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What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Best Of The Best (314)


Window Pains

So, you're opening a bakery. You've watched too much Cake Boss, opened a few dozen credit card accounts, and "sampled" enough cupcakes to confidently differentiate between "ganache" and "monkey poo."

What next?

The window display, of course!

This is your place to shine, aspiring baker! Show the people what you can really do!




I see you're of the "writing on Styrofoam rounds with a Sharpie" skill set.

We can work with that.

After all, the most important thing is getting customers through the door - even if it is only to ask, "Dear God, what IS that THING?!"

It's a pacifier. You know, a cake for suckers?


Now, a good window display should appeal to both kids and kids at heart. Remember, cakes are all about fun! And color! And post-apocalyptic death tableaus!

Just think of all the gas-mask party favors you could make. Ooh, and festive radioactive warning streamers! Glowing fruit punch? Mushroom cloud side-cakes? Really, the possibilities are endless.


Or, if you're limited on space, you could always kill two birds with one horrendously disturbing Barbie cake:

Hey, how do you think Barbie paid for all those different careers, kids?



Well, bakers, however you choose to design your displays, just be sure they communicate friendliness, poise, and professionalism.

And also a strong grasp on the spelling of "ho bag":


Because, really, nothing is worse than a misspelled "ho bag" on your cookie cake.


Thanks to Amber P., Bianca S., Lauren C., Lauren R., Betsy R., & Dana F., who wonder if perhaps this showed up on C.M.'s performance review.


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And from my other blog, Epbot:


Sunday Sweets: Geek Chic Wedding Cakes

Rest assured, fellow fangirls and fanboys, geeky elegance at your wedding IS possible:


(By Bearkery Bakery, photo by Trevor & Allison Photography)

Like so!

Check it out; it's the Bruce Wayne of wedding cakes. Hee.


I'm seeing a lot of split-cake wedding designs lately, and I gotta say: I APPROVE. Some call them a compromise, but really they're just a great way to show your formal and fun sides.

Here's one for you Whovians:

(By The Giant Cupcake Shop)



And this one was crazy popular when I posted it on Facebook the other week; apparently you guys love your hidden super heroes!

(By Tier By Tier)

Formal in the front, super hero party in the back!


Ok, enough split designs - let's move on to the wholly geeky:

(By Sweet Element, now closed)

Gotta say, the idea of a Hunger Games-themed wedding cake makes me grin. So long as there are no battles to the death, of course. ;)


And while we're talking questionable wedding examples, how about Game of Thrones?

(By The Cake Zone, featured here)

That scaled "armor" is gorgeous, and the sword topper just works, am I right? Love it.


And now, the most sophisticated geeky groom's cake of all time:

(By Kickshaw Cakes)

That's gold leaf on the silhouette! Stunning.


You guys know my weakness for steampunk, so indulge me on this one:

(By Ciccio Cakes for Steampunk Sugar Geeks)

It's a steampunk oven cake! Wha whaaaa?? SO COOL.

I was especially delighted by this:

See that oven heat gauge? That's from my DIY steampunk gauge post over on Epbot! John and I made the graphic for our own steampunk oven prop... which we never finished. Heh. Anyway, so chuffed to see it on this masterpiece.


One more steampunk beauty:

(By High Five Cakes)

Loooove how all the gears are bursting out the side! Also digging the leather texture up top, and those sweet couple silhouettes framed in the portholes.


I'm a big fan of the white-on-white geek designs: you can "hide" all KINDS of fun stuff this way:

(By The Butter End Bakery)

Ok, first: THAT TOPPER. A Wampa (in a bow tie! squee!) with a Taun-Taun? HA! Heck yeah. And then the ships and AT-AT tucked in with the flowers? Brilliant.


Here's a completely different take on the "split" designs:

(By Divine Cakes)

Bursting with geeky goodness! Yes! (How many fandoms can you count?)


And finally, for my fellow Diz Geeks:

(By Walt Disney World's bakers)

Helloooo, drama! I've never seen Cindy's castle done in black and white like this!

And for those of you about to remark that there are no dragons in Fantasyland - anyone remember the time a fire-breathing dragon flew over a press event for New Fantasyland? So bummed that didn't become a regular thing.

The back view:

Those lacy wings! Ah!


Happy Sunday, everyone!


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