
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Bunny Bashers

Team, I've called this meeting because someone is doing in our nation's bakery bunnies. Here's the evidence we've gathered so far:

A bevy of bunny butts buried in Baltimore...

...two truckloads of 'tocks terrified teens in Toledo,

...and this hare-raising tail (at least, we think that's a tail) all point to murder most fowl.

Speaking of fowl, here are our chief suspects:

Humpty Dumpty, hatched and dangerous,

...and the Lamb brothers, Bed and Hood:

Ironically, these two are on the lam.

Still, you should have no problem spotting them; just look for the blood-soaked Easter displays:

"Why hellooo, Clarice. If you recognize the movie I'm quoting, then you'll have no choice but to groan in pain. Heheheh. Excellent."

Jodi S., Jenny G., Jade B., Erin R., Jenna C., & Jessica S., I think you'll agree that we need to rename Erin a "J" name.

So Erin, do you prefer Jedidiah or Jehosophat? Lemmeno.

- Related Wreckage: Easter Wreck Round Up


Sunday Sweets: Tickled Pink

I'm not usually much of a girly girl, but something about today's Sweets make me yearn for petticoats and lollipops. So proceed with caution; there's potentially lethal sweetness ahead. ;)

Let's start with some retro chic:

(Sub'd by Pauline R., made by Sweety Darling)

Hooray for kitschy cakes!
(Is anyone else remembering certain art prints from their childhood?)

Right now it seems most little girls are all about the princesses. Here's a sweet way to make them happy without resorting to plastic tiaras in the icing:

(Sub'd by Jacki L., made by Cakes by Eve)

I've seen so many wrecked castle cakes using that plastic turret kit that I'm irrationally grateful to this baker for not using it. Heh.

And an even more elegant Princess design minus the actual princess:

(Sub'd by Shanna R., made by Jane Asher)

Look at the tiny details: the lantern, the pillow, the perfect swirl pattern to the wheels - that cake took some serious skill.

Here's a fun color combo:

(Made by Christine Thompson of Sugar Topped Creations)
That lime green really makes the pink pop; I like seeing unexpected color pairings.

Moving on to more grownup designs...

(Made by CW reader Tammy M.)

This is one of those rare cakes that makes me want to get the baking pans out again. I'm curious to try that big ball of daisies on top. (Although I'm guessing it must be a Styrofoam topper underneath to keep the weight manageable. Bakers? Do you concur?)

Proving that pink is not just for little girls:

(Made by Cake Central user arosstx)

I love this design. It's fantastic seeing what a master decorator can do with a simple square cake, isn't it?

I don't see much pink on today's wedding cakes - too feminine for most couples, perhaps? Or just too old-fashioned? Regardless, I thought this one was sweet without being over-the-top:

(Sub'd by Heidi M., made by Vanilla Pastry Studio)

Great flowers, great piping. I like that there are different shades of pink, too.

And last but not least, this pink-packed beauty shows that sometimes moderation is overrated:

Woohoo! Bring on the flowers!

The side view:
(Made by Holy Sweet)

I don't know how you'd eat it, but boy, is that pretty. I also like the way the birthday girl's name is stamped into the side. It's such a clean, modern alternative to piping. (Not to mention easier, which - let's be honest - is also a major point in its favor.)

Have a Sweet to nominate? E-mail it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.