Happy Falker Satherhood!

Ashley J. had two male coworkers each expecting a child, so the office decided to get them a cake. They wanted it to say, "Happy Fatherhood Shawn and Glenn".
Instead, they got this:
Like you, I'm sure, Ashley & the gang were just dying to know what the decorator thought he or she was writing, exactly. So, they decided to go find out. Yep, that's right: They grabbed a video camera (did I mention they work at the Fox television animation studio?) and strolled down the street to pay a little visit to the bakery in question.
Here's what happened next (the best bits are in the first 2 minutes):
"It's like a word journey" - hilarious. Oh, and Ashley writes "Please forgive the Tickle-Me-Elmo laughter coming from behind the camera...that's me."
Ashley, I think it's safe to say we all forgive you. It's just too bad the manager didn't have as much of a sense of humor as you guys did; after all, I think you and Rebner were extremely pleasant about it, all things considered. :)
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Reader Comments (19)
Oh! This one is a classic! Gotta love the sense of humor of those guys, you just have to.
The mystery still remains. What the decorator was thinking???
No Tere, the question that still remains is "what was the decorator drinking?"
I thought when the manager was taking money out of the drawer she was going to say something like:
"A mistake like this earns a refund of 32 cents. Here you go. Have a nice day".
Happy Falker Satherhood Day to all you Falkers out there!
This is just hilarious. Happy Falker Satherhood!
How about a new CW Chapter: "CAKEWRECKS WITH SPRINKLES: AFTER THE WRECK!" Customer follow up pieces. 'My Dear Wreck receivers, did you receive the lovely cake you thought you ordered and upon first look was WHAT THE !**#!!! Well, go out and confront those professionals and find out WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?...yes, people, video record it, document it, or plain just write and tell us about it. Cake-Wreck-A-Holics will thank you for it! 'cuz we want to know too! Of course I'm not sure Jen and John (thoj) will like getting even more pictures, cards, emails, videos etc. to add to the zillions they already receive, so sorry that J & J :)
Ah, yes, an oldie but a goodie. I guess that's ONE way to get remembered. Happy Falker Satherhood, men!
Hehehehehehehe :P
Still my favorite.
One of my all-time favorites!
And Cookiemama, I love your idea!
Yay! A classic CakeWreak.
I think this is my favorite CW post of all time! :D
I doubt even the wreckerator knows why they did this lol. Other than creating a really interesting and confusing way to say happy Father's Day lol.
This is one of my favorite Cake Wrecks! Happy Falker Satherhood with sprinkles and carrot jockeys!
Truly a classic, and still confusing after all these years. :p
I must agree with Bob.
Wow!! Just too funny!! Love it ๐
Still one of my favorites!
This one is I think my all-time FAVORITE. I sometimes wish my dad a happy Falker Satherhood even though he has no idea what I'm talking about, just to make myself laugh. Hah!