What's Wrong With This Picture?

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Let's find out:
What's Wrong With This Picture?
(John's Helpful Answer Guide In Case You Missed It: You never reveal a baby's age! Let the baby go on saying he's "this many" weeks. Let Caleb have this, you monster.)
(John's Helpful Answer Guide In Case You Missed It: Somebody named their child "Colonel." SO WRONG.)
(John's Helpful Answer Guide In Case You Missed It: Smeared lipstick? Glazed expression? This is the face of too much necking.)
This next one's tough:
Here's a hint:
(John's helpful Answer Guide In Case You STILL Missed It: Someone, somewhere, has two bald cupcakes.)
(JHAGICYMI: Sometimes bakers just don't appreciate the gravity of a situation.)
And my favorite, which has double the problems, double the fun(ny):
(JHAGICYMI: Minnie's pumps totally clash with Mickey's hat. C'mon, bakers. Use your heads.)
Thanks to Laurie C., Stefani G., Carlos C., Sarah M., Amanda L., Amy L., & Christina C. for lending an extra hand.
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