an interpretation of the Superdome on fire in some sort of Sci-Fi fantasy.
Never in a million years would I have guessed Superdome.
I did not post previously because I did recognize it as the superdome, but I am wondering about all the decapitated football players around the edge. There is even red icing inside the helmets - which is very disturbing to me. Perhaps this cake was for a fan of the opposing team?
If you google a pic of the superdome at night, you can see where the orange comes from.
I didn't post yesterday, but I still see, steak, salmon, and a rock surrounded by football helmets.
That was fun! I loved reading what everyone had written. Yes, I knew from most of the guesses what it was supposed to be but the "odd ball" guesses were the best!
What was the occasion for the cake? Happy Katrina Day?
So the orange glow is from the gloaming, when the sunset hits the mirrored surface? The brown lined part at the bottom the...parking lot? And it's all being carried away by the little helmets (as in O'Connor's the "Violent Bear it Away")?
Ah, must be made by an existentialist cake decorator familiar with Southern literary tropes.
Haha, I thought this little 'game show' post was great. I laughed at all the responses. If I'd have known that I might strive for fame and recognition yesterday, I would've responded too!
(I was thinking some sort of fireplace).
Still not seeing stadium anywhere, but I can certainly get behind the Spanish racing beatles, As a history major I have long been aware of their importance in spanish politics, though I was unaware of their foray into french intriuge.
For those wondering....the orange/yellow comes from pics of the Superdome when it's lit up at night.
That was a cupcake cake, wasn't it?
Please keep them coming. They are adding more thrill to my boring job.
AHh Yes NOW i see it ...
Jennifer H
I missed this yesterday (damn!, damn!, damn!). I have no words. Sorry.
I will say that your first commenter today must be a drill- sergeant with the U.S. Marines
What is wrong with you, Jen? Get on the floor and give him/her/it 50! Do you hear me?
What are you standing around for? Get baking or something! We want wrecks! Pronto! Cakes with battle scenes preferably - with lots of blood.
This photo shows the orange Superdome:
Guess-a-Wrecks are awesome. But I agree with the first anonymous poster. Guess-a-Wreck answers plus new wrecks would be even more awesome.
My two year old girl took one look and said, "airplane."
I still say it's a grilled salmon. I'm just not seeing this superdome. But that was fun!
Okay, I understand the orange now, but why the Fleur de Lys?
OMG i totally thought it was supposed to be a fire place or someting.... wow!!!!
That's the Superdome? Well......OK, but I still say it looks nothing like the real thing.
I had to go back and read the all the comments to yesterday's post. And now I'm crying and gasping in pain from laughing so much.
You would think a round cake would be so much easier and more effective in executing the design.
Jennifer, the fleur de lys is the Saints' logo. Still a strange design for a cake...
To Jennifer: It's the symbol of the New Orleans Saints.
Go Saints!
Went to New Orleans in the Summer of 2000. (Yeah, what was I thinking!?)
Giants weren't winning and I feel in love.
Too bad the Cake decorator isn't a football fan.
This is what happens when I miss a post. Almost being buried by all the enthusiasic commentors.
Hey I know what would make up for it, a free 'Wreaktastic' calendar! ;) cui.
You don't even want to know how long it took me to figure out those are helmets and not olives with royal icing piped on top!
Knowing what it's supposed to be makes me cry because someone wanted it to be a fabulous tribute to the Superdome (I admit, living in another country and being uninterested in/ignorant of football, I never would have guessed what it was). And it turned out like this, accused of being grilled salmon or a couch or something squashed by a UFO. :(
I still think that its an exploding couch
I can't wait for the Crisco Princess and the Frog cake wrecks. You promised us, Jen! :(
And yeah, I was hoping for another wreck to accompany today's post... A wreck a day keeps the (psychiatrist) doctor away!!!! Crap joke, what do you want. >:P
The cake doesn't look anything at all like the Super Dome. The colour's all wrong...
I showed this to my husband and I pointed out the footballs. Immediately he said something about New Orleans. BUT when I asked him, "But what IS it? All of that around the emblem? What is that supposed to be?" he had no idea.
Hey! I posted one of the "chosen" comments! Thanks, Queen of the Wrecks!
Honestly--I had (1) no clue that it was a sports arena and (2) absolutely did not identify those surrounding ornaments as miniature football helmets. Had I done that, I might have made the connection.
However, in keeping with the original task of the "contest" being more akin to a rorschach test than a "can you tell what this is" guessing game, I really didn't attempt to figure out what the cake was.
So I'm the only one here who looked at that cake and saw a re-enactment of undersea prehistoric life? Nice to know I'm unique. :)
I didn't even venture a guess, I'm not even going to say what I thought the helmets were at first. Now that the answer is up I'm still not seeing it. I realize the people were taking artistic license with the colors but I still don't see how it resembles the superdome. That is quite possibly the oddest cake I have ever seen.
No way ! A stadium?? Yikes. So, the little brown things with the white stripe are footballs?? Amazing. That has to be the ugliest cake ever. ever.
I am wondering WHO the heck came up with this blog I mean, this blog has got to be famous because the next post has 568 posts. POST RECORD!
Okay, mine doesn't count, because I saw the results post before the original one. I showed it to my husband though, and even though he correctly identified the football helmets, his first guess was a coffin and his second was a really messed-up football field.
WOW! I live in New Orleans and knew it had something to do with the Saints but the 'dome NEVER registered, lol.
Beetles. I see beetles everywhere!
"A coffin carried by beetles". That one made me laugh out loud (not that easy to do).
You have a great site - keep 'em coming!!!!
...Seriously? D: XD
I'm terribly myopic, but even when I remove my glasses, those two things still appear glaringly different to me.
For better or for worse, the solution to this mystery doesn't cause you to say, "OHHHH!!! NOWWW I see it! Oh I feel so dumb!"
So, I do love the Guess-a-Wreck concept! It's fun all around: the mysterious cake... the hilarious and creative guesses... the anticipation of finding out what the thing is supposed to be... the bewilderment even after the inspiration for the cake is revealed!
"The football team got teleported to the Land of OZ (note the yellow brick road) by a large grey rock where a giant couch (complete with fleu-de-lis decorative cusion) and coffee table were dropped on them. That dark reddish brown piping at the bottom is depicting the gory nastyness." :-) I agree.