A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
Are you ready, Muskogee County? 'Cuz this weekend...IS...
MEGAWIZARDDRAGONANIMEBABECON! presented by Bass Pro Shops and Fashion Bug
That's right, freaks n' geeks, the MWDABC has it all!
- Bazillions of "A" list celebrities, like that guy that guest starred on Buffy that time!(You know, the one with the hair? Yeah, that one!!)
- Amazing costumes!
(By Brian Fishman who has a fantastic sense of humor)
Note: please wear amazing costumes.
Also, body paint is allowed, and even encouraged...
...on females.
- The largest Vendor Room this side of Gallifrey, where you'll find every comic book, funny hat, or authentic-movie-replica sword you've ever dreamed of!
NOTE: actual merchandise may differ from promotional imagery.
Like so.
- HUGE role-playing tournament area!
WOW, gamers, this room is to "die" for!
- Vow renewals!
NOTE: Additional fee applies. Cake not included. Choice of action figure wedding toppers include Watchmen (shown above) and Spock n' Leia:
"Love is illogical."
"I know."
- Back by popular demand, the "Picard Maneuver" photo opportunity!
NOTE: Additional fee applies. Reasonable Picard facsimile may be substituted.All rights reserved. MWDABC will not be held responsible for any communicable diseases contracted while participating in the Picard maneuver photo opportunity.
- And, fellas, don't forget all the bodacious booth babes just waiting to have their pictures taken with you!
"For the last time, no, we DON'T know when Slave Leia is coming back. Now, do you want a picture or not?"
Plus, don't miss our featured events:
Lou Ferrigno!
NOTE: Mr. Ferrigno will not be appearing in costume. Nor will he be smacking anything.
And Val Kilmer!
NOTE: Mr. Kilmer actually will be appearing in his original Batman costume. We're not sure why.
- And finally, be sure to check out our exclusive appearance by the one and only William Shatner! Who may or may not be performing his iconic "Rocket Man!"(Assuming we can find enough cigarettes.)
He's a ROCK. IT. MAN.
Thanks to Kimberly C., Theresa, Jaclyn C., Talia B., River W., Barb I., Kelli G., Teresa M., Lucy V., Missy B., & Clau...
And a happy belated briday to the Shat.
Oh, and now that I've got you all pumped for a con, I should note that there really *is* a scifi convention in Orlando this weekend, and John and I are totally going. See you there, fellow Florida geeks!
@SuBee: I wasn't until the very end and he grinned, like he was thinking, "I can't believe all these people took this so seriously." And even if he wasn't then, he has been known to self-mock more recently.
WV: eches. Shatner's spoken-word Rocket Man eches itself on your memory.
Love the whole post today, but I keep getting stopped at the Picard wedding? cake. Is kissing 'The Picard' some new tradition at weddings? Is the happy couple in search of the captain's blessing on their marriage? Intriguing as those ideas are, I still don't think I'd be willing to hack into any part of him after all the cake pics had been taken. Jus' sayin'.
Thanks as always for the laughs. Once again, you've made my day.
I wonder if Hugh Jackman has seen that Wolverine cake. *shudder*
And please, please tell me that that sword picture was not supposed to be the inspiration for the cake that followed. Heck, a 5-yr-old could do better!
And I'm totally digging the big blob of white frosting underneath Leia and Spock! lol! I mean, seriously? They couldn't have used just a bit less frosting?
Doesn't quite sound like my kind of convention. Totally wishing that I lived in FL right now, though! I hope we see pics on epbot of the real con! :-)
ROFL I had forgotten exactly how terrible that video was. My dad showed it to me way back when I was a wee one and I didn't get it. Now I understand the word "interpreted" so much better.
And Bats looks like he should stop trying to blend in with the Penguin's hench...pens. Hee.
I always pictured Kirk and Spock on top of a cake, not Leah. This is just proof that even Superheros aren't immune to a bad frosting gun. P.S., when did Batman gain all that weight?
