It turns out that last week was World Breastfeeding Week (motto: "There's a sucker born every minute.") In honor of the occasion, here's what was served at a hospital-sponsored picnic for moms and their babies:
If you're wondering what a life preserver has to do with breastfeeding, then rest assured that so are the rest of us. Personally I like to think that the Wreckerator was in the process of drawing one huge bazooga when s/he was stopped by some killjoy middle manager.
Also note that breastfed babies are "reading for anything." Naturally, I think you'll agree with me when I say this theory simply must be tested. So, the next time you see a mom breastfeeding, try to see if her kid is also reading. (You know, like this.) Then, once you've recovered from the police tasing and posted bail, be sure to report your findings back to us, k?
Anony M., I'll let you explain today's title. ;)
- Related Wreckage: Every Breath You Take
Reader Comments (105)
Wait! I'm a breastfeeding mom...where's MY cake!?!?!
Heck...I'll settle for a twinkie.
To me, the life preserver looks like the top of a baby bottle.
I am at least the 5th commenter who was breastfeeding her baby while reading this post. Cake Wrecks seems to be popular reading material during baby meal/mommy downtime. Maybe all these babies will grow up reading Cake Wrecks themselves and become literate, intelligent members of society because of it. That's not such a bad thing, now is it?
I don't think most people mind breastfed babies reading - as long as they aren't reading Harry Potter!
(Sorry, I can never forget that incredible comment Wreckage... *giggles*)
At first I thought it said "Breastfed babies are reaching for anything" which is hilarious but ominous considering that's a life preserver. Then I read it again and got really confused. I actually had to read the comments for this one because I couldn't figure it out (reading??? what?) until I saw what the original slogan/image was supposed to be.
Today, as usual, I'm nursing my baby while reading CW. And it's even more awesome that I'm not the only one, lol!
Hooray for ta-tas!!!
My handwritten terminal -y often disintegrates into something that could be an -ing. Which is why I never handwrite anything important, sigh.
I really want TTFN to stand for Ta-Tas For Noms.
Yet another mom here who happens to be breastfeeding her baby (okay, he's 2 1/2, but whatever) while reading this post and I swear, from a distance, it looks like it reads "...heading for anything.". Which makes only slightly more sense. When mine finished, I'll ask him where he's heading, because he's definitely not reading.
Bummer! I missed breastfeeding week! Oh well, I was busy breastfeeding.
I've just decided that when I whine I will make me a boob cake and throw a party and all can partake in the boobs! Oh yeah, cream filled.
And I shall call my rack cake:
"Ta-Tas For Noms." (thanks Cindy! I'm so using that!)
This them of this year's WBW was to reinforce the vital role that breastfeeding plays in emergencies. I guess that's the life preserver?
So, reading should have been ready.
Wild! But it would have been soooo much better if the wreckerator had been allowed to complete the breast.
I guarantee you, somewhere out there, there were some amazing boob wrecks created in honor of breastfeeding.
Nipple shield? I guess I could google, but do I really want to know?
I'm a *huge* cake wrecks fan! I can't believe you linked to my Ninjerktsu comic! Thanks so much! I've gotten so many nice comments on my blog today from people visiting for the first time!
Still in shock!
Take care!
Was ready to explain the life preserver... See it's already been done. Including by someone who's blog I read! Hi Whozat. And- to explain the poor writing here- am nursing my baby to sleep and reading my rss feeds on my iPhone :)
wv: domened. What we are, now.
I just spat on the computer screen.
That was great!!!
now I've got to go find a wet wipe..
can I just ask what reading for anything means cause to me that makes no sense at all surely you reading for a reason even if it just pleasure
But what do I know I won't breast fed
Obviously they don't have spell check on cakes
A sucker born every minute--am I the only one who thinks that's "snort out your soda" funny??? Cause that's what I did. And I love the ta-ta's reference, although at first I didn't get why you were quoting Tigger on breastfeeding.
oh my...just NO.
What possesses people? Seriously???
I am tasked each and every day with proofreading the posts that Jen is going to put up. Most of the time, I don't find myself laughing because I have seen every cake many times before and I'm not reading for content and humor but for grammatical errors and missing punctuation.
This morning, I read the post with fresh eyes and I thought that it was genius. I laughed myself blue at that line. And do you know what that means? Most of the comments for the post will try to explain the cake.
Yeah, I'm a bit biased. I think Jen can do no wrong. But today's post was excellent.
Thanks for noticing!
