Take A Wild Guess Day

Eat your heart out, Rorschach.
♫ Fishy suspenders ♪
... and helmets for space rays,
Wilson ball swimmers
... and movies shown sideways!
White mushroom cloud as the city goes BOOM:
These are my guesses - now how about you?
Thanks to Denise M., Anony M., Molly S., Erin W., & Karen L., who know there was a time when military admirals actually DID serve nuclear mushroom cloud cakes. Ahh, it was a simpler time.
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Reader Comments (84)
Alien jumping into a swimming pool
"Oriental" style fan
....paint brushes?
Marshmallow and chocolate (graham crackers are missing, though)
Jen, I LOVE your 'to the tune of" choice, as CAKEWRECKS is one of "My Favorite Things".
I also hate CCC's. What's happening with all the CCC's lately? Does the Baker ...
get a CCC with directions
to "make it pretty' they assume,
so fishy suspenders,
helmet cakes
and ball swimmers
are what's left when the CCC's go BOOM!" ?
#3 either a iPad or some kind of tablet.
#5 Some type of pie
#2 A polka dot Trojan helmet?
#3 balloons?
#1 a sea cucumber ?
1. The sun god Helios driving his somewhat tarnished chariot of the sun across the sky and through the world-ocean on his journey to the East.
2.Measles party cake. The helmet represents the protection from measles those attending the measles party will receive from the measles patient at the measles party if they survive having the measles. I typed "measles" so many times it no longer looks like a word.
3. A vintage 1977 Mattel electronics football handheld video game game.
4. A Duxiana DUX212 pillowtop mattress retailing at $15,999 designed for the 3% of the One Percent who can't sleep thinking about how they made their money.
1) Gary the snail from Sponge Bob, after being flattened by Sponge Bob in a boat/car.
2) I was thinking a Spartan hat, but the polka dots are throwing me off, so I'm going with a decapitated Minnie Mouse.
3) Hairy sperm?
4)Game Boy
5) A cloud raining poo?
))shrugging shoulders(( I give! "The Sound Of TAX DAY"? Wait... the Titanic sank...nothing to celebrate there. It's Leonardo DaVinci's birthday! NEXT?
Well, I don't know what the cakes are, but I can tell you they aren't "a few of my favorite things."
#1 When algae blooms become aggressive.
#2 Pick a card; any card!
#3 Reach out and tentacle someone.
#4 Jiggle the cake to try and get all the dots into the rectangles.
#5 Suddenly, from the pan, Lucy's bread dough began to emerge.
Slug on a waterbed with a black pillow,
An orange filled with darkness and Kale from Willow,
One handed GameBoy and calzone on pooh,
These cake blot guesses were the best I could do
1st one - a golf course in Hawaii - (any golfers - i apologize if i don't use correct terms) - on the left - where they tee off - then couple of walkways over the lava fields - then the fairway - then the ocean. as for the others - not a clue
1) Something for Earth Day, including all major climates (although why the two lines of trees across the desert, I don't know)
2) A Japanese fan, poorly executed (I have several, & they look nothing like THAT)
3)-5): I'm not crazy (my mother had me tested) so I've no idea. But ideas, we don't need no stinkin' ideas!
Turn #3 180 degrees. Baby Cthulhus in night caps!
1. I have to go with the flat Gary the Snail interpretation. I think it's the eye stalks. They are eye stalks, right?
2. Hedgehog
3. Scrubbing Bubbles - "We work hard, so you can enjoy these cupcakes with sperm-ish blobs on them!"
4. A Gameboy undergoing Mitosis
5. Kilroy is admiring the baker's football artistry
#2 is the back end of a black dog hiding in a polka dot tunnel.
#3 I'm guessing It a Gril
I think the second one was supposed to be Minnie Mouse, but they forgot to add the flotsam head and appendages. Not a clue on any of the other ones.
In the news today, I read that "science" has discovered Microbes on Mars.. ... could these be celebratory CCCs, or something we should be immunized against?
The second one must be a ladybug.
Nope. I got nothin'.
1rd ~ A black and green butterfly flying away from the water
2th ~ A black proboscis monkey wearing a hat
3st ~ Don King swimmers
4rd ~ An old GameBoy (but the dots remind me of those nasty chalky candy wafer things my mom used to like)
5st ~ Texas Longhorns?
#5 is a sheep in a mud puddle. :P
I think the brown and white travesty could have been a cupcake cake made to look like.....wait for it.....a cupcake.
For the last one:
I'm just a little white rain cloud,
hovering over this stick of poo...
I have no idea what any of them are supposed to be, but they all look "dirty" to me.
Thanks, Cakewrecks.
No really, thanks.
