
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Wreckies of the Month

It's time again to recognize those devoted evil Wrecky henchpersons who've sufficiently amused and/or impressed me this month.

First we have the "Most Awesomely Geeky Baby Shower Cake" (EVER!!):

You long-time henchpersons will recognize this as an homage to that amazing Darth Vader shower cake which I claimed could only be topped by a cake featuring Spock instead. Carol J. was less than impressed with the bakery's end result, but I think the wreckiness just adds to its hilarity, don't you?

Next we have Luke, age 6, who made a "T Rex, NOT a cake Rex!" for a school contest:

Adorable. Love the matching shirt, too, Luke.
(Oh, and he won the contest, btw, but that should go without saying.)

Hey, you know how you're always trying to think of more ways to include Cake Wrecks in your lives? Well here's an idea: use your copy of Cake Wrecks as the guest book at your wedding!

This is GENIUS, Lindsay F. I mean, first of all, now you can NEVER get rid of your copy of Cake Wrecks, but secondly, now this book contains the two things you hold most dear: CW, and, you know, all those people who showed up to your wedding. But mostly Cake Wrecks. Right?

Next, Noelle F. shows us how to throw a birthday party, Carrot Jockey style:

Why yes, that IS a pinata.

And the matching cake, courtesy of HomeStyle Bakery:

Now THOSE are carrots.

And last but certainly not least, Malerie C. got crafty and made me a bracelet!

Cute, right? And hey, if you're tired of waiting on me and John to make more Jockey necklaces (sorry, sorry!) you can even head over to her Etsy store and buy one for yourself!

Many thanks to all of today's awesome readers, and to all of you who continue to make the life of professional blogging bearable with your notes, pictures, and e-mails. This has been a particularly trying week at the CW household, and so the time you guys have taken to encourage me and/or John has been especially treasured. Wreck on, dear Wrecktators. Wreck on.

- Related Wreckage: Fan "Art"


A Little Rough Around The Edges

If there's one thing I've learned from Cake Wrecks over the past 22 months, it's that Epcot is a thing not to be trifled with.

If there's another thing I've learned from Cake Wrecks, it's that you can't make a rounded cupcake cake (ptoieee!). As in, ever. The laws of physics preclude even the merest hint of possibility.

Not that this stops our brave wreckerators from trying, of course. They seem convinced that slathering potentially life-threatening amounts of icing onto anything will put a skeptical customer into a pre-purchase sugar haze strong enough to induce glaucoma.

So let's look at how the seemingly simple circle becomes a disaster destined for diabolically (No, wait. Dimensions! Dang it. Broke my stride.)

This...[dramatic pause] a base "ball."

And Spider-Man:

Or what's left of him, anyway.

This... is... SPARTA!!!

Actually, no. I think this is supposed to be a hamburger.

"Eh wude lak to baa zebargare kek."
Baker: "I'm sorry, what?"
"Zederbergerer kek."
Baker: "Okay, I'm really not sure what you're..."
*sobbing* "DERBERGER!"

Well just remember, Wreckerators, you can always resort to that old standby: Piping, The Fix For Everything.™


Nina M., Amanda Y., Tyler M., & Ruth U., here's hoping the CCC will be circling the drain sometime soon. Think there's a petition we can all sign?

- Related Wreckage: National Cupcake Day