Wedding Wrecks, Vol. 345

They wanted bubbles:
They got sprinkles.
Mm, crunchy.
They wanted this:
They got... this:
("Hang on, you can still see some icing. BRING MORE FLOWERS!")
And finally,
Jessica wanted this:
... but what she got was so bad that her photographer decided it'd be too much to have the whole cake in frame, and so focused on some guy in the background checking his phone instead:
Good job, Jessica's photographer.
Thanks to Anony M., Sonya J., & Jessica K., who like to think that guy is reading Cake Wrecks, because, dude, SO META.
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Reader Comments (14)
……uh… uh…um… that last cake… uh… okay, …speechless.
That guy is really dressed up for the affair. His shirt looks clean. WAIT A MINUTE! I bet he's the guy that just delivered the cake! He's tweeting "Dropped off that multi green horror . BAZINGA! LOL."
I have enjoyed your blog for quite a while - one of the consequences is that whenever I see a beautiful cake someone would ask for I can now easily imagine how the "professional" will make it. Actually my imagination often isn't enough.
All I can think of is that the baker and the photographer of that last cake must be related. It has to be shared genes. How else do you explain that disaster?
I'm sorry, but I'd sue somebody over that middle one. The "baker" didn't even come close!
Some of those bakers should be ashamed to call themselves pros.
Maybe I’m just becoming desensitized to wrecks, but that first one really doesn’t look that bad to me. That last one, however... It looks the swamp is gradually rising up and consuming it. And the letters on top (!) They’re so big and clumsy they’re barely readable—did the baker’s preschooler “wanna help!”? Those would’ve been better left off.
That bottom layer on the last cake looks like someone dug up the mossy forest and popped grandma's ruffled bed sheets on top.
these cakes show why a couple should just elope instead.
That second cake actually made me yell “NO!” out loud, which startled the cat in my lap, and now I’m bleeding. I hope that Wreckorator is happy.
The bottom layer of the last one looks moldy. Did the baker pull it out of the back of the pantry and just pop the newer layers on top?
@Shirley: LOL!!!
AND, who ever said anyone was a pro? Here?
Sweets, yes.....but an ordinary run of the -what is it? Oh! Run like hell/run of the mill/ordinary cakemess....
That's what I come here for...!
And @ Garrett: that sounds like some movie director's instructions ....I'd hire you!
If there is one thing Cake Wrecks has taught me it's that drawing tree branches and effecting ombre are far more difficult than one would ever think they should be.
#2 shows why you should never buy cakes from bakers that allow Mardi Gras parades to go through the shop.
I bet that guy in the last picture is posting that cake to cake wrecks. He looks like he's laughing. Heck I can't blame him that cake is scary and I am sure the bride's reaction is even scarier.