Creepy Crawly Cakes

Can't we just have normal frosting roses, sprinkles, maybe a spermy-looking bunch of balloons? Even a beanbag-body clown would be ok. I mean, I try to avoid even being in the same room with yukky-looking I really have to take a bite out of one with a side of Ben and Jerry's?
And speaking of infestations...

Hey, ever wonder what you'd get if you crossed a naked mole rat with a roach?
Yeah, me neither.
Still, I bet it'd look something like this:
UPDATE: A big thanks to Cristy B., creator of the Naked Mole Rat cake, for being such a good sport and submitting her own cake!
- Related Wreckage: I'm Guessing They Didn't Have a Matching Card
Reader Comments (220)
The first few are well done and horribly conceived!
Good lord, those cakes are ugly!
Who commissions these cakes? Seriously, I mean, how to you go into a cake shop and go "I would really like my cake to resemble a giant, hairless rodent."
I prefer to think that the last one is a Cockamouse and we just can't see it's long, furry tail from this angle.
The last one looks like a periodic cicada. Gross.
The teeth aren't in the nose, but they aren't in the mouth either.
"Their large, sharp incisors make ideal digging tools. The four front teeth—two on the top and two on the bottom—are actually located outside the mouth. To keep from swallowing unwanted dirt, hairy lips close behind the teeth, as do skin folds at the sides of the mouth."
As for the cicada cake, I've seen it before. When Brood X hit DC in 2004 there were cicada cakes, drinks, chocolate covered actual bugs, and everything else you can imagine.
Cakes that look like roaches should be banned.
Oh, my. That was just hard to look at. Now off to bed for sweet dreams. um, thanks jen. *shiver*
Oh how I wish I hadn't been eating a cookie when I looked at this. A lovely chocolate chip cookie with pecans. Oh...GULP...I HOPE they're PECANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I think a roach cake made out of twinkies would be INDESTRUCTABLE!!
Love your comments. You make my day bright! Rock on Jen!
eewwww. the naked mole rat is so gross. There is no excuse for it to exist.
Oh no! Maybe i can't eat the first one. haha =D
Summer" rel="nofollow">A Writers Den" rel="nofollow">Brown Mestizo
Hey, Jen!
I get off work at Disney at 430, and the event is in Winter Park at 5... so I will probably be late! But I really want to go. How long is the event? That is, if I'm, say, an hour late, is it still worth going?
Who would make a cockroach cake?!? GROSS.
I totally saw a R.O.U.S. when I looked at the first cake!!!
A party in the fire swamp for sure!
Those have to be the vilest cakes I have ever seen. My stomach is still oh-so-queasy!!
Hey Anne/ Twiry McSwirl,
This is the way we think it will go:
5:00- Start the show, Jen and I talk a bit.
5:10- We bring out special guest U2
5:30- We finish our talk and open up for questions.
5:45- We finish up questions and serve cake.
6:00- Cup Cake judging contest
6:02- We all chortle merrily at how Twirly McSwirl missed everything good.
6:02-?- Jen signs books.
2am- Jen's signing hand begins to bleed, have to send 12,000 sad folks home.
There you have it. This was actually helpful since we haven't really done a time line yet. So in the words of the infamous Kurt Cobain, "Take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours, don't be late."
thanks to your caption of the roach one, i now want to make a totally legitimate looking cake out of twinkies!
I love the naked mole rat cake. I'd have to avoid thinking about the fact that they eat each other's feces, though.
(It's a food storage technique, like honey. Some of the NMRs eat a lot and get fat; then, when food is scarce, they excrete feces that the others can eat.)
why are the mole rat's teeth coming out of its NOSE? That's one painful deformity! Ouch!
