
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Song (51)


Hawaiians Weep Tonight

OK, everybody! Sing it with me!


What does
that saaay?

A wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh
A wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh
A wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh
A wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh


In the bakery, the mega bakery

Hawaiians weep tonight

In the bakery, the mega bakery

Hawaiians scream in fright.



... flip-flop dismaaaaay.


... Those. Aren't. Okaaaaay.


Near the village, there's lava spillage

They may not last the night...

Near the village, the gummies pillage

Hawaiians flee their plight.



... beach disarraaaaaay.



... throw that awaaaaay.


[wailing and instrumental solo]


Hush my darling, don't dare, my darling

That pineapple's not right...

Hush my darling, don't stare, my darling




Aloha OY! to Anony, Deirdre, Susan K., Melissa V., Lisa & Kate & Rob, Sophie J., Karen H., Alyssa B., Patricia M., Samantha M., And Christy J., for braving their various bakeries to send these to us. It's a jungle out there.


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Lean On Me

Everybody clap your hands and sway a little, k?


Some guys and their wives
See only shame
See only sorrrrrow


But if they are wise
they know that wrecks
Are so much more, oh!


Lean on me
When you're stacked wrong!


And I'll be your end
I'll mock you WITH this song


It won't be lo-oo-ong
Until gravity

Makes sure that you're cleeean gone!


Please, don't tell the bride
If it's a wreck, it needs no intro


no one can tell; maybe she'll need
something sweet to throw!


Lean on me!
When you're stacked wrong

And I'll be your end
I'll mock you WITH this song


It won't be long
Until gravity

Makes sure that you're clean gone!


You just call on your mother
When you need a hand

These cakes need somebody to leeeean on!


I just might have a Pisa
That we never planned

These cakes need somebody to leeean on!


Just faaaalll free!
(If you need to end)
Faaaaallll free
Oh, wreck it, now!



Thanks to Steve, Deanne M., James N., Rachel O., Jessica R., Carol Anne, Kat B., Richard B., Anony M., & Rebecca Z. for the wedding crash course.

[Get it? Instead of 'main course?' Eh? OH C'MON THAT WAS AWESOME.]


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