Oh, I *wish* this had been a post LAST WEEK, as last weekend was my annual SFF convention / weekend of geekdom! Fear not, I'm forwarding, but it would have been a hoot during many discussions! Thank, Cake Wrecks, as usual, you're amazing!
WV - dechancr: What is dechancr the princesses are actually female?
Sorry, I know there are lots of Shat fans out there, but I could only get through 1/2 of the video clip... when not cringing in horror, I kept wondering what brand of cigarette he was using to generate such huge plumes of smoke...
Wow. I don't know if I should be honored or horrified!
My friend just told me to check out Cake Wrecks. Spock and Leia are from our wedding and it is was our groom's cheese"cake". I have no clue how this picture got out. I got the figurines as a special inside joke for my husband. He's the Star Trek fan, I'm the Star Wars fan, and I know ... never the twain shall meet. But we did. And got married in spite of it. ;)
I love the tag line. And everyone's comments.
@Classic Steve - Spock is bigger than Leia because it was hard to find two action figures of the same height in 30 days. lol.
@pikkewyntjie "Spock and Leia--that's awesome! Be even better if she was in the slave outfit. " lol. Um. NO.
@Jen "Spock and Leia! WHAT? That doesn't even go together." EXACTLY. Love conquers all. :)
@Laura P. "And I'm totally digging the big blob of white frosting underneath Leia and Spock! lol! I mean, seriously? They couldn't have used just a bit less frosting?" Ouch. Well, I guess it would have looked less odd if I hadn't just picked up a normal cheesecake and "wrecked" it for true love.
@pdxnico "Are Leia and Spock on a flan "cake"? The Star Wars and Star Trek universes battle it out in wedded bliss atop a tasty Mexican dessert, my mind is officially blown." haha. Outside of the Flan, that's exactly it.
Ok, folks, I'm done. :) Live long and ... may the Force be with you?
Post today was perfect. Mid-South Con is this weekend too. So we're all geared up for that here in Memphis. Perfect theme today, amd as always, funnier than "poop" to my 7 and 3 yr old boys.
I'm just wondering why you're picking on Muskogee. Not that it doesn't deserve it (especially love the Bass Pro Shops/Fashion Bug sponsor0, but it seems very random.
omgn! that video almost made me pee my pants. i have never seen that. that alone was the laugh of the day but i look forward to your website every day for great laughs. thanks for cheering me every day!
As Andrea B's former roommate, I will say that I did freak out when she showed them to me. We threatened to find Han Solo and Chewbacca figurines to stand menacingly by the cake and threaten Spock, but we just didn't have enough time...
Aww, we're not picking on Muskogee. Jen asked me for the name of an out-of-the-way place and I thought of Muskogee. It just sort of popped into my mind. We added the county because it sounded even more remote. That said, you have to admit it would be awesome if this convention came to Muskogee.
Interesting note: I say "Muskogee" with a distinctly Canadian accent.
True story, and i don't know if anybody's said this yet since I don't like to delve into the comments too much, but there is a (pretty bad) cartoon movie called "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" that William Shatner recorded the theme song for. It's called "To Infinity and Beyond" and it's HORRIBLE.
the wolverine was actually made by me. It started out being for my sons birthday party, the early stage of my cake decorating career. After it turned into a "Buff Freddy Mercury with a bad hairdo" i scrapped it. Still glad that it is appreciated for its pros and cons
Reader Comments (141)
What weirdo universe crossed Rolf with The Hulk?
Batman on the batcan ready to explode. Gotham City's new threat. Yeah. Saw that, too.
Dang. Haven't been to a con in years!
Laughingmom said it for me - and on the first comment too!
-- Gretchen
@SuBee: I wasn't until the very end and he grinned, like he was thinking, "I can't believe all these people took this so seriously." And even if he wasn't then, he has been known to self-mock more recently.
WV: eches. Shatner's spoken-word Rocket Man eches itself on your memory.