1) the rare and elusive Black Headed Green Snail
2) pokadot "Sea" monster eating a black baby kitten
3) Olympic torch prototype (artistic rendition)
4) a 6 eyed really happy dude
5) close up shot of a nose and mustache combo
1. A cupcake-y interpretation of global warming with the water engulfing the land as coal is burned and . . .oh, heck. I give up.
2. Cross-section of a brain under the influence of polka-dots
3. A Farewell to Arms
4. A refreshable braille display and computer screen
5. A sheep in a canoe
Any other questions? Yeah, #1 is a toughie.
#4 isn't anything lol. It's just a design. As I've noted in the past I work as a cake decorator for Wal-Mart. It's just a quirky birthday design in the books we have. They didn't execute it very well here, but that's just what it looks like. So the answer is nothing.
Only guessing at #2 - It looks like a spotted mushroom (sideways), but the colors are inverted (usually it's a red cap with white spots).
Oh. And I'm 99% sure #2 is a fan. Like the ones you'd see in Japanese/Chinese culture? Turn it sideways. You will see it.
I think #3, the Wilson Ball Swimmers may have been tiny cupcakes on the big cupcakes. Or perhaps soft serve ice cream cones.
The rest have rendered me baffled.
#1 - no idea. #2 - a Chinese fan? #3 - french fries, of course! Or not. #4 - a poorly rendered electronic gaming device by someone who has never actually used one. #5 - a thunderstorm.
Feel free to see something completely unrelated...
That last one is **clearly** a large white owl. By someone in need of a good opthalmologist.
The second one is a mushroom! ... maybe
#5. Ghost poop
That second one ... Minnie Mouse butt! She is really "into" that cake!
#2 looks like the Ottawa Sens logo
I think the second one is actually a toadstool, albeit of the kind usually seen on shows like "When Illustrators Go Bad".
The Hulk's hand coming out of a lace cuff?
The rear end of an elephant wearing a polka dot tutu?
Upside-down cupcakes in anti-gravity?
A sideways gingerbread-trimmed Game Boy?
A cloud with Flanders' moustache?
Bunch of flowers
Fan (polka dots are a popular pattern in Flamenco)
Olympic/Liberty torches
1 - peacock roadkill? or "Give me a cupcake cake with pretty green, blue and black
2 - halloween cake for the fearful?
3 - cupcakes with pseudo peep toppers
4 - celebrating handheld games, decorated by someone who has never seen one before
5 - reminds me of dog poo in the early hours of a frosty morning
My first comment here, from a long-time lurker. Thanks for making a big deal out of the oh, SO bad decorators
1. A slug wearing a black wig while floating on water.
2. An eyeless ladybug staring you down.
3. Pink mohawked sperm posing in front of various backgrounds.
4. A Twister game FAIL.
5. A sheep standing in mud. Or a dog on a log. Flip a coin, it doesn't matter.
The 2nd one: red one with polka dots looks like a hand fan or deck of cards on top.
1. no clue
2. oriental fan
3. sperm finding an egg. A pink egg, piped with a star tip. (The round tip was already clogged with white icing from the sperm, and they were to lazy to cleanit, and this improvised poorly.)
4. game boy type thing
5. ...I got nothin'
the second one is definetely some kind of flamenco-cake. not flamingo - flamenco, the spanish dance that is executed by blackhaired ladies wearing dresses in red with dots and frills and the use also fans.
(to this conclusion came my little niece 6 years old, who is a fan of flamenco and also in the same age group as the creator of that flamenco cake)
1. Topographical map complete with gorge & rope bridges.
2. Elephant wearing a shower cap
3. Malformed "little swimmers"
4. Terrible handheld video game, sideways
5. I think I spend too much time on this site, because I truly believe I know this one. It's a colorless butterfly. Of course, it looks like a poo cloud.
The second one is a Spanish fan. The red/white polka-dot pattern is HUGE in Spain, representing flamenco.
As for the rest.....nope. Nothin'.
#1 The green fry guy in a blue chair with a black ottoman
#2 Elephant in a white and red polka for shower cap
#3 Balloons wearing pink tiaras
#4 Blue and red spectators at a lacy ice rink
#5 Cloud wearing a mustache
#1 A bouquet of blue flowers?
#2 A polka dot fan
#3 Sperm cupcakes for a baby shower?
#4 An old Gameboy
#5 A meringue tart hovering out of a poo-like cake mold?
Thanks for sharing :oD
#1 uuuuuuuum nope got nothing
#2 I like Diane's idea of a black dog in a tunnel
#3 Sperm of Dr Zoidberg (Futurama).
#4 I'm going with Gameboy
#5 Poo pie?
The last one is God sending a s**t storm from the clouds above. The others...nothin.
I think #2 is a mushroom, like from Super Mario Bros. No?