Men Of Marvel

Note: This post is not appropriate for young children. And the older ones will be all, "Ooooohh! I'm gonna tell DADDY!!" so you might lock them out, too.
Spider-Man's dirty little secret revealed:
Now that's a Dynamic Duo.
Here's one of the lesser-known heroes, Essenem Man:
He may not be much of a fighter, but he is always on the ball.
The good news: little Ryder had no idea why his mom was in such a hurry to cut the cake.
The bad news: everyone else at the party did.
Liz D., Kristen C., Mark F., & Rebecca J., I would tell you who my favorite superhero is, but I'm afraid it's a three-way tie.
Note: If you're wondering, the second cake is supposed to be Batman. Obviously.
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Reader Comments (25)
I must be getting old because some of those I had to really search to see the NSFC of the wreck. Once it has been seen, it cannot be unseen.
Hahahah! Good to know my inner 12-year-old is alive and kicking. Though it took me far too long to get "Essenem Man", I laughed when it clicked!
Hoo boy. Funny in a perverse kind of way!
Hehehehe :P
Hrmm the essenem man went right over my head. Can someone explain?
Essenem man... totally worth the moment of puzzlement (which in itself is sad, considering I've attended the Minneapolis Rubber Ball in the past...*ahem*)
Are we sure the second cake isn't supposed to be Swamp Thing? I'm really feeling Swampy vibes on that one.
Reminds me of the Ambiguously Gay Duo on SNL lol
Oh Laws Yasssss! My inner 12 year old boy is laughing uncontrollably.
I'M GOING TO TELL ... whaddaya mean, no cake for me if I do? Really? Never mind. Just don't give me the slice with the you-know-what on it. Whaddaya mean "Just pretend it's not there"?
No comments on the Happy Birtadaye Anniversary Tense Hulk cake?!
OMG! I laughed out loud at the Hulk cake. I too have an inner twelve-year-old boy! (And I'm a 49-year-old woman!) Guess when the Hulk busts out, EVERYTHING grows!
Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does the splits like a dancer can,
Spins a web, between his thighs,
All he does is unzip his flies,
Lookout! Here comes the Spiderman!
Is he strong? Well he can
Help to 'double-team' Superman,
Hulk saw that, Hulk was tense,
S&Mman was in suspense,
To hiiiiim, it doesn't cause a hang-up
He'll do a bedroom gang-up,
Broad-minded Spidermaaaaaaaan!
I have no excuse.
Why does Superman have those eyelashes? Is there something you need to tell us, Clark?
Nathan R: S and M. Sadomasochism. It looks like the figure is wearing a latex bondage suit.
Lmao at that last cake. Oh man so wrong so very very wrong lol.
Essandem Man is wearing an S&M outfit, one that completely covers the body and head with leather, leaving only an opening for the mouth.
There's a place called Noir Leather that's in an area I like to frequent (amazing sushi there) but if they're going for a gimp suit the color's all wrong.
On the Hulk cake, "Birthday" is spelled wrong. There is no "E" in "Birthday."
I was thinking Bride of the Creature from the Black Lagoon on the Batman cake. The while sections look like a veil. Not sure if that's better or worse.
Essenem Man reminds me of a sentient turd, which kinda gags me.
Nathan R: The point is, that is NOT what they were going for. DO try to keep up.
No need to insult me bad karma though that WAS meant to be a joke heh. Granted the color's off they were going for batman as well.
But (or should I say "butt"?) the color's juuuuust right for a sentient turd!! XP
And, dr. handle FTW!!! That first cake had my inner 12-year-old boy AND my outer fifty-year-old woman busting a gut laughing.
That's not an "E" on the end of "Birthday" on the Hulk cake. It's the "E" used instead of an ampersand (&) to denote "and" as in Happy Birthday [and] Anniversary"