Like a lot of other people, I'm wonder why the mole rat's teeth are growing out its nose? Otherwise, HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm sorry you don't like creepy crawlies. I would like to see a giant wolf spider or cat-head spider cake. That would be awesome. Great for Hallowe'en. :)
Well, this is going to sound VERY strange, but..... My youngest is having his 5th birthday very soon, and he asked for a bug cake. When I asked him to be more specific, he said he'd like one that looks like a Madagascar hissing cockroach. Thinking it would be impossible, I said no. Now he's seen this one, and says "See mom, lots of kids have cockroach cakes!"
Cakes by Christy . . . I went to your site and just absolutely LOVED your stuff! The teapot and tea cups were incredible! I wish you the best of luck in your business.
However, can we please have an explanation for the naked mole rat? There MUST be a story somewhere!
Thanks! (I didn't want to join Myspace to post a comment on your page, so I'm really hoping you see it here!)
The first one looks like the fried guinea pig (cuy) I had in Ecuador:
Okay, so last night I seriously had a dream that the naked mole rat was wiggling his way up a tube from the basement into my house. Terrifying! Those teeth were sharp! I never thought a cake wreck could induce actual nightmares, but well, it did!
ShyTenda, that is just awesome :). It really resembles the cake!
Isn't that last one a cock-a-mouse from How I Met Your Mother?
Reminds me of that bleeding armadillo groom's cake in Steel Magnolias!
You know, I've scratched my head and thought and thought.
I can't think of any possible occasion that would call for a cockroach cake. What the heck? I would pay good money NOT to have a coackroach cake.
My word: logisp. These cakes make about as much sense as that.
Anyone think that the cockroach cake might be a tribute to Wall*E's cockroach?
:O Eeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!
Who the heck thinks to themselves,
"Gee, we really need a hideous animal cake for this occasion." ?
Paint the teeth orange on the first one, and it would look like a naked nutria. Those things are hideous.
I'm guessing the bedbug cake was made for an exterminator...he or she would probably be the only one to appreciate it!
So much for lunch.
Makes me think of Steel Magnolias...
"I can make everything but snakes, I don't have the counterspace."
"It looks like an autopsy."
"Thanks Ouiser, there's nothin' like a good piece of ass."
Ummm. That naked mole rat has fangs coming out of its nose!!!!! Eeeks! I'll have nightmares tonight !
um, I just realized that your naked mole rat has those giant teeth coming out of his NOSE not his mouth... check it out, I am serious!
I'm 8 months pregnant and these cakes made me almost lose my breakfast. I'm not joking.
I am impressed by the hair that is growing on the mole. How did they do that? I think these cakes are AWESOME.. for Halloween!!!!
[while shaking head] why? why? why? why? why?
Oh... the roach cake...
I think I'm in love. <3
Why are the mole rat's teeth coming out of its nose?
I think the roach cake is really cool.
OMG I laughed so hard I had to run to the little girl's room before I could comment. That Naked Mole Rat looks like an R.O.U.S.
What strange feature grows
(O my friends and, o, my foes)
From nudie rat's nose?
so scary and
who would make these cakes and who wouldd pay for them espacially the big roach so realistic (shudder) I really hate roaches, My reaction: screamin standin on a chair, or as far away as i can get!!
ewww, the spider on the bed looks so real *gasp*
And I wonder too why the mole rat has fangs on its nostrils...
The funniest part of this for me is that I do know someone who had a twinkie cake given to her for her birthday once. (Her husband works for the company that makes twinkies.) Sadly, she's not a fan of twinkies. But, maybe if I make a few phone calls, he'll have a twinkie cake made to look like a cockroach and we can see just how long it can survive!
Ooh, I love the mole rat cake! Wouldn't eat it, though, it's too cute :)
The naked mole rat cake is actually a pretty good likeness of one.
Maybe naked mole rats are the new trendy animals, the way pigs were a while back.
Interested in naked mole-rats? They are incredible creatures- they don't regulate their body temperature, they have a really weird social system more similar to termites than to other rodents, and they can't get cancer!
To read more, go to my article on naked mole-rats entitled "The naked truth: Cool rodents provide insights into longevity" and vote for the cute little beasts!