Who You Callin' "Turkey Lover?"

Does it make sense that June is National Turkey Lovers Month?
Am I going to shamelessly exploit this to share heinously bad turkey wrecks anyway?
Now, behold!
We've all wished our turkeys had tentacles at some time or other, right?
Does the phrase "poop mushroom cloud" mean anything to you?
How about now?
I like to think this little guy is on his way back from the library:
'Cuz he's a book worm.
Eh? EH?
I forgot to check if this month is for people who love turkeys or just love eating them, so let's cover all the bases:
That's, er, supposed to be a cooked turkey.
I know, I know, the half-eaten bunch of grapes distracted you. (Me, too.)
Oh look, this one comes with a pee-pee pear!
AND a fun-guy 'shroom? OooOOOooo. Now that's what I call an embarrassment of riches.
Which reminds me: what turkey post is complete without an angry feathered phallus?
Well lucky you, minions, because here comes one now:
Take a moment. Take it all in.
And yes, the cake DOES appear to say "Eat Me" at the bottom. Because this, my friends, is the gift that keeps on giving.
Happy Turkey Lovers Month, gang. Gobble gobble.
Thanks to Mel, Crista C., Melanie G., Irene G., Jennifer H., & Sarah L. for the stiff competition.
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (21)
Does the bookworm cake say "Hoppy Thankiving"? Double Wreck!
#5 IS RAW! IT'S RAW! (Gordon Ramsey voice) Look, It's even got feather fluff still on the body!
The book worm is adorable!
The half-eaten grapes don't disturb me as much as the crusty things on the--um--end--of the bird....
National Turkey Lovers Month is courtesy of... NAMTLA?
The last one looks like it comes with a bunch of novelty condoms.
“Angry Feathered Phallus” would be a good name for a rock band.
Before I post my thoughts on these "turkeys", I have to ask if any of these bakers has ever seen a real turkey. NO? Well, that explains these.
1) "Happy Birthday Mom" and the cake is a turkey? What are we trying to say here?
2) I thought maybe the sun was setting on this turkey, as well it should.
3) What do I see here? A turd, with eyes, trailing multi-colored turds behind it. (Why they'd be arranged according to color is beyond me).
4) That turkey must be a mutation. Look at the size of the drumstick. (Either that, or it worked out a lot).
5) Wow! I've never seen an albino turkey before. Either that, or this sucker is still very raw. Salmonella, anyone?
6) Ah! The fabled poo-wang! I thought maybe they'd gone extinct.
I thought these were actually really pretty... not. These were just... how are those supposed to be turkeys? XD
The *bookworm* is just trying to distract itself.... "HEY, don't look at ME! I'm WORKIN' HERE! Yeah,yeah--carryin' these here burnt hotdogs, cheese sticks, and raw dogs.......gotta run, man!"
My ignorance (and perhaps my age) is showing - what is a pee-pee pear?
The book worm is kind of cute but the rest.. uh.. gag. And WHY is JUNE 'turkey lovers month"????
Had the bookworm cake actually been MEANT as a punny worm carrying a stack of books, something quite clever could have been with that concept. As is, though, the cleverness lies with the commentary and comments on this site... and as always, those have chortling with glee.
Must quite the Princess Bride about octoturkey and albino turkey: what is that THING!?
BTW, Suki kitty is utterly adorable!
"Take it all in." Thats it. I'm done internetting today.
I nearly died choking when I saw the pee-pee pear lol. I do believe my hubby now thinks I am nuts lol. But these are so hilarious I can't help it. Now I will be looking at turkeys in a whole new light lol.
Genius! Again! The photos are fun on their own - but it's your juxtaposition and most important - your comments - that are solid gold! Thank you for all the laughs! (favorites today - "poo mushroom cloud", "book worm", and "angry phallus" :)
Another turkey of a post thrust upon us by wreckorators. Thanks again, Jen, John, and crew.
Kona Girl: if you look closely at the pear (and tomatoes) near the turkey leg, the "stems" are shaped like mini-phalluses, thus the "pee-pee" in pee-pee pears.
Jen, Suki & Eva look so cute together!
This is for Mike, regarding #1:
I submitted the photo of this cake. My mother was born Nov 26th, and we tend to celebrate it on Thanksgiving. While I didn't buy the cake, this was the cake one of my siblings got for that purpose. I believe they were just trying to get a cake, and this was what was available.
And believe me, you had to see this cake in person to truly appreciate it in all it's wreckiness. There was actually an attempt at the tail feathers on the back side of the cake!
The Angry Feathered Phallus opened for the Flaming Poo Wangs once.
Medith- I was grossed out as well.