Love the whole post today, but I keep getting stopped at the Picard wedding? cake. Is kissing 'The Picard' some new tradition at weddings? Is the happy couple in search of the captain's blessing on their marriage? Intriguing as those ideas are, I still don't think I'd be willing to hack into any part of him after all the cake pics had been taken. Jus' sayin'.
Thanks as always for the laughs. Once again, you've made my day.
I wonder if Hugh Jackman has seen that Wolverine cake. *shudder*
And please, please tell me that that sword picture was not supposed to be the inspiration for the cake that followed. Heck, a 5-yr-old could do better!
And I'm totally digging the big blob of white frosting underneath Leia and Spock! lol! I mean, seriously? They couldn't have used just a bit less frosting?
Doesn't quite sound like my kind of convention. Totally wishing that I lived in FL right now, though! I hope we see pics on epbot of the real con! :-)
"Love is illogical." "I know." Brilliant! LOL
Say hello to James Masters for me!
With a change of color, Picard's head would look like one of the grays from Roswell, N.M.
WV: Tripidgz "There was some major tripidgz going on when these wrecks were thought up."
"...My three year old daughter is currently running around in a Hellboy mask brandishing a lightsaber at the cats..."
My complements, Sif. You are raisin' that thar child up JUST RIGHT!
ROFL I had forgotten exactly how terrible that video was. My dad showed it to me way back when I was a wee one and I didn't get it. Now I understand the word "interpreted" so much better.
And Bats looks like he should stop trying to blend in with the Penguin's hench...pens. Hee.
I must say that this...
...looks like the unfortunate consequence of a romance between a sea cucumber and and horseshoe crab.
A REAL horseshoe crab, not an alien in costume.
I'll be at MegaCon on Saturday wrangling my three children and taking pictures of everything. This should be REALLY fun :D
Is it wrong that I love the Spock and Leia cake-topper? Hilarious!
"Love is illogical."
"I know."
HAAa! (Snort)
I always pictured Kirk and Spock on top of a cake, not Leah. This is just proof that even Superheros aren't immune to a bad frosting gun. P.S., when did Batman gain all that weight?
Huh. I guess I no longer have to wonder what the Hulk & Sesame Streets Ernie's child would look like.
You know, I have seen so many parodies of Shatner "singing" but had never seen his actual performance doing such until now. Thank you.
It's Patrick Swayze as Cinderella, Joe Leguizamo as Snow White and Wesley Snipes as Sleeping Beauty - "To Walt Disney, with love, Julie Newmar".
I'm kind of in love with the Spock/Leia wedding cake topper.
Star Wars and Star Trek on the same cake? Wow, I think the universe just collapsed!
Oh, I *wish* this had been a post LAST WEEK, as last weekend was my annual SFF convention / weekend of geekdom! Fear not, I'm forwarding, but it would have been a hoot during many discussions! Thank, Cake Wrecks, as usual, you're amazing!
WV - dechancr: What is dechancr the princesses are actually female?
Wow, I had no idea Javier Bardem was now playing wolverine!
Hilarious! The princesses look like men in drag!
Picard Maneuver FTW! I love you. That's all.
I want that watchmen figures cake. Only i'd like it to be chocolate.
Sorry, I know there are lots of Shat fans out there, but I could only get through 1/2 of the video clip... when not cringing in horror, I kept wondering what brand of cigarette he was using to generate such huge plumes of smoke...
I couldn't stop myself from reading this out loud, in my best monster truck "SUNDAYSUNDAYSUNDAY!!!!!" voice. So. Thanks for that.
A fat, unhappy Batman with no knees is what every kid wants on their cake. I guess even super heroes get middle-aged spread.
Not sure which is my favorite - the Hulk with the Wallace & Grommit face, the dead ninja turtle (a.k.a. sword/shield), or Batman with a beer belly.
Wow. I don't know if I should be honored or horrified!
My friend just told me to check out Cake Wrecks. Spock and Leia are from our wedding and it is was our groom's cheese"cake". I have no clue how this picture got out. I got the figurines as a special inside joke for my husband. He's the Star Trek fan, I'm the Star Wars fan, and I know ... never the twain shall meet. But we did. And got married in spite of it. ;)
I love the tag line. And everyone's comments.
