Guess Who!

ATTENTION CELEBRITY SINGERS: never hire a cake decorator to paint your portrait.
And for the rest of you: can you guess who's who on these cakes? I already gave you a hint. (Answers at bottom.)
Say, do you suppose this Wreckerator realized that "B'day" sounds exactly like "bidet"? That just seems like a bad play, eh? (Hey, these rhymes are unintentional, Ok?)
Did you guess them all? No cheating, now!
Ok, here are your answers:

Rachael G., Sarah W., & Anony M., don't stop the rock.
Reader Comments (315)
At first I thought they were all Madonna, but I actually did get the scary Hannah Montana one! She just looks so haunting *shiver*
Oh my God. I thought the second one was Charo.
I was thinking it was Madonna, Charo & Britney Spears. whoops
Yikes! I never would have gotten Beyonce from that second cake. I was pretty sure it was supposed to be a Charo cake, which I guess could come in handy if you were having a Hollywood Squares themed birthday.
I don't know. That Hannah Montana cake looks pretty right on to me...
I swore that the second one was Charro. Good times.
Hannah Montana is the best one!! This has made my day as usual.
Miley's teef scare me more than the eyes
I would have sworn to you that the second one was Charo.
These were my guesses:
1. Madonna, maybe?
2. Charo-I knew I had that one right!
3. Britney Spears-She's kind of a mess anyways so it seemed to fit.
the miley cake actually looks eerily like miley......b/c she really is THAT creepy looking in real life.
I swore that second cake was Ginger from Gilligan's Isle. Beyonce would probably have been the LAST person to come to mind.
As for the Hannah Montana one I digress with a LOLCat crossover: In Soviet Russia, cake eats YOU!
dang, i was 0 for 3, i really thought i had the last one too, anyone can see it's suzanne summers
Ok, how much do my responses make me feel dated?! I thought they were (in order of appearance) Madonna, Raquel Welch, and Debbie Gibson! *groan* I'm going to go apply some more anti-wrinkle cream and go back to bed!
I didn't get the first two - but I did guess Hannah Montana.
I thought your chop-chop remark was funny and that I should get a knife and chop-chop those terrible cakes!
I was totally off. My guesses were: Madonna, a black Dolly Parton, and Britany Spears (during her tragic meltdown).
while Ms. Cyrus' teeth are indeed prominent, the teeth on that Hannah Montana cake are downright terrifying.
also, the tori cake! but i also knew exactly what it was, so maybe it's not as terrible as i thought.
thought the second one was Charo, until i read the CD stack.
Wow. I said, Madonna, Shakira, Madonna. My second guess was Madonna, Madonna, Madonna.
I thought the second cake was Charro and the first might be Madonna... I guess I was waaaaaaay off.
For some reason I wanted to guess Dolly Parton for all of them, except for the fact that her, ahem, most notable assets were not on display (although the Beyonce one was close). I actually didn't realize these were supposed to be three different singers until the end of the post.
Word verification: ingsh, n.: The botched versions of English that appears on some of our favorite Cake Wrecks, such as "It a Gril!"
WOW! I was totally wrong on all three counts... I was thinking Madonna, Raquel Welsch, and Britney Spears...
The Hanna Montana is striking. Snark!
Absolutely did not get Beyonce.
Did anyone else think that second cake was Charo? No? Just me? Okay then.
I thought the Beyonce cake was" REL="nofollow">Charo. A stretch for the celebrity category, I know.
Okay, I guessed Tori and Hannah correctly, but I swear that 2nd one was Charo or Sophia Loren from back in the day.
Am I the only one who thought the second cake was Charo?
Oh, dang. I guessed
Bette Midler
Charo and
I guessed Tori right but I swore the second one was Charro!
NOOOOO! This is HILARIOUS! I was WAY off...couldn't even take a stab at #2. (Last I checked, Beyonce is black, right?) I thought #1 was Madonna (albeit done poorly) and #3 I was thinking Hilary Duff.
I don't even think my ego could handle what a cake decorator might do with MY face...
Hannah needs some floss. ASAP!
Have none of these decorators heard of Photo cakes?
Oh my! Those are some scary teeth on the Hannah Montana cake! I would have never guessed Tori or Beyonce though!
I was SO sure that second one was Charo. bummer.
I could have sworn the second one was Hilary Duff. Didn't she have an album?
And if it was HD, that would have been a decent (not good, but passable) cake.
But it was Beyonce? Srsly, WTF?
I think I'm mildly terrified that I took one look at the first one and went "That's Tori Amos".
... The Hannah Montana one is pretty accurate. I actually guessed it correctly from the mouth.
Poor, poor Hannah! Note to self, make your own Hannah Montanna cake!
These are hillarious. I wonder if anyone got them right. My guesses were Madonna, Charro and the blonde girl from the Manