Sunday Sweets: Wedding Wonders

Shaped and themed cakes are awesome, of course, but I still drool and dream over more traditional wedding cakes, too. After all, they've come a long way from just simple tiers with flowers - even the simple tiers with flowers!
Love this SO MUCH.
And take a look at this amazing "fabric" pleating:
(By Delectable by Su)
Hard to believe those tufted pinwheels and embroidered borders are all sugar. It's so perfect!
And check out the string work on this engagement beauty:
(By Hana of A Piece of Cake)
I love the curls on the top tier, and the piping on the bottom lace collar and upper level strings is simply awe-inspiring. Skill like this always renews my faith in cake artistry. :)
Here's a sweet dress-inspired design:
Look at the design at the bottom of the skirt ruffles!
And how's this for a modern twist on a classic?
(By Elizabeth's Cakes)
If you've never stacked or tried to support cakes in the shape of a ball before, let me assure you: it's hard. And all that detail! Totally swoon-worthy.
Another rounded design:
(By See-Through-Silence)
See that lace border on top? Someone piped that. Yeah. Respect!
And speaking of mad piping skills:
(By The Cake Gallery)
Whoah. This reminds me of the Victorian-themed Grand Floridian resort here in Orlando. Frills and bows and hand-piped lace, oh my!
Or, for a more modern touch:
(By Fleur de Lisa Cakes)
This has been one of my favorite designs since before I even started CW. I love the swirls and the bold flowers.
Or, how about John's favorite?
(By Sugarbelle Cakes)
And finally, the cake that had me scooping my jaw off the desk:
(By Susan Trianos aka Peecheekeeno)
That's all *cake*, guys. Look at that tufted tier in the middle. LOOK AT IT. Now, tell me: how the heck do they DO that? Not to mention the perfect corset lacing, the bows, the ruffles, the porcelain-perfect gumpaste roses...seriously, I think I could stare at this all day. Just. Gorgeous.
Happy Sunday!
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (11)
I look at these amazing cakes and I imagine newly engaged persons taking photos of these to their baker and asking for "one just like this" and then later, sadly posting the resulting wreck some months later. When they've stopped crying over their reception photos. But for now I'm going to go back and look at these beauties one more time!
Sorry, but some of these are wrecks. Sorry.
[Editor's note- Okay. -john (the hubby of Jen)]
Gorgeous, simply breathtaking. My personal favorite is the last one, followed closely by the black and white cake a few entries above it. All these are not mere cakes, but works of art and I am in awe of those artists who created we've seen time and time again, these aren't "just" cakes that can be replicated easily by anyone calling themselves a cake decorator.
That being said...I do wish that the fine folks at Cakewrecks would publish the prices paid for these cakes - or rather works of art - as well as their photos, in order to prevent the situations that the previous poster Shannon describes. It seems to me that far too many people want champagne weddings on a beer budget, and nowhere is this more evident than in the "missed the mark" wedding cakes.
Ah, but then I guess we wouldn't be reading this blog having our morning ha-ha, would we? Nevermind...
Carry on.
The fifth down reminds me of a Victorian it just me?
And, does anyone else *see* a stereotypical "fortune teller" head/wrap on the round white and blue ball cake?
These are fascinating! I just can't picture cutting into them. Ouch!
Did anyone else notice that that last cake (plus the gorgeous one in the background) is just hanging out on someone's dining room table? Not a fancy reception hall or bakery photo shoot. Nope. "Yeah, I just threw this together for the garden club, but watch, they'll complain because I didn't make cupcakes..."
I agree with Nutmeg I to would like to see some pricing. That being said. #3 My jaw and heart dropped at the sight of this cake. #7 and 10 speechless .
I liked cake number two (the fabricy one) EXCEPT for how those unnecessary flowers pushed the cake askew. I'm sure they were going for that whimsical look but the cake was too regal for whimsy. Sorry.
I want that one with the blue butterflies. I want to keep it forever!
If you follow the link under that last photo, you find it was an entry in the Canadian National Wedding Cake Competition. Maybe the second cake was another entry, or potential entry, by the same baker? Believe it or not, this beauty only won 2nd place!
Skatie, I was curious so I clicked on the link to that cake. It was created for a competition, and it won SECOND place. We'll all have to search for the first place winner now!
I wish we could search for a post by date. Sometimes I miss a post but then can't find it.