@Classic Steve - Spock is bigger than Leia because it was hard to find two action figures of the same height in 30 days. lol.
@pikkewyntjie "Spock and Leia--that's awesome! Be even better if she was in the slave outfit. " lol. Um. NO.
@Jen "Spock and Leia! WHAT? That doesn't even go together." EXACTLY. Love conquers all. :)
@Laura P. "And I'm totally digging the big blob of white frosting underneath Leia and Spock! lol! I mean, seriously? They couldn't have used just a bit less frosting?" Ouch. Well, I guess it would have looked less odd if I hadn't just picked up a normal cheesecake and "wrecked" it for true love.
@pdxnico "Are Leia and Spock on a flan "cake"? The Star Wars and Star Trek universes battle it out in wedded bliss atop a tasty Mexican dessert, my mind is officially blown." haha. Outside of the Flan, that's exactly it.
Ok, folks, I'm done. :) Live long and ... may the Force be with you?
Post today was perfect. Mid-South Con is this weekend too. So we're all geared up for that here in Memphis. Perfect theme today, amd as always, funnier than "poop" to my 7 and 3 yr old boys.
Can I dub the green guy "The Inedible Hulk?" lol
I'm just wondering why you're picking on Muskogee. Not that it doesn't deserve it (especially love the Bass Pro Shops/Fashion Bug sponsor0, but it seems very random.
that Batman needs a bra!
Andrea, you're awesome. Can we be BFF's? lol
omgn! that video almost made me pee my pants. i have never seen that. that alone was the laugh of the day but i look forward to your website every day for great laughs.
thanks for cheering me every day!
As Andrea B's former roommate, I will say that I did freak out when she showed them to me. We threatened to find Han Solo and Chewbacca figurines to stand menacingly by the cake and threaten Spock, but we just didn't have enough time...
I'm a rocket, man.
I'm a rock-it-MAN!
Aww, we're not picking on Muskogee. Jen asked me for the name of an out-of-the-way place and I thought of Muskogee. It just sort of popped into my mind. We added the county because it sounded even more remote. That said, you have to admit it would be awesome if this convention came to Muskogee.
Interesting note: I say "Muskogee" with a distinctly Canadian accent.
Wreck On!
OMG, this was truly a LOL post today!
On the "princess" cake, the one on the right looks so much like it may have been done by Picasso. Look at the bust.
Batman looks he's suffering from an acute case of Dunlop disease.
And is that last one Buzz Lightyear in a straitjacket?
When I scrolled down to the second cake, my first thought was, "Why is Ernie green?" (Bert & Ernie)
True story, and i don't know if anybody's said this yet since I don't like to delve into the comments too much, but there is a (pretty bad) cartoon movie called "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" that William Shatner recorded the theme song for. It's called "To Infinity and Beyond" and it's HORRIBLE.
On the second Hulk cake...are those...jelly beans? Yuck!
I think someone needs to make a 3 Shatner moon shirt. (Extreme geekness required.)
If anyone has seen Val Kilmer lately, I think the Batman cake is actually an accurate rendition.
TYPO! It is not Shat's belated "birday!" I expect better. (=
Other than that, I have no complaints.
Carry on.
Just in case no one's pointed it out yet, that Picard cake looks more like the love child of Picard and Voldemort. Which I love.
Leia and Spock? On the same cake? "Must.Not.Cross.The.Streams!" There. A third movie reference, no charge!
Merry at Annie's Book Stop/Sharon, MA
WV: etatop. Etatop of the Trek/Wars cake, and all the fans can stop blanching in horror! *G*
I love you. I. Just. Love you.
a@ Anonymous (4:38 PM)
Hulk Poop!
the wolverine was actually made by me. It started out being for my sons birthday party, the early stage of my cake decorating career. After it turned into a "Buff Freddy Mercury with a bad hairdo" i scrapped it. Still glad that it is appreciated for its pros and cons