Why On Earth Did You Buy THAT?

Well, ok, then.
"It beats jello"
"95% of diets fail anyway"
"Cheaper than therapy"
"It was this or rhubarb pie."
"The end MIGHT be nigh"

Now, quick, go BE FUNNY. Chop chop!
UPDATE: Here are some of my favorite entries so far, in case you don't feel like scrolling through the 1000+ comments:
"Think of the laughs you'll get" - Anony 10:09
"You could always send this to Cake Wrecks" - TechyDad
"Eatable" - Kathyrn R.
"Mostly Harmless" - Cat Beiber
"Get Used To Disappointment" - Lynn
"My Other Cake Has A Witty Saying On It" - Tessa Beers
"D***n it, Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a cake decorator!" - Becky@whatslifewithoutwhimsy
"It's not as old as it looks" - Jen (3:44pm)
"I quit" - Donna
"It was this or death" - M.A.
"Think of the children" - Tracy
"Like you could do any better." - Tami
"The bananas in your cart look lonely." - Charlie's Mom
"As seen on Cake Wrecks!" - Ashley
"We only would have screwed up your custom cake order, anyway." - Julie
"Don't act like you've never settled before." - Bryan & Jessica
"In some foreign countries this is actually a compliment." - Dolores
"Suck it, Trebek." - Janebabes
Reader Comments (1396)
eat me
How about
"You said to pick up a cake, so I dropped it first."
"What do you expect on my allowance, mom?"
She did say "Let them eat cake..."
"Under Jedi mind trick"
Cake with crack is better than no cake at all.
Party Invites - $4.00
Party Supplies - $15.00
Party Decorations - $10.00
Party Cake - $1/2 off
"Still better than your decorating skills"
"A nod's the same as a wink to a blind bat"
"Let's be honest, what else do you have to do today?"
Cut Before Serving
"Cheaper than a massage."
This could go two ways... It's an indulgence for myself that costs less than a massage... or it's less of an time investment for my husband to, ahem, butter me up. (Or should that be buttercream?)
We're all going to die eventually.
Bite Me
"To see it on Cake Wrecks."
How about "its cake". straight and to the point (and with poor punctuation to boot!)
"We need to talk... But here's cake!"
"Filled with laxatives"
I can imagine a maniacal, going-postal Wreckerator actually putting a ton of laxatives in the cake and then trying to sell it. The question is, would people buy it???
You know you want it.
Cheaper than gasoline.
Have your cake and eat it, too.
Not poisoned.
Buy me, or else!
Sugar highs are legal.
No stimulus money? This cake's for you.
My boss told me to write something on this cake.
Only 3 weight watchers points (really small underneath that) per bite.
This cake will crack your friends and family up.
The homeless shelter will not accept this cake as a donation.
The inside doesnt suck...
I was hungry.
Or, "It's fine, I brushed it off after I dropped it, look good as NEW!!"
"oh okay, fine, how about half off?"
"I Quit"
Free IUD in the crack!
"They don pay me to be cleaver"
"Leave Blank"
"I licked the spoon"
"I'm naked under the icicng"
"We're out of sprinkles"
"we all can't get flowers"
"I know you want the end piece"
I call last piece!
50% Off! (I ate the other half...)
"You know no one's gonna eat your broccoli encased in lime jello anyways."
But then again, that might be too many big words for the wreckerator, you know a few of them are gonna be misspelled...
sugar coma for the kids...
ten minutes of quiet for you...
greta leigh
Cake... the other white meat.
Bite Me in quotation marks
"Beauty is only icing deep."
"The cake part (probably) tastes okay."
"Why not?"
"Don't judge me."
Eff it.
Just say "NO"
It's better than Mom's meatloaf. Or, in true CW fashion:
"Itz badder then Moms MeatLoaf"
"It's only wafer thin!"
-Danielle Poirier
Simple and elegant...
Beats your cake.
"Your mom would do a worse job than this..."
It tastes the same with the lights off.
Think of the children.
Go ahead, the cashier will never think you're eating it alone.
My dad gave me money to buy a cake for my Mum and told me I could keep the change!
"I Tried - 1979"
Laura Mc
Frosting 101 Final Exam
Underneath that
Grade: C
THIS cake is not a lie
Beats real flowers
It's cake! It's pink! It has flowers on it! OMG!
It's fat free... not!
Should've read the comments first. Someone else already used "the other white meat".
Ooh-ooh - how 'bout...
"No Whammies!"
"Hey, it's still cake. Cake is delicious."