
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

The Question Mark Is In Case You're Just Getting Fat


Your Co-Workers


(And also Jamie M., who thinks you're positively glowing. Or that you need to lay off the break room donuts.)


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Reader Comments (20)

Speaking of babies and pregnancies, has anyone linked to this yet? It's a video of someone cutting through a realistic baby cake. Not for the squeamish:

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSusie

The writers of last night's Hot In Cleveland must be Cake Wrecks fans!
There was a wedding rehearsal dinner with first a princess castle cake with the usual penis towers, and then a replacement sheet cake that had "Absolutely no Penises" written on it.

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBin

One word....OUCH!!

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBigg3469

Nice cake?

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSuBee

Nice one! Hope my lovely baby will love this

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMutebi Roy

"Congrarts." Written small and mispelled in case we're wrong about the baby...

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPing

I loved last night's episode of Hot In Cleveland! It was a Cakewrecks tribute! The Writers and Producers must be fans Jen and John. A must see Episode. Or as the Reverend in last night's episode, played by George Takkei (spelling?) said when we saw each WRECK cake "OH MY!" CAKEWRECK fans unite and catch that episode.!

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCookiemama

Or another way to look at it is if this is an "oops" pregnancy and the cake gifter is wondering if the cake giftee is really going to welcome this baby.... Either way, it's a fail. :(

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterbassgirl

When did this gel icing become a thing? It's horrible to look at and I can't help thinking it would taste like toothpaste. Is it just me?

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDegera

Maybe they're having a puppy?

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterTLC

If you zoom in, Congrats is actually spelled correctly.

@TLC: ...whaWHAT?... you almost scared me; for a second, I thought you meant ...never mind.
@ Bin: Love your "... with the usual penis towers" ! They are pretty predicktable, aren't they?
~^0.0^~hope I didn't misspell anything...

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered Commentersendingtheclowns

someone didn't know the difference between exclamation and question. ...maybe they should have erred on the side of caution and put both on the cake. "Welcome Baby !?"

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermookiematic

Gel icing only makes sense on Dairy Queen ice cream cakes. The best part about this cake is the extensive work on the "y"

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

The question mark is probably supposed to be underneath "Baby", indicating that the name, and possibly also gender, of the baby is not known, or at least not known to the mother-to-be's co-workers, who would like to welcome the baby.

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterLauraB

Can't help but think that the question mark is because the baby's name or gender aren't known yet. Like they wanted to say "Baby Boy" or "Baby Girl" but the parents decided not to learn the gender...

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCallista

Reminded of a Charles Addams cartoon. A maternity ward: Gomez is waiting outside the delivery room while Morticia gives birth (as husbands did then). The obstetrician sticks his head round the door: 'Congratulations! It's a baby.'

April 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterTachybaptus

the question mark cake plrobably was either blue or pink inside to announce the sex of the baby.

April 17, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterme just me

Lol. It looks like they weren't sure if the person was pregnant with a baby or an alien. Also suspect that blue gel means it may or may not be a boy. I wonder about the reaction to this lol.

April 17, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterArlene Marie

Maybe the baby's name is Question Mark.

April 29, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCathy

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