Even More Cakes That Fail Hilariously At Looking Like The Things They're Supposed To Look Like

Back by popular* demand! A brand new edition of Cakes Failing To Look Like The Things They're Supposed To Look Like!
[*The cats liked it.]
A Shamrock:
When the luck of the Irish has a bad day.
And then gets all its limbs cut off.
Literally the easiest thing you can make with cake:
A Football Helmet:
Alien skull. Final answer.
If these look right to you, then someday you're going to make a podiatrist very, VERY happy.
Or stick figures with no faces.
A School Bus:
Or so they claim.
I'm convinced this is actually a platypus named School Bus. See the little nostrils?
A Baseball Glove:
For the longest time I thought this was supposed to be turkey.
Then I saw the fingernails.
Can you guess what this is supposed to be?
How about this one?
Answers in the comments!
Assuming someone guesses right!
[wicked grin]
Thanks to Anony M., Jennifer M., Matt M., Katie T., Maggie P., Sally N., Tracie T., Jennalee, & Lauren L. for the excuse to use John's favorite post title again.
Note from john: Someone just told me they were done with Cake Wrecks because Jen didn't give you guys the answer in the comments in a timely manner. Honestly, we thought it was fun seeing your guesses. Well, as far as we know, it's the Mad Men logo and a teapot. Unless we're wrong. Merry Christmas!
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Reader Comments (295)
The first is the Mad Men logo with a party hat.
The second is a woman in a ballgown.
If you turn the baseball glove around, it will look like udders!
1st one a black swan that was half run over by a steamroller. And I a millionth teapot for the second one.
I didn't read all the comments, so I don't know if anyone already got it, but I know what the first mystery cake is!! It's supposed to be Mad Men, a silhouette of the guy sitting on a couch with a cigarette in his hand! I only know because I did a (MUCH BETTER) cake using this same image!
A whale for the first one, and Cinderella's carriage for the second.
I think it is a Mad Men logo with Happy Birthday and a partyhat - wow, just wow. and I think the Tea Pot's biggest issue is that it is a cupcake cake - which is why it looks like it has wheels.
a whale and a teapot???!
A pipe for smoking meth with the Breaking Bad title design?
The first one is a cannon that's missing its balls.
The second is a boob in a flowery bra.
I read this blog every day, so I know those guesses have to be right!
Gosh, now I'm thinking that if it looks like a teapot, it can't be teapot. Sugar bowl?
I'm loving the platy-bus!
And my guesses:
1) Mummy in a fez
2) Pumpkin in a princess costume?
I'm going to go with a firework and a princess pony.
The first one is ink or paint spilling. The second is a very sad teapot.
The first one is a cannon - Hope your birthday goes off with a bang! type thing.
Second one is a teapot with a zit.
Ok, second guesses. Because it is obviously NOT Mad Men and a piece of china…
#1- A taxidermic baby duck
#2- A phallus
1. Roadkill?
2. Princess Carriage?
A lit smoking pipe and a teapot?
Is this another "no one will ever know?" Or has Jen not weighed in because no one has gotten it right yet?
Hmmm. Mad Men and a fancy Japanese seat looking thing. Do I win?
A stick figure with only his head sticking out of a body bag, while wearing a red birthday hat. The other one is a teapot?
That first one is a slug with a party hat - I'm sure of it!
I think that first one is a guy on a luge, wearing a toque. A guess only a Canadian would make!
Why do these people at the bakeries persist in trying to "create" anything using cupcakes?!?! Can't understand it!!
yikes on that baseball glove. Just. Yikes.
Bonus awesomeness: I'm going with the telegraph, or whatever you use transmit morse code...and a teapot.
1 looks like a body bag with a santa hat. scary...
2 a teapot...xx
That first one... to me it looks like a seal at a marine theme park, with a party hat.
It could also be a submarine. Or pretty much anything misshapen and dark :P
I know everyone seems convinced the first one is the Mad Men logo, but I totally see Santa doing the luge. In blackface. And a black lycra bodysuit.
A shadowy man wearing a red hat and lying seductively and a teapot. Next?
First one to guess: A dead body on a slab with a birthday hat. I WIN!
1. A penguin that has committed suttee (not the Mad Men logo, because no one watches Mad Men).
2. A teapot.
Once you look at the Mad Men logo, the logo where the guy is sitting in a chair with his back to you and cigarette in his hand, you really can see the logo on the cake! If it's that easy to mess up, it can't be that good a logo.
The first looks like a lit cannon. The second one... *squints*... sort of looks like a teapot.
1. black swan
2. Cinderella's carriage
a dachund dog and a tea pot.
No. 4 has to be cells dividing. Right? For the end-of-year biology class party? The base cake part of pop quiz No. 1 (popularly the Mad Men logo) is nicely done. And the baseball glove? Gross, just gross.
I say they are a tea pot and Slenderman laying down with a festive hat waiting to scare the poo out of the person that got this cake lol.
It's the Mad Men logo, kind of. Don Draper in a party hat!!!! It took me five minutes of staring but I finally got it. Oh and the other one is a teapot.
A submarine with a santa hat? The last one is definitely a teapot. Or a stagecoach.
The first one: A Harley Davidson Cake?
The second one: A Teapot Cake.
I'm thinking a submarine and a teapot.
I believe that's
a) Black Santa rising from the coffin of Tutankhamun after a refreshing nap.
b) a teapot.
Cue The Goodies!
"We're in a crisis, but he doesn't see it that way
He doesn't notice
What are you, what are you?
I'm a teapot (teapot), teapot (teapot), ooh look at Tim
I'm a teapot (teapot), teapot (teapot), can you be like him?
It's nice to be happy, believe it or not
Work it all out, hold up a spout and be a tea … pot"
A slug eating a garden gnome...and...a sugar bowl that got broken and glued back together wrong (it matched the teapot so they had to TRY to fix it)
A cannon. And a teapot. I guess.
ok, going out on a limb here and just because no one has suggested it as far as I can tell :
the fist one is a golf club the second one of the My Little Ponies
Golf club with tee
one of the my little ponies herd, I'm guessing Pinkie Pie with a party hat
All I can say is at least the spelling looks correct on these cake wrecks.
Duh - it's obviously not Breaking Bad - I got my TV show title images confused. I'm going to have to go with the majority and say it looks Mad Men-related. Otherwise, I got nothing.
Still agree about 2 looking like a teapot, though.
@Jodee: I hope you know that it's your Wreckriotic DUTY to send in a photo (or artist's rendering/ pencil sketch/police photo/chalk outline) of a wreck that you were visually assaulted with at your child's birthday party (assuming there were survivors). =^~.~^=
Having checked out the Mad Men logo I have to agree that number 1 is probably Don Draper in a party hat. But I never would have seen it myself, I saw a loon or a seal with a a party hat. Number 2 as was said looks like a sugar bowl, but since this is Cake Wrecks it can't be. So I'm going to guess a flowery chair or a really strange ice cream sundae. But I'm actually writing to say "Jen!!! give us a break, this is the second day I've been reading the comments when I should be filling out insurance paperwork! What are they?!?!?!
The first one does looks like the deadbeat at every party i've attended.
I see Cinderella in her coach for #2.
Do I win the most recent CakeWrecky Holidays if I'm right?
I'd say most of us got the Mad Men, but what is that last thing supposed to be?