It's The Skid Mark That Sells It

What we have here is a failure to grasp the concept:
[head desk]
And speaking of revealing:
Is that what they're calling it now?
At least this wedding wreck came with tissues for the bride to cry into:
Although the chocolate smears may bring to mind a different kind of tissue.
Had to include at least one more Princess cake for Princess Week!
Isn't it grand?
Too bad that's not what they got:
Hmm. I see your points.
And finally:
When display signs get snippy:
Cannot. Stop. Laughing.
Thanks to Troy D., Jacqueline E., Giancarlo, Shane R., & Jennifer H. for showing even bakery labels can have a bad day.
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Reader Comments (17)
Should that last sign read;
Gloria's pastries, MORON!,
Or "Selected varieties BY Gloria's Pastry Moron."?
Can't decide.
My first thought on that wedding cake was that it isn't too bad. Then I realized those are actual tissues. Paper Kleenex. 0-o
$2.99 if you're an idiot
For #1, perhaps the baker is one of those (apparently relatively few, according to my facebook news feed) enlightened souls who doesn't see the need for an elaborate "gender reveal" ceremony. The prospective parents find out the gender from their Dr, and then when they announce it to folks, just say "we're having a baby boy", or "we're having a baby girl" or "we're having a baby little green alien". It's so much simpler that way.
(While we're on the subject, what is up with taking a picture of your baby every month with a sign that says "X Months"? I am quite sure that no such pictures exist of me or my siblings as babies)
Moron (or muron) is a Filipino pastry.
Moron is a Cuban sugar’s pronounced with an accented R. A simple google search could’ve lead you to that.
It's the all caps in MORON that really sells it.
From Saveur, recipe included: "Torticas de Moron are a traditional shortbread cookie from the city of Moron in central Cuba."
Torticas de Moron
That pointy castle cake is kinda cute. Considering the phallic wonders wreckers usually subjects us to
I think the gender reveal has the appropriate amount of information. What do you get with the birth announcement nowadays? Just time and weight. Plus, what happened to "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched"?
So evidently a moron is a Cuban cookie. That sign still makes me giggle uncontrollably - just like how the New Zealanders I worked with at camp rolled on the floor laughing every time we mentioned the classic camp game, "skits in a bag."
I can't stop laughing at that poor castle cake. Honestly do they even care what they are giving to the customer or just throwing stuff together and hoping it works? Lol.
What's with the tissue cake? Did the baker think the cake could be sliced and already on napkins for handing out? Maybe the gender reveal cake is exactly what the parents-to-be ordered. I'd like to think that some people don't want to know ahead of time and that the "reveal" was to let others know that they'd just have to wait until the little one was born.
All the people commenting that "moron" is a real pastry are missing the point: it's funny. Something doesn't have to be wrong to be funny.
Hey EA....Shhhhh. Let people enjoy things. Who pissed in your Cheerios, hmm?
I don't care if moron is the name of a pastry. If the sign is printed in English, in an English-speaking country, IT'S FUNNY!
for EA who asked about monthly baby pics...many people display them all on a banner or board at the baby’s first bday.