A Mary Sing-Along

(In case you need a refresher:)
Can’t the wreckerators tell when something looks atrocious?
This is not a cake that would be served by any hostess!
So many times when I buy cakes I find it quite absurd
How often bakery frosting can look like a pile of turds
Or oozing sores…
or glistening, ruptured spleens
I just want a dessert that won't turn all of my guests green!
Can’t the wreckerators tell when something looks atrocious?
This is not a cake that would be served by any hostess
(Move that away a little, I'm gonna die)
(Move that away a little, I'm gonna die)
Reader Comments (34)
Oh, glurp! What ARE those things on the seventh cake? Jelly fish, washed up on the shore and spattered with bits of seaweed? The Squire thought the third one down was a lobster tail.
Oh you've outdone yourselves! I'm gonna be humming Supercalifragilistic............ for the rest of the day!
I never thought that anything could make chocolate look gross O_o
Bravo! Now I've got the sung stuck my brain:^}
Is the last thing an upside down *palm tree*, or a "seriously in need of medical intervention" body part?
Only a wreckreator can turn chocolate into something disturbing and stomach turning.
My question is...isn't that a sin? o.0
It should be.
Bravo Sharyn and Jen and John (thoj). I love this song and now am happy, happy I tell you to have it stuck in my head. Sharyn's version not the original. Everyone now..."Stupid-gobs-of-frosting-turned-into-a - scene-of-grossness..."
I totally sang with this while doing my best to ignore the nastiness. It was kind of fun! :D
Thank you for the coffee warning on the Facebook post. It saved my life.
Musical genius!
AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUGHHHHHHHHHH! Please pass the eye bleach! I cannot unsee these!
(Also, *thanks a lot* for the earworm, Sharyn.)
**she said sarcastically** :)
Erm... The first one looks like a Petri dish after you applied it to a very filthy place... *lol*
Most disgraceful sight I've ever seen...
The third cake down might have been cute if better executed, but I don't think there's ever an occasion to create bridge railings with human teeth. I'd like to know what's under the pile of chocolate frosting on cake #2. It looks rather... muscular.
Lady Ann- I thought they were engorged ticks...
Surely these are not cakes, but failed biology experiments?!
(Ten points for the song lyrics, but I still don't see any cakes.)
Okay, so cake #2 has harvest theme plastic flotsam on top of it...is it supposed to be a turkey? A pumpkin? I seriously can't figure it out! At least the next to last one resembles a turkey, even if it is an inedible one!
In response to sendingtheclowns about the last cake being a palm tree or body part-I think it is a carrot, because it kind of looks like the cake itself could be carrot cake. As likely as anything though, it is a smiley face or something as equally unlikely!
You guys are the best? 😂😂😂
Ok I'm with the first commentator. Can anyone identify #7 cause I am mystified. I actually said "What the he## is that?" out loud! 😳
Some of these cakes look like they are based on designs by H.R. Giger.
Best. Post. Ever!!!
My husband thoroughly enjoy me singing to him as he perused the lovely cakes. He thinks the spleeens look like what our cats leave behind when they eat a mouse. Yum, just what I want on a cake!
#3 has a perfectly preserved fossil jawbone of Australopithecus mixmorfrostingordii! The bakery is obviously saving the skull for Halloween.
Cake #2 looks like whatever that yellow thing is took W A Y too much laxative.
I can picture Nanny Ogg (Discworld series for the uninitiated) serving the last one. Only more phallic.
Come to think of it, Nanny would approve of most of the "manly" cakes on this site. She's led a very adventurous life.
I've always assumed the people who make these things actually hate their jobs and are expressing it passive aggressively.
Gentle readers... always make sure to use the men's (or ladies') room before perusing this site, lest you have a laughter-induced "accident", like I just did, reading this post.
I counted 3, maybe 4 (the tag wasn't wholly visible) Kroger cakes. Yeah Kroger!!!
The 2nd cake approximation is a grande sized :POOP: emoji, with a lovely bit of accessoriation!
Giant. :poop:. 💩
My 12 year old wants to know if that was *supposed* to look like corn in cake #8.
Well blech. I cannot see how anyone would buy these without feeling ill lol. Now I need eye bleach especially for that one that looks like a turkey. Ughhh.
'Be wary about serving these or it could change your life'
'for example?'
'I served this to my lady, and now she's my ex-wife'
That last one, fishfinger with snot Eew
I shouldn't have looked at this post before breakfast... :(
It's funny to read while listening to the song.
I see the teeth on #3, too. Al the K wins in my book for knowing the Latin name of the primate species, related to early hominids, which tragically faced extinction due to its inability to leave the buffet. This characteristic apparently resulted in both making its whereabouts highly predictable for large carnivores, and the inability to hoist itself up trees, or run away from, those carnivores.