Happy Labor Day!

I'd like to wish you all a very happy Labor Day in true Cake Wrecks fashion.
(So, you know, you might want to put that coffee down.)
Can I get a virtual drum roll, please?
Bonus Pun: Say, do you suppose this bakery delivers? (Booyah!)
- Related Wreckage: Hey Everybody, Thish Cake ish from Holland. Ishn't that Vierd?
Reader Comments (147)
What a way to relive my c-sections, being completely grossed out by a cake. I think I will lose those last 10 pounds now...
I had a c-section, it involved more than 16 hours of labor. Good times. Or not, but babies are fun...unless they come out of a scapel wound waving a little banner. Then they're just creepy.
OH, NO! Too funny. Just stopped by from heart 2 heart to see what was up here. Happy holiday!
Oh my word... just when I thought I'd seen all the bizarre pregnacy cakes...
Anyway, the puns made me chuckle. Thanks, Jen. :)
Oh my word... just when I thought I'd seen all the bizarre pregnacy cakes...
Anyway, the puns made me chuckle. Thanks, Jen. :)
Ewwwww. And the Looney Toons writing on the sign isn't helping matters... makes me think that Porky Pig is gonna pop out.
Lol! I'll have to show this to my SIL latter. She's busy at the moment delivering my niece!
I'm guessing next year's Labor Day cake could be a vaginal birth cake, you know where the head is crowning?
Very randomly, I read this today: http://snopes.com/photos/medical/thehand.asp
And now this cake.
Weird coincidence!!
What the heck is wrong with people?
Lesley was wondering when the episiotomy cake was coming....I'm waiting for the good old vasectomy cake. mmm mmm mmmmm!
**have a feeling i would have to go to a special kind of site to see that cake**
Oh MY. That's really something. While that cakes themselves might make me think ugh, the comments are great for a laugh.
I don't understand the sign paired with the C-section. If anything, it strikes me as terribly morbid!
Ugh. Too. effin. creepy.
I'm thinking this may be a retirement cake for an ob/gyn doc. People who work in medicine tend to have a rather cavalier attitude about the whole yuck factor. They sort of have to.
Happy Labor Day, everyone.
Ok, You've found it, the worst Baby shower cake out there. The baby caskets were terrible, the naked carrot jockeys - cute in a disturbing way...this one?? Just wrong, on so many levels.
Thanks Cakewrecks for another wonderful start to a Monday Morning!
Ew. *vomits*
Jen, I think your puns have hit a new low. I'm impressed. :-)
Blech... good thing you warned me to put down my coffee... Why? Why? Why would anyone ever think that *that* would be a great idea for a cake? I think I just barfed in my mouth a little.
Thanks Jen...
Maybe this is her last baby, hence the "That's All Folks!"
Dutch you say? My fiancee's Mother is Dutch and the eldest of 16 children! Apparently, when their Grandmother had one of the later Uncles,(who practically FELL out), she looked down briefly and said in a less than enthusiastic tone, "Oh, another boy."
But none were cesareans.
I think that cake is more disgusting than the story I just told!
Wow -- a cake that got an audible "Oh my god!" out of me. Brilliant. :D
If this whole cake wrecks thing doesn't work out, you could surely get a job writing headlines for the New York Post
Who on EARTH would order this? Or serve it? Or not be appalled by it? And the sign means what? Is it a midwife being cruel about women who take their doctor's advice. Lesley B is right, the only place left to go is an episiotomy cake.
Oh PUKE!!!!
Happy holiday! That cake is mildly disturbing...
If this had been published in the paper...would it have been in "C-Section?"
I wonder if this cake took 9 months to bake...a long time to have a bun in the oven...Jen, I think you took all the good puns! I can't match you!
The cake is just too odd for words so I'll comment on the puns...AWESOME! You rock!
This cake was obviously intended for an obstetrician's retirement party. In that context it makes perfect sense, but is no less repulsive.
Things could be worse: the sign could say "Happy Falker Satherhood".
In the words on one of my favorite bloggers (other than you), sicknast.
P.S. Now that you've got a fancy new blog and a book coming out, are you going to have like 8,000 followers. *listening to whisper in my ear.* Oh. Congratulations, then.
My husband described our son's birth as "something out of Alien" and I think this was what he had in mind, but without the sign.
That said, Auugh! I so do not want to be there when they start serving this cake (I just hope it's not red velvet).
Awesome new web design, glad to see the carrot jockeys back. And front.
my word-sinestos Sounds like a Mexican cartoon villian.
That is just wrong on so many levels.
Problems with this cake:
1) You are eating an open wound.
2) If you scrape off the wound, you are still eating a pregnant belly.
3) And inside that belly is a baby.
This is among the most disgusting cakes I have ever seen, I read this blog regularly. Ugh.
I would like a cake that celebrates my natural birth then, please. Crowning = delicious! I mean, sure, I might have to talk to the local erotic bakery to get us started...
Holy crap, can't believe you all were at Dragoncon too! Wish I could have seen you all, would have been pretty neat for me. I did see the guy walking around with Cakey, and that was pretty cool.
love the new look!
Somebody get the flamethrower, we've got a chestburster on the loose!
Anyway, I think I'll stay FAR away from this cake. Alien nightmares are NOT fun.
Thanks! I'm going in for a C-section in 8 days. This was perfectly timed!
I spent my morning researching photos of Caesareans for work. And now I come home to this. I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Something unpleasant.
why is the cake all flesh colored on the edges... the the green surgery sheet leave mommy cake exposed?
That was disturbing. Awesome puns though!
The only thing to top this is a vagina cake with the head crowning out. OMG.
Ugh...NO! You couldn't pay me to eat this thing with your mouth.
And people wonder why I don't want kids. Ugh.
Lesley, PLEASE don't give Stevie Famulari any more disgustingly deranged ideas.
Oh my lord! There is simply no end to the horrible baby shower cakes, is there?!!