Every Breath You Take...

This was ordered by a medical center to celebrate their Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs, see?). The bakery no doubt felt very clever outfitting the nurses with giant mallets in addition to the needles ("the better to knock you out with, my dear"), but when you couple those with the stalker-ific inscription:
Every breath...
Every second...
We'll be watching."
Submitter Anony M. would also like me to point out the giant crack down the middle where the two cakes were cemented together, the black and yellow icing bleeding into each other, and the fact that this cost $150. That may all be true, Anony, but in my mind any cake that lets me reference old Police songs is well worth someone else's hard-earned money.
Reader Comments (150)
Wow, that's something. They look like little elves.
Oh, I thought it was suppose to be an open book at first. I didn't know it wasn't intentional...
Silly me... I thought they were leprechauns drinking massive mugs of beer.
What about the fact that the "we'll" is a completely different color?
This cake is wreckerific.
Is there a reason why "We'll" is in a different colour?
I thought this was a cake celebrating leprechauns with giant beer steins at first glance.
I just spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what St. Patrick's Day had to do with anything. Then I realized that those are supposed to be scrubs.
I seriously thought those were leprechauns until I read the commentary!
That'd be a great cake for St. Paddy's Day. Assuming the leperchauns that are stalking me get together and celebrate St. Paddy's.
wvotd. unlist...I'm going to unlist my number so that damn leprechaun will stop calling me.
Wait, what cost $150? The cake??
$150.00????? Are you kidding me? Someone actually charged $150.00 for this? And worse, someone actually PAID $150.00 for it??? WTF?
Why mallets?? Do leprachauns need mallets? Can leprachauns be gainfully employeed as nurses? Hmmmmmmm. I don't understand why the "we'll" is in white letters either. Way to go wreckerator!
But I can't go to sleep...they'll take me Lucky Charms!
I'm sorry I totally didn't see nurses in scrubs with mallets at first peek. I saw leprechauns with steins. I thought maybe the unit had a drinking problem or this was a very early St. Patty's Day cake.
$150 for a sheet cake?!? That looks like it was from Wal-Mart, no less! I'd like to know what brands of flour, sugar, and cocoa they're using to justify the price at that talent level.
At least you can tell the characters are nurses, but the rest of it.. Bleh.
I hope they got a refund. The mallets are hilarious though.
With the face masks and green gear, I thought the cake was for some South American rebel's birthday. Or maybe Mario's terrorist brother.
Ahhhhh! A mind is a beautiful thing to waste........and someone must have been wasted when they thought up this sentiment!
What no comment on the white "We'll"?
And why is the word "we'll" in a different color than the rest of the inscription?
Where are the stereotypical white uniforms? And why not put the woman in a mini skirt while we're at it? And, OMG, they look like evil little lephrechauns.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
They're supposed to be nurses? At first glance I thought, it's a bit early for St. Patrick Day, Killer Ninja cakes, isn't it?
How could anyone possibly demand $150 for this with a straight face??
Eewww. I thought they were leprechauns or something. But, mallets and needles? Huh?
Prior to actually reading what was written on the cake, my first thought was..."Who the Hell would put Keebler Elves on a cake?" Now that I know it cost $150, I'm even more baffled. Ridiculous.
$150.00?? Is it filled with solid gold coins? Dang.
I thought it was cute, though.
~Amy B.
My initial reaction, before reading anything about the cake, was that these were elves.
I'm rather ignorant in the medical field and didn't know immediately what "CRNA" stood for. That being said, until I read your description, I was under the impression it was a cake celebrating homicidal leprechauns.
I think this might be one of my favorite cakes. I can't image that the decorators didn't see this as a creepy cake when they were designing it. Mallets? Really?
You forgot to mention that the nurses look like leprechauns!
He also left off the detail that for some odd reason the "We'll" is in a different color than the rest of the inscription. You can see what someone left off intially.
I thought it was about the horror movie, Leprechan!
I totally thought those were leprechauns at first.
I also like how the "We'll" in "We'll be watching" is white, rather than green...
Holy cow! Those are supposed to be nurses?! I thought they were little stalker leprechans with mallets and stakes to drive through the hearts of vampires. I thought it was a little odd that they were holding the stakes pointy-side up, though....
Wow, $150??! I hope it at least tasted alright...
and I definitely do not understand the mallets
CRNA here....and this is hilarious!
and no one is disturbed by the fact that the nurses look rather more like demented leprechauns? because that was really the problem for me.
that is one creepy cake.
When I first saw it--before I read the comments--I thought they were leprechauns with beer mugs!
I thought these were leprechauns with large mallets. Either way, it's creepy!
Okay, this didn't feel all that wrecktastic until you cited the $150 price tag... at which point I realized the hospital was being taken for a ride.
At first I thought it was two leprechauns drinking beer from giant steins and I couldn't figure out what that had to do with nursing. Thanks for clarifying they were mallets in the commentary. :)
At first I thought it was two leprechauns drinking beer from giant steins and I couldn't figure out what that had to do with nursing. Thanks for clarifying they were mallets in the commentary. :)
At first glance, I thought those were two garden gnomes with green beards attending a workers' union strike...with nothing to protest...
Why is "we'll" in white when all the rest of the writing is in green?! $150?! Highway robbery, I tell ya!
What is UP with those mallets?! LOL
Apparently, these are leprechaun CRNAs. Instead of taking care of the pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, they make you see rainbows by bonking you on the head with giant mallets.
$150? Really? Really?!?! Is this cake just incredibly big?
I thought they were leprechauns too at first glance. Just weird. The most shocking part is that thing cost $150.
I think I'd be intimidated into paying the $ just because the mind that could come up with homicidal leprechauns and also asking for that much $ for something so obviously wrecktastic obviously belongs to a sociopath.
wv: wracke...this cake is everything that makes up a good wracke ;)
I totally thought they were dwarves/elves/gnomes, as well. Even after I read it was to honor nurses, I still didn't see scrubs, I saw dwarves. It wasn't until you said you loved that they'd given the nurses mallets that the lightbulb went on. Is that my fault? Or the decorator's?