Even More Cakes That Fail Hilariously At Looking Like The Things They're Supposed To Look Like

Back by popular* demand! A brand new edition of Cakes Failing To Look Like The Things They're Supposed To Look Like!
[*The cats liked it.]
A Shamrock:
When the luck of the Irish has a bad day.
And then gets all its limbs cut off.
Literally the easiest thing you can make with cake:
A Football Helmet:
Alien skull. Final answer.
If these look right to you, then someday you're going to make a podiatrist very, VERY happy.
Or stick figures with no faces.
A School Bus:
Or so they claim.
I'm convinced this is actually a platypus named School Bus. See the little nostrils?
A Baseball Glove:
For the longest time I thought this was supposed to be turkey.
Then I saw the fingernails.
Can you guess what this is supposed to be?
How about this one?
Answers in the comments!
Assuming someone guesses right!
[wicked grin]
Thanks to Anony M., Jennifer M., Matt M., Katie T., Maggie P., Sally N., Tracie T., Jennalee, & Lauren L. for the excuse to use John's favorite post title again.
Note from john: Someone just told me they were done with Cake Wrecks because Jen didn't give you guys the answer in the comments in a timely manner. Honestly, we thought it was fun seeing your guesses. Well, as far as we know, it's the Mad Men logo and a teapot. Unless we're wrong. Merry Christmas!
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Reader Comments (295)
I'm going with Mad Men logo and princess carriage. Jen?!?!?!
Worst mad men logo EVER
A lit crack pipe and a teapot.
The second to last one looks like a seal balancing something on it's nose and the last one is a tea pot.
A duck and a teapot??
I'm really dying to know so I'm going to make some crazy guesses. I still think number one is Don Draper in a party hat, but number 2???? An elephant in a wooly hat! Or the part with the flowers is a bath mat, the blue swirls is water sloshing out of the tub and the weird thing at the top is an abbreviated foot. An alien slot machine? Cartman from the back wearing a tablecloth cape. A misshapen princess crown sliding off a slippery pillow. An incense burner. Mount Fuji in the rain? Come on, how bout a hint?!?!?!?
The first one is a stapler.
I thought the second one was a teapot, but there's no spout. What's that thing on top that's obscured by the glare. Is that Cinderella in her ballgown? Well, then, the cake is clearly the ballroom floor.
My daughter and I thought the first one was a whale with a tumor wearing a party hat. Second one is definitely a teapot. Maybe a princess teapot?
looks like the Criminal Minds tv show logo to me. I don't know what that thing on the top of the words is supposed to be though.
def a tea pot
That last cake is obviously Rapunzel in her tower.
The first one looks like a poster for the first season of "American Horror Story." The original pic featured a man in a black rubber suit with a woman.
a baby buggy for the second, a gnome riding a whale for the first.
@sending Theadare may return,,,
@Jodee Picture please!!!
I have no idea what the first bonus cake is; not even a clue...
I think svf is correct about the 2nd "bonus" cake though; it must be a baby carriage due to the wheels.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you "sending the clowns" for making me laugh out loud with your post. I REALLY needed to laugh today.
The first one is a Loon?
Second a tea pot.
Easy! A corpse with a party hat on and the (extremely) mad hatter's teapot.
A saw and a teapot?
The football helmet and the school bus look a lot alike. Are they both platypuses?
Pop quiz cake #1... Seal with a party hat?
#2 I'm going to have to go with teapot.
Bonus 1: Corpse on a slab in an attempt at "over the hill" humour.
Bonus 2: I agree to the Barbie Teapot.
The Mad Men icon with a party hat one.
I also guess the second one is a tea pot.
Well, my first thought was that the first bonus was baby Santa riding backwards in the Ambiguously Gay Duo's car, naturally. Though now, I'm inclined to say Mad Men logo.
The second one? Wow. A plastic magic mirror that was left in a car and got melty?
First one: fire hose?
2ND one: disaster?
These are both OBVIOUSLY Harry Potter cakes. First one is an impressionist depiction of Voldemort, the DARK lord, returning from the limbo of not-quite death thanks to Harry's blood in the red writing. Happy birthday to him, cos he's baaaaack. And his wizard hat doubles as a party hat.
Second one - a teapot. So revoltingly pink and girly that it must be Umbridge's; points off the Wreckerator for blatant lack of kittens.
First bonus: Was definitely a Matt Smith Doctor Who cake. It's him laying down with a fez on his head.
IOn the original photo, he is laying on the Tardis
The first one is obviously a gnome riding a whale backwards. Duh.
everyone got Teapot, the one before it is a dead guy, with a festive red party hat, so I am guessing the recipient was "over the hill"?
I think the 2nd to last one is a man in a party hat laying on a "happy Birthday" Matress and of course I am with everyone else that it is a teapot for the last one(too easy so it is prolly wrong). But somehow I am prolly wrong on both LOL
First one: A seal with a bump on its head, wearing a tiny Santa hat?
I think the first pop quiz one is supposed to be a loon. I see that most people think the second one is a teapot, and I guess I can see that, but it's the weirdest looking teapot I've ever seen.
Will we ever know who's right?
2nd to last - my first thought was whale with a party hat
last - 1st thought was teapot, until someone said that was too obvious (I can't see the top
part too well in case that is a clue), so I will go with the children's fractured nursery
"Oh my goodness, bless my soul;
I'm not the teapot, I'm the sugar bowl"
I still think the first looks like a submarine no matter WHAT it's really supposed to be.
A seal and a princess sugar bowl?
The first is a cannon being lit.
The second is a teapot!
first one is a cannon, second one is a teapot
The second-to-last cake with the long cylindrical thing and red triangle looks like the submarine they used in one of the Austin Powers movies. Remember the one shaped like Dr. Evil, with his head popping out of the front of the sub? That would make the most sense for the red triangle being a party hat. What do you think? :)
Wow! Sorry someone went all grumpy pants on you!
A cannon, really? A cannon? I think it comes from a galaxy far far away, cause it doesn't look like any cannon I ever saw. Thanks for letting us know.
OBVIOUSLY, the first one is an olympic luge athlete with a birthday cone hat on.
haha- this kills me that you all didn't see that... thought it was a duck. How absurd. lol just kidding. It's anyone's guess at this point.
The first one is super easy, it's the Mad Men silhouette. You can even see the cigarette. The second one is a teapot, and is a great example of why cupcake cakes are horrible.
I think the first one is supposed to be the MAD MEN theme. And the second might be a MY LITTLE PONY
It's Perry! Perry the School Bus!
Ok, I know everyone saw a teapot on the second one, but I swear to god that I saw an unicorn. No, I don't know what I've been eating. Or drinking. As for the first, well I prefer not to speculate, since well, I'm clearly not good at guessing.
Second to the last one, I'm guessing racecar
Last one, as everyone has said, a teapot
I thought submarine right off the bat for the first one, though I have no explanation for the red thing, and the second can't be a teapot, yet it must be....
Mad Men and Cinderella's Coach, clearly. They're bad, but not unrecognizable at all.
The black one with happy birthday is the mad men symbol? The guy with his arm stretched out on a couch (ie the happy birthday) and wearing a read hat.
1st one = marijuana pipe (if it's from Colorado)
2nd one = .... another bong... I've been in Colorado too long.
#1- A kinkster covered in latex looking up and saying happy birthday.
#2- A teapot.
#3- My foot is broken in 3 different places and I'm on a heavy dose of percocet which is why, at 3am, I'm seeing a kinkster covered in latex on your blog. Please forgive me.
Mad men logo for the top one and second one tea pot maybe. Lol