Cungrate... Condrag... Gut Job!

Wahooo! SCOOL'S OUT!
Or.... is it?
Not gonna lie: kinda confused right now.
Well, assuming you students aced all your subjects:
(If only they taught USEFUL stuff in school, am I right?)
...then I hear some Congradularons are in order!
Unless you prefer a "Congralulalio" - 'cuz I've got one of those, too:
Eesh. You know, I have so many hundreds of misspelled "congratulations" cakes in the archives I may never post them all. I wonder when bakers decide to just give up completely?
Er, that was rhetorical, guys...
C'mon, now. We have to move on.
What the...!
So, in conclusion:
I think I already did.
Conklenators to Jayne L., Laura A., Debbie M., Bree M., Tammy J., Dara, Candy R., Kristin, Jennifer P., & Kat N. on their stellar wreckporting.
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