It's A Von Trapp!

Go ahead, sing along...
D'oh! A deer, a wrecky deer:
Rays, what has your baker done?
Steve, a name, I call my Elf:
Fa, the way the frosting runs!
So, I think the bee is deeead.
La, I can't hear you, no nooo!
Eee! This dog fills me with dreeead!
That will bring us back to...
NO! No, no, no...
How do you solve a problem like a Cake Wreck? You send it to us! So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, and THANKS to Naomi Z., Robert B., Crystal, Rachel N., Mary J., Rob S., Claire B., and Sarah M.
Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.
And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (15)
1) After Grandma got run over by a reindeer, she got revenge - with the lawn tractor.
2) I don't see any mantas on the top of that cake.
3) I didn't know they got enough sun at the North Pole for the elves to get a tan.
4) I look at the display, see the cake there that's seeping, while the customer sadly weeps. (Sorry, George).
5) But why is he smiling? Did he take the phrase, "Don't worry, bee happy" too literally?
6) And that statement should apply to most of these bakers. Oh, looks like they already have.
7) CUJO!!!!
8) Is this a commentary on the egos of those in the entertainment industry?
"T"'s what.. came out my nose. When I read this Cakewrecks post". My lyric contribution and what happened for real, when I came here for my daily dose of laughter. BRAVO CW TEAM, BRAVO.
The bee has happy closed eyes and eyebrows. Only with prompting did I see X's.
My favorite! "The Sound of Yousick"!
Where's the EXIT?
(Or is that "Exsick"?)
Christmas will never be the same.
But the “You’re dead to us now” cake isn’t a wreck, it’s perfect. It even has proper punctuation! IT’S A MIRACLE!
These are a few of the wreckiest things! When the (wrecky) dog bites! When the (dead) bee stings! When I'm feeling sad... I simply remember these cakes that are wrecks, and then I don't feel sooo bad!
You know, I never thought a combination face palm and head desk could be so comfortable. Kinda hard to breathe, though.
Why does that dead to us cake look so pretty? Lol I would love it had they not put that on there. Oh well can't have it all when it comes to wreckerators. That poor bee I wonder what it did to get shot at least that's what it looks like to me.
Simply BRILLIANT! How long did this take you to figure out??? It's perfect - as is everything you do, Jen and John!!! SO glad you decided to keep rockin' the wrecks!
Go home bee, you're drunk! But the dog is dead. In fact, it's a zombie.
So we are just not going to talk about the mis-proportioned Nicki Minaj? If memory serves, she's built more like a bowling pin with legs than a balloon with several strings.
The elf looks like a demon with horns coming out the side of his head, levitating a red and green thing(?). Or a bald Vulcan with an ill-fitting hat that is too small.
To be fair to the Nicki Minaj cake, that's pretty much how her face actually looks IRL. And the stick body with bizarre, inhuman appendages seems to echo my theory that she's really an alien from another planet.