Creepy Crawly Cakes

Can't we just have normal frosting roses, sprinkles, maybe a spermy-looking bunch of balloons? Even a beanbag-body clown would be ok. I mean, I try to avoid even being in the same room with yukky-looking I really have to take a bite out of one with a side of Ben and Jerry's?
And speaking of infestations...

Hey, ever wonder what you'd get if you crossed a naked mole rat with a roach?
Yeah, me neither.
Still, I bet it'd look something like this:
UPDATE: A big thanks to Cristy B., creator of the Naked Mole Rat cake, for being such a good sport and submitting her own cake!
- Related Wreckage: I'm Guessing They Didn't Have a Matching Card
Reader Comments (220)
Hideous! Horrid! Inedible! O vile!
*hides under desk* Dial my therapist and hand me the phone, wouldja, hon?
Eew! That one bed bug is bigger than the pillow! I really don't want that bed bug to bite!
Even my 8-year-old son, a self-avowed "bug lover" said, "Ewwwww! Who would eat that?"
Oh, Holy.... I had a huge roach in my kitchen this morning, so the bug cakes are making me more squeamish than they normally would... Soooo icky!!!
Gluah!!!! I got shivers up my spine just looking at those!
I'm pretty sure I can feel them wiggling in my mouth as I type this. *Gag*
Angie (from over at
Ugh! I just want to squash all of them.
Ew. Sick.
I had a dream last night that my house was infested with worms and cockroaches.
There was a brown recluse spider in the shower this morning.
And now these.
I think the universe is trying to tell me something, but I'm not entirely sure what. "Buy stock in insecticide"? "The end of the world is near"? "Stop reading horror novels before bed"?
All good possibilities.
Uh...I'm at a total loss for words. Who in their right mind would order a cake like that? It's bad enough we have to share the world with cockroaches, do we really need cakes in their honor?
I think I'll go not eat ever again now.
That "naked mole rat" TOTALLY looks like one of the R.O.U.S.'s from "The Princess Bride"!
And what's with the fangs coming out of the nose? That's gotta make eating a little difficult!
except for the ravioli, i'm kinda impressed by the bedbug cake. same with the roach- especially becuase he looks to be fondant free! i think those are a couple more cases of the subject matter being a wreck, but not the cakes per se. on the other hand, i thought the mole rat was the Montauk Monster.
Best line of the day: Do you think if you made a cake like this out of Twinkies, it'd be twice as likely to survive a nuclear holocaust? Just wondering.
Love it.
*Takes one look at the first cake*
I'm not eating that. And the next ones don't get better.
Totally disgusting. I don't think I could eat any of those cakes, especially the roach one!
Why does the naked mole rat have teeth growing out of its nostrils? O.o
The first one! An R.O.U.S.! Must be for a party in the Fireswamp.
thanks for helping me along with the ol' diet! I will never eat again!
I had to have a mouse removed from my cupboard last night, and another one this morning. (In a trap, husband removes.) So this cake really did not do it for me this morning. WHY!? WOULD ANYONE WANT A CAKE THAT LOOKS LIKE THAT?! And, YES, I am yelling! Oddly enough, the cake decorators did an awesome job recreating, but again I ask you WHY?!
I will be happy to go the rest of my life without ever viewing another cake like these.
Why are the naked mole rat's teeth coming out of its nose as opposed to, oh I don't know, it's mouth?
This post is right up there with the gross podiatrist foot cakes for hurl-factor. REALLY needed a warning label.... "if you've already eaten breakfast or have a weak gag reflex, please skip this post" YUCK-O!
...Are that mole rat's teeth coming out of its NOSE? That must be painful.
I know that a mole rat has little tusk looking teeth, but they don't come right out of the nose...
Wow! Now I don't even need to eat today!
Oh my eyes, my eyes! I've often chuckled reading this blog at work, but this is the first time I can remember being genuinely gobsmacked. Crikey.
Oh for the love of all that is cakey!! WHY?!?!
Oh...and a big eww, too.
Why does that naked mole rat have teeth coming out of his nose?
Yikes. And why are the Naked Mole Rat's teeth coming out of its nose?
Now that I have screamed and tried not to barf, WHY would anyone order a cake that looks like a rodent or an insect?? EEWWW!!!
Why God, WHY??? Why would anyone in there right mind want a naked mole-rat cake? That has got to be the grossest creature-as-a-cake I've ever seen. Ewwww.
Those are all completely REVOLTING!!!
Why? Whyyyyyyyy?
On the plus side, this might be the best diet aid ever.
Naked mole rat??? I thought it was an ROUS - Rodent of Unusual Size.
Disgusting, true... but well made in each case! LOL I just can't see the demand for such things!
Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh, I'm terrified!!
yikes! I cried out in horror when that thing jut appeared on my screen! That has GOT to be THE UGLIEST cake I've ever seen.
gross. just totally gross.
are those little hairs on the back of that mole rat?!?! disgusting.
the wreckiness of these "cakes" never cease to amaze me.
oh, gosh, i'm glad I ate like an hour ago. Dis-gusting!
Did anyone notice that Naked Mole Rat had "Happy 9th" inscribed on the cardboard? 9th???? You got that for a 9-year old? I'm gonna guess it was for a really nerdy (in a good way) scientifically-inclined 9 year old.
What is the second one, congratulations on having giant bedbugs?
My verification word is 'reche.' I don't even need to add a sentence, do I? :)
Is it bad that my only question is: why are the teeth coming out of the naked mole rat's nose?
I couldn't/wouldn't eat any of them, but I can totally see our zoo making the NMR cake a couple years ago when they unveiled that exhibit in our children's zoo, or the third cake when unveiling the insectarium.
I bet these cakes were made for biologists who study these organisms. I mean, once you've done THAT MANY dissections, what is there left to gross you out? (I'm not speaking from experience... no...)
Word Verification: ballsit (How my Vietnamese nail tech tells me I'm full of BS)
The first one really gives me a craving for some Quiznos Subs for some reason....
Gross and scary! Do mole rats really have teeth coming out of their nostrils?
Ewwwww.... just gross. I don't like looking at these things in real life, why would anyone want them in cake form?
I don't think I've ever literally gagged at any of your wrecks before today... Gosh Jen, you rock! (gag!)
The roach cake and the image of the Twinkies with that icing oozing out made me want to vomit a little.
Many times I've looked at cakes in this blog and laughed. Other times, I've looked and thought "that's disgusting." I have never, however, before today, actually shuddered involuntarily.
The Naked Mole Rat is probably based off a song of the same title that's a Disney favorite, so I can understand why someone thought this might be a good idea. It wasn't. How could you eat that?!?