Creepy Crawly Cakes

Can't we just have normal frosting roses, sprinkles, maybe a spermy-looking bunch of balloons? Even a beanbag-body clown would be ok. I mean, I try to avoid even being in the same room with yukky-looking I really have to take a bite out of one with a side of Ben and Jerry's?
And speaking of infestations...

Hey, ever wonder what you'd get if you crossed a naked mole rat with a roach?
Yeah, me neither.
Still, I bet it'd look something like this:
UPDATE: A big thanks to Cristy B., creator of the Naked Mole Rat cake, for being such a good sport and submitting her own cake!
- Related Wreckage: I'm Guessing They Didn't Have a Matching Card
Reader Comments (220)
and put a ravioli under the sheets
Surely the singular is "raviolo", no?
My very old apartment building had an outbreak of bedbugs last month. (not that they let us know, I found out from other tenants) I've been freaked out and constantly checking my bedding ever since.
So, # 2 made my skin crawl, made me jump and skim past *really* fast.
And here I thought *nothing* squicked me.
I love the Naked Mole Rat Cake! My Son would Love that one.
Truthfully, I'd love a naked mole rat cake!
Not sure if you noticed...the naked mole rat's teeth appear to be coming out of it's nose. Just sayin'.
Link to a good picture indicating where the mole rat's teeth are actually located! The cake is pretty accurate. The naked mole rat cake is well done.
Link found on google images for naked mole rats
Despite being really really really gross, these are actually the most talentedly made cakes I've seen on cake wrecks.
I think the fangs on the naked mole rat are coming from its nose.... huh. *violent shiver*
That naked mole cake is something. Why? Why?
That last cake reminds me of the dreaded Cockamouse from How I Met Your Mother, you know the one that wouldn't leave Marshall and Lily alone... We never actually saw the thing on the show but if it looked like anything this had to be it!
I work at a zoo design firm and we just did an exhibit for Naked Mole Rats. Where can I order one of those???!!!!
That last thing, I think, is supposed to be a cicada. I think...
Why are the teeth coming out of his nose???
That last one may be a cicada, but for some reason it reminded me of the snap-dragon-fly in [i]Through the Looking-Glass[/i]: "Its body is made of plum-pudding, its wings of holly-leaves, and its head is a raisin burning in brandy."
Picture about a quarter-way down the page. Of course the wreckerator left off the long thorax:
--Dr. Vic
Okaay all of these are great art work, but who would eat a cake like that. I WOULD BABYYY!!!
i can try them :)" rel="nofollow">...
OMG that is just absolutely horrible!!!! How can anyone even think about making a critter cake. :(
I don't know if anyone else wrote this yet (there are too many comments for me to read them all), but the first cake is probably based on work by patricia piccinini (may FAVORITE artist!)
warning: this is by no means the most disturbing thing in her collections.
go here:
and find the "nature's little helpers" collection. This one seems to be based on her creatures in "the embrace." (look through those pics and you'll find it.)
While you're there, DEFINITELY take a look at the "we are family" piece. for me, awesome. for others, it's the stuff nightmares are made of.
I totally love that naked mole rat. That's what I want for my next birthday ^^
(And the awesome thing is, I won't have to share it)
The first thing I thought of when I saw that last cake was "OMG, RUN; it's the COCKAMOUSE!"