Why On Earth Did You Buy THAT?

Well, ok, then.
"It beats jello"
"95% of diets fail anyway"
"Cheaper than therapy"
"It was this or rhubarb pie."
"The end MIGHT be nigh"

Now, quick, go BE FUNNY. Chop chop!
UPDATE: Here are some of my favorite entries so far, in case you don't feel like scrolling through the 1000+ comments:
"Think of the laughs you'll get" - Anony 10:09
"You could always send this to Cake Wrecks" - TechyDad
"Eatable" - Kathyrn R.
"Mostly Harmless" - Cat Beiber
"Get Used To Disappointment" - Lynn
"My Other Cake Has A Witty Saying On It" - Tessa Beers
"D***n it, Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a cake decorator!" - Becky@whatslifewithoutwhimsy
"It's not as old as it looks" - Jen (3:44pm)
"I quit" - Donna
"It was this or death" - M.A.
"Think of the children" - Tracy
"Like you could do any better." - Tami
"The bananas in your cart look lonely." - Charlie's Mom
"As seen on Cake Wrecks!" - Ashley
"We only would have screwed up your custom cake order, anyway." - Julie
"Don't act like you've never settled before." - Bryan & Jessica
"In some foreign countries this is actually a compliment." - Dolores
"Suck it, Trebek." - Janebabes
Reader Comments (1396)
"10 second rule!"
"You bought it here, what were you expecting?"
At least it doesn't look like poo.
"I had to order my own d*mn cake"
My sister worked in a supermarket bakery and once took an order from a man who wanted that on his cake.
My apologies if there are any "Epcots", but here are mine:
"The real bakery was closed"
"Because I care enough to spend the very least"
"Fresh out of carrot jockeys"
"Herry Birthmaschristenaversary!"
"Cake: $20, Candles: $2, Buying something to post on CakeWrecks: Priceless"
"At least it's not fruitcake?"
And my personal favorite:
"Don't act like you've never settled before."
"....because it's cake?"
"Going out of business"
"Display Cake Only" (50% off sticker still glaringly attached on upper left hand corner...)
I taste good
I'm still cake
you need a pick me up
please take me!
Looking for a home
I clean, I wash..
I'm lonely
I'm the best looking cake on the shelf
nice outfit!
That's all I've got!
Buy the cake or they'll fire me!
Could be worse this could have a clown about to smush your dog on it.
At least it isn't celebrating VD day :D
-To Do-
Fix cabinet door
Unclog airbrush tip
Take down fly strips
Buy more paper for bakery office
"Let Them Eat Me"
"What else where you going to buy, underpants?"
"The bananas in your cart look lonely"
then, in blue icing
"now it's 75 percent off"
"This cake has a diamond center"
Or, if you want me to translate it into Wreckerator speak...
""The centir of this cakeis dimond""
You really crack me up!!!
"You crack me up!"
"Another day on display and I'd start to get moldy."
Pie Sucks!
"this is a cake."
The STD-giving hooker or the cake?
"Hey, where's Perry?"
Suggestion #1: I couldn't afford a ring
Suggestion #2: Happy Significant Day
Kim Fields
Not Quite Fresh?
"It's all a lie"
"I'm lying"
or something along those lines. Probably already been done though.
-Katie :)
A balanced diet is a slice in each hand!
a balanced diet is a slice in each hand ;)
Your other option is Brussels sprouts.
"I still taste good"
"You know you still want it"
"4 hours after eating this will look just as good as any other cake"
"World's going to end in 2012 anyway" :-p
It tastes like chicken.
"Only Dropped Once"
[submitted by Karen]
Cake: the 7th major food group
The only humane thing to do was to put it out of its misery...who has a fork?
"My cupcake beat up your cupcake"
"You should See the "other" cake"
-Adam O.
"Grade D but edible"
Made in China
How long do you actually think this will last?
Eat Me!
The cake is a lie
May contain nuts!
How about...
Please don't eat me!
I think if I got a cake like that, i;d go Sheldon and want it to say "Bazinga!"
Just thought I'd submit this golden oldie....
Mom and Dad went all the way to (fill in the city) and all I got was this lousy cake...
Cobourg, ON
At least it's not a cupcake cake...
At least it's not half BAKED...
Cake adds life...
Bork bork bork bork bork BORK!
"The 'enjoy by' date is just a guide. Honest."
BTW, what was half price -- the frosting?