I thought it said they were ready for teething since it had a teething ring on it...doesn't make any more sense than reading really.
wv: taboyess - isn't this subject taboyess?
@John: I also think Jen is a genius and can do no wrong. I look forward to her blog every day. And when I am away, I look forward to catching up, which I have finally done after weeks of missing my daily dose of Cake Wrecks.
Thank you both!
Yes! A lifesaver! That is perfect! After all, breastfeeding can save you life. Did you know that if you breastfeed for six years or more, your risk of breast cancer is reduced my 90%!!!!!!! You will never have a doctor tell you that!
I'm the only person in the world who read that as "heading for anything." But that sounds like the babies either have no sense of direction or will latch onto anything, even a pink and blue life preserver.
The theme for this years World Breastfeeding Week is "Breastfeeding: Prepared for Life." The theme is about being prepared for emergencies, and how breastfeeding has saved so many babies lives in cases of natural disasters. So, a life preserver makes perfect sense. And guess what--I'm nursing my baby! We are "ready for anything!"
Ok I read that as "Breadfed babies are Reading for anything". I'm not even going to try for the connection on the life preserver.
Hilarious, loved the ninja comic tie in.
Well, Lucille Ball just made my day by telling me that my risk for breast cancer just drop dramatically! :) Okay, now that I'm over that happy bit of news...
Did Marypoppins up there just say something about a baby bottle? On a breastfeeding cake? May it never be!!! ;)
TTFN...took me a while to get it but "sucker born every minute" did make me LOL.
And dang it! My 18-month old isn't reading yet that I know of. Perhaps I need to make him pay more attention when I'm teaching his sisters!
omg the motto just about made me spit my drink all over the monitor! Now that's comedy.
OMG! Breastfeed for 6 years or more? The same kid? J.H.C.! Would my kid need a permission slip to come home for lunch? Yack!
Perhaps Reading Is Fundamental needs to go into a research project with La Leche League?
Took me a minute to get the title... Jen, that was bad...
But amusing. :P
LOVE the TTFN, hilarious!
I read the cake as 'heading for anything' which is even more disturbing than 'ready' or 'reading' imo.
TTFN snicker
A life preserver because breastfeeding saves babies lives. Don't bad mouth the boobie snacks because I'd hate to boycott you. The idea was ok, BF babies are ready for anything, of course, the reality didn't work out so well.
thanks for the introduction to ninjerktsu!
TTFN - for once, I got it!!!
I did not mean that you have to nurse the same baby for SIX years! You if you have two children you can nurse them for three years. If you have three children two years each. My mom breastfed my brother for 4 1/2 years! That is something that I would never do but everyone is different.
~Lucille Ball
And now there may be even more readers since the WBW team has seen the post and shared the link! And I do remember my toddler deciding that if mommy could read while nursing, she'd try it, too. That lasted about 20 seconds as the corners of her "Little Golden Book" started digging painfully into the sides of my breasts. That cake is about 28 years late--where were you when it really fit my family?!
Lucille Ball Jr.,
Well crapspackle, I don't plan on reproducing. :O Oh well, at least my not eating meat or drinking alcohol will help with the whole breast cancer thing.
I can't believe that NO ONE has suggested tattooing the alphabet on the side of the mom's boob so that the baby can read while s/he nurses! Come on, they've got baby flash cards now, why not reinforce the learning everytime they are eating? I'm sure the mommies won't mind a little pain getting the tattoo in order to help their kids get a leg up on the competition!
I think the "life preserver" must really be a teething ring. I'm thinking of an old cartoon I saw called "baby's first tooth" that shows baby suckling contentedly as mom cuts loose with a horrible scream...
If breastfed babies are ready for anything, someone please explain why my breastfed baby just the other day ran into the kitchen table and seemed shocked at getting a fat lip.
I laughed for a solid 5 minutes on the motto: Theres a sucker born every minute. Thanks!
I think that it is supposed to read Breastfed Babies Are READY for Anything...thus making this a REAL Cakewreck! :D
I think it says "Breadfed babies are reading for anything". I still have no clue what that means, but maybe I should whip out some bread next time my baby is hungry.
The guy who runs Ninjerkstu put a thanks for you... check it out!
The theme this year was emergency preparedness so maybe the life preserver was on purpose...
The first thing that came to my mind was life preservers the hospital I delivered in was giving to new mommies to sit on the first few days.... And they sit while they breastfeed. There you go. Perfect sense :)
Omigoodness... breastfed babies are reading for anything. Too funny! However, I have to point-out, that bottle fed babies can also read. For example, my little man, reading at 19mo's old: