Crocker & Hines

Here at Crocker & Hines we specialize in slip-and-falls,
So whether you've been the victim of a simple fracture...
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
Here at Crocker & Hines we specialize in slip-and-falls,
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Reader Comments (79)
As a former cake decorator, I can say with authority that there is nothing worse than dropping the cake that you just worked so hard on (especially when you are on a tight schedule with many, many more orders to fill)! But I would never dream of actually sending a customer away with it!!!
Hahahaha. My sister's wedding cake was definitely a case for Croker and Hines. It was falling over before they could even get pictures of it.
I can't wait to see the 1-800 commercial appear on TV, complete with gray business suits.
-French Bean
Wow, I'm glad I never had a cake catastrophe.. looks like #3 is a bit deflated.... this post reminds me of the horrible scottish wedding cake post.
Such an amazing opportunity for more f ups. This site continues to fascinate me - I can't stop checking in every morning. Love all those funny people out there with their comments. Jen and John seem to bring out the best in them. People aren't nearly so funny where I live. Norine
Cake Number 3:
Salvador Dali's "The Persistence of Cake."
thstakiSuch an amazing opportunity for more f ups. This site continues to fascinate me - I can't stop checking in every morning. Love all those funny people out there with their comments. Jen and John seem to bring out the best in them. People aren't nearly so funny where I live. Norine
That first wedding cake made me want to cry just thinking of the poor bride who had to deal with it.
torte law - Groan!
brilliant commercial! and torte claims? LOL
That is by far the best "law firm" ad I have ever seen!
No viewer in the world would disagree with the label of "wreck" for these cakes. What a shame; I bet several looked pretty good before something happened to them.
Are you sure number 4 is a cake? That top layer appears to be made largely from some sort of blue fluff.
Is that number 1-800-BAD-CAKE ??
Torte law--omg that's the worst groaner I have heard in a LONG time.
WV: dagicsqu--a name that will NEVER be spelled correctly on a professional cake!
I once dropped a freshly out of the oven chocolate carrot cake smack onto tile floor. it wasn't pretty.
thank goodness I had time to make another one and ice it before having to serve it!
As a teen (1980's) my spouse was half of delivery team for a bakery. One hotter-than-Hades August Saturday morning they tried to deliver a huge wedding cake, but the reception hall was locked up tight. They made their other delivery then returned to find the reception beginning. Naturally, the cake disembowled itself in the middle of the room. They called the bakery & by the time they got back a new cake was waiting. This one survived they trek & the team recieved a standing ovation from the guests.
Totally off topic here, but I thought of you guys this morning. They had a thing on the radio asking "Is it okay to give a cake to your daughter for her first period?" OMG. All I could think about was you guys.
That fourth pic looks less like a slip-and-fall and more of an assault case, as in someone sticking their face into it and biting off as much as they could. Oh, the horror...
WV: missoov, as in "I'm sure a nice piece of cake would missoov everyone's feelings right now." :)
Can we be expecting Big Cake to foul our shorelines with an unexpected, wildcat ganache blowout in the near future? Oh, the humanity!
The correct term for a "cake catastrophe" is "caketastrophe". :-D
Not that I know ANYTHING about those. ;-)
WV: Copes - What one does after any caketastrophe
What a shame, some of those looked really good. Love the geometric mad hatter looking one. I'm so glad you didn't post this a couple of weeks back. I just made my first wedding cake and I was scared stiff that I'd drop it or it would collapse or something else horrible would happen. Thankfully it all got there and stacked up neatly and was very well received. No wrecks here thankyouverymuch!
Torte law. That's... Amazing. :-D
That second cake, the 'melting' wedding cake, is a 'Miss Haversham' spooky special..enough to make a bride or groom run screaming from the reception..LMAO...
Oh man, those poor bridal couples!
Also, now I want to (intentionally) make a Salvador Dali cake.
Delivery guy:
"Did someone here order a Drop Cake?"
Sharon's Edible Art
Wow, that first wedding cake looked like some sort of demented monster with pearls for teeth! That poor bride must have FREAKED out!
How could you NOT make the torte law joke?
Well played, Jen. Well played.
The answer is: Yes! There is a cake for every occasion. The perfect one for that is under "Wreck Spotting" that John posted earlier this year. The tres leches cake.
Sharon's Edible Art
Reminds me of one of my aunts' wedding cakes. They had the wedding in a heatwave, and the AC crapped out. Needless to say, the thing looked like the Tower of Pisa.
And, in retrospect, the stability of the cake should have foretold the stability of the marriage.
Cake #1 looks like it had a moisture problem -- I recognize the mud slide effect from when I was living in L.A. But Cake #3 -- what happened there? It reminds me of the turkey in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. One little nick and it collapses.
Cake # 4 was beautiful once -- there is a woman in the background holding a stick or a chair leg. I hope she wasn't out for vengence.
At first I thought you were posting partially eaten/cut-up cakes, as that is what the first one looks like. Was that really how it was presented? Looks like they tried to fix it with the server and napkins--guess that didn't work!
Did this remind anyone of the Cake Boss episode were the two guys drop the giant cake down the stairs of the bakery? At least they were able to redo it before they made it to the delivery spot...
WV: flatipse--you hope the cakes will remain flat, but then oops, they go tipse!
Definitely contacting Crocker & Hines for my next caketastrophy!
Careful, if you get a settlement they will pay you in sprinkles!
anyone else look at #3 and think it looked like a ghostbusters cake?
Or am i the only one who looks at it and sees melted marshmallow man remnants?
@SuBee Brilliant! :)
Okay, so as a non-native english speaker and longtime dedicated follower of Jens every joke, I desperately need to know what's so funny about "torte law". It's probably something obvious that I'm just not getting.
And also, what's up with everyone's "wv: random word creation" on here? I could swear that you probably get asked this on every post, but to my surprise I couldn'd find any answers to this.
I think it is every cake artists worst nightmare to have a cake collapse or drop or tip over. Support, Support, Support! My biggest agony is the delivery to the hall....ask my husband..I am a total WRECK by the time we get it there.
Love the legal theme.
As for torte law, I'm laughing so hard here. I remember my 1L "Torts" class, I was like "WTF is 'torts'? Isn't that a dessert? And why the heck am I learning about desserts in law school." I figured, what the heck, can't be too bad though if it's about dessert. Imagine my disappointment when the class wasn't at all about desserts.
Those might be the saddest cakes I have ever seen...
SuBee - I kiss you! That was awesome.
Horrifying wreckage, as ever. And "torte reform"...snort!
WV: reducc - That cake would reducc any bride to tears.
On our wedding day, the baker made 2 cakes for different occasions and frosted them backwards. We got a white cake instead of a carrot cake, and we had chosen a very heavy topper. It fell off and broke in pieces. Luckily, my sister-in-law arranges flowers well, so she grabbed some and made a new topper for us. It all looked great, but it wasn't what we had planned. In our staged photographs, the topper is on the cake, but when we actually cut it, it has flowers.
Sadly there is not much to say besides the fact that... that... nope I still got nothing. Wait! This is truly a Wrecky day. I mean look at then on their side, deflated, a bite taken from them, or the dreadful Cakequakes. Its a nightmare
every single one of those makes me feel much better about my first attempt at a topsy turvy cake... thank you Crocker... or Hines... whichever.
Crocker and Hines doesn't fix the cakes. They go out and "take care" of the baker.
Yeesh! I once had a wedding cake split in the car during the delivery trip (it had a swathe of 125 royal icing roses draped down the side, and it just pulled apart) - but I FIXED it before I left, and I even got comments later about how "beautiful" it was!
Merry at Annie's Book Stop
wv: injurb
Was anyone injurb-ed in the cake disasters?
Tinu: I can't answer the "torte law" question, as I'm not quite getting it either...
but the wv: is the word verification we have to put in in order to post. They are usually random letters, but sometimes people try to say them, and make up a definition for them.
Hope this helps!
every decorators nightmare....
Am I the only one who recognized the "Ghostbusters" line in the commentary?
"If the answer is yes, then don't wait another minute..."