It's your wedding day. Of COURSE you want sprinkles.

Did the camel sneeze?
Brides-to-be, want your cake to convey a sense of elegance in addition to the fun, campy style normally reserved for peanut vendors and clown cars? Then have I got the cake for you!

(Levitating tiers come standard. Cake stand extra.)
Or perhaps you'd prefer something less colorful. Something that evokes less "Big Top" and more "Sewer Pipe...with Flowers":

You could call this color a blue/grey/green. Or "hurk," which is faster and more accurate.
Still hungry? This'll help:

I'm reminded of a song my dad used to sing to me when I was little. Maybe you know it. Does "Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts" ring any bells? (Man, they just don't write lullabies like they used to...)
Hey, you know how we're always wondering why more wedding cakes don't use Mardi Gras beads?
Well, wonder no more!

These colors are making me a little queasy.
Which is ironic, considering the Pepto Bismol icing.
[dramatic movie trailer voice]
"She was the belle of the ball, the picture of elegance.
He was a rough country boy who'd never seen a fork.
Together, they would create something the world had never seen.
Something ground breaking.
Something divisive.
Something... well, kind of prickly."

And that's why you always let the groom have his own cake, ladies.
Thanks to Karen M., Karin D., Judy M., Anony M., Danielle T., & Jennifer C. who would all like a stabby piece, please.
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