Sunday Sweets: Gettin' Geeky Wit It

Just like cake, there are many flavors of geek fandom - and I love them all.
Granted, I love some more than others:
(By Chatter Cakes)
I about fell over when I found not only a cake of my favorite video game character of all time - I found an AMAZING cake of him:
(By Oakleaf Cakes)
[Kermit flail] SONGBIRD!!
Songbird here is a whopping three feet tall, and was made for Irrational Games. And I love him. You can check out the amazing build photos here.
Who else loves Avatar? And I don't mean the blue guys:
(Submitted by Lisa K. and made by Sweet Pudgy Panda)
I let the anime style scare me off of The Last Airbender for far too long, but it only took a single episode last year to get me hooked. And the sequel series, Legend of Korra? AMAZEBALLS.
Shout out to all the real anime geeks out there:
(By rub-a-duckie)
I can spot Naruto, but the rest of your cosplay always keeps me guessing. :D
Here's a fun mash-up of two shows John and I love:
(By Nerdache Cakes)
Ponies and Supernatural!
Would you look at that "salt" circle? And a bucket of blood has never been cuter. Seriously.
It's not all shows and video games, though. Being a geek also makes me want to learn more about programming and electronics:
John and I have done some simple stuff, wiring up LEDs for various cosplays, but my dream is to build my own nixie tube clock from scratch.
Because I can never get too much steampunk. NEVAH!
(By Tasty Layers)
Here's one for the Brown Coats:
(Submitted by Chris R. and made by The Cake Creche)
And the Whovians:
(By Curiaussiety Cakes)
(And Minecrafters!)
And the... uh... Middle Earthers? Do Tolkien geeks have a nick name?
(Submitted by Emily H. and made by Cakerator)
Regardless, can you believe this Witch-king of Angmar is cake?!
And finally, can't forget superheroes and comic books - because what geek girl doesn't want to be Wonder Woman?
(By Cakes by Raewyn)
Though I might settle for this cake. So pretty.
Hope you're doing something geeky today, guys! And hey, if you found this post relevant to your interests, then you might like my other blog, Epbot, where I post everything from great convention pics to game reviews and DIY projects.
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Reader Comments (14)
OK, I admit that I don't get some of these cakes (not being a gamer), but the Supernatural pony cake is thrilling. Is that a Castiel pony on at the top? Is adorable!
No Star Wars or Star Trek? Not fair.
Aaah! Sam and Dean and Castiel ponies! I'm dead
I prefer "Ringer" for my Tolkien obsession, even if it only works for some of his world.
Depending on how "from scratch" you want your nixie tube clock to be, you can get a kit from Think Geek.
When I first saw your Songbird, I thought it was a Mondoshawan. Oh well. Although I am a geek/nerd, I too did not get many of these references. I guess I'm an "old school" nerd. Love the electronics cake!
Love the circuit board cake! I build circuit boards for a living!
I've always referred to myself as a Ringer, even if it doesn't cover all Tolkien's universe. Amazing cakes as usual!
What's even better is that is the Linda Carter Wonder Woman!
I love the "Minecraft" thingy coming out of the TARDIS.
Is that ring wrath cake... floating?
Is that first one supposed to be from the movie The Cube?
And, the last one all I can think of is the scene from American Pie (with cake instead).
AH, yes. The good old crossover. The creeper is amazing!
I never thought about what to call a Tolkien fan before, but I would think Elf-Friend might be the best choice? It's a suggestion, anyway...