
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Wedding Wrecks (107)


Marital Miss

 What They Wanted:


What They Got:


What They Wanted:

What They Got:





(I hear this one also came with cookies.)






And last, but certainly least:






Thanks to Amanda B., Tara J., Dani N., Sue H., & Tiffany B. for sharing their Bridal Sweets turned Bridal Tiers.


7 Wedding Wrecks That Make Me Glad I'm Already Married

Now here's a couple who really loves their Fruity Pebbles:

I don't know what the groom's supposed to be doing, but whatever it is, I'm pretty sure he's doing it wrong.


I am a HUGE steampunk fan. Ask anyone. They'll probably back away slowly and call the authorities, but still, go ahead and ask them. 

 That said...



I'm feeling generous, so I'll go ahead and assume this is supposed to be a tree:

A sickly, sweating, morning-after-a-bender tree.

 (But hey, at least it doesn't look like a half-buried cow.)


Look, nobody said ordering your wedding cake would be a bed of roses. 

If they were honest, though, they might have insinuated it'd be a lumpy tower of them:

What is...How...I don't even...

 Oh, never mind.


Then there's this:

Whoah, whoah, hang on, there! You're not allowed to just scroll down here like nothing happened! No, you march your virtual self RIGHT BACK UP THIS SCREEN and take a GOOD HARD LOOK at that wedding wreck. You hear me? And then you THINK ABOUT what that wreckerator has done. And how your six-year-old cousin could have done better - you know, the one with the late-blooming spatial awareness. And then maybe SNICKER a little more. And then - THEN - you be GRATEFUL for what you have and you move along.


 I'm a cat owner, so I know first hand that sisal rope - which is the stuff on their favorite scratching posts - has tiny sharp fibers that stick out all over and snag everything that gets near it.

 Which is why it's an EXCELLENT idea to wrap your wedding cake in it. That's right; go ahead and smoosh that snaggly hairy stuff right on down in the icing! People will love it!


 Also, is that loop on top a love knot, or a noose? YOU DECIDE.


 Saaay, I didn't know airline baggage handlers did wedding cakes, too!

Just look at that consistent quality of care! So realistic, your guests will be queuing up to file a claim!

(Watch out for the delivery fees, though; I hear only the first tier is free.)


Thanks to Katherine, Rainna A., Daniel & Kim, Anony M., Brenda J., Alli B., & Sara for helping me continue to strike terror in the hearts of brides-to-be everywhere. MUAH-HA-HAA!