Something Wrecky This Way Comes

(Warning: Naughty puns ahead. Hide your kids.)
Renee C. ordered this sandcastle cake for her beach-themed wedding:
So you know what's coming, right?
Heh. Aheh.
The bride really got the shaft here, and it doesn't take a firm grip on reality to be testy over such a cock-up. Should she just suck it up and beat it? Is she nuts to take this blow so hard? Will nothing stop the erection of headstrong turrets?
No, that's a fallacy!*
Besides, I'm sure bakers will get the point in the end.
Aaand I'm done.
Thanks to Renee C. for the heads up!
Okay, okay. Now I'm done.
*'Cuz it's a phallus - see?
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (25)
If I ever get married and have a cake, I want it to be made entirely out of cake dongs.
And I'm sure this cake violates some kind of penal code.
Two thoughts:
1) I'm glad the decision was not made to drizzle icing around in random spots.
2) I won't be showing this to my partner...he will want a little cape for his "turret", too. I know I'd never be able to convince him they're windows.
Ahhh I can always count on this site for much needed immature humor XD
Even the two lower turrets on the proper one are shocked!
I don't think I fully appreciate the range of emotions I go through on a daily basis looking at these posts. They usually involve a muttered "oh my god" gasp. Keep 'em coming.
Oh, I feel so sorry for Renee...That cake is definitely "cake wreck" material!
The puns made me laugh out loud! Thanks for the laugh. :-D
Men can still be kings
of fairytale sandcastles
when they're made of cake.
🤣🤣🤣these comments tho
. That is not a Kingdom. That is a Kingdong. Women have Castles, men have Kingdongs. (well, for those who like to brag anyway, hehehe).
This cake is going to be hard to beat.
Maybe they wanted a Little Mermaid theme
The groom feeds the bride, the groom feeds the bride, hi ho Dadario the groom feeds the bride.
There are a lot of fertility symbols associated with weddings, but this really takes the cake.
I hate to think what the seashells would have looked like if they had actually tried to make them out of fondant or frosting, instead of "cheating" with real shells. 😏
......and of all the colours that the baker could choose- suntan flesh, really??????
Puts a whole new spin on “Have fun storming the castle!”
Every night my husbands asks me....what in the hell are you laughing at?? Actually I'm snorting but details, details.
April wins the internet with "turret capes." Now all I can picture are little superhero capes that you can buy on Dark Etsy somewhere...
I can't stop laughing. I can only imagine what the bride thought looking at this... lol
@Susan: Wouldn't that be "Hi-Ho, *Lothario*, the groom feeds the bride!"
Jen, you might want to be careful with all those puns. It sounds like you're developing "Turret's Syndrome."
@JMixx: That was hilarious! Turret's syndrome. Chortle, laugh, guffaw!
Let's not overlook the cockles strewn about.
While reading that hilarious narrative, I was thinking, "Oh no... there won't be any puns left for Mike!" But I should have known he "wood" be able to "come" up with one more.
She left them (wait for it).....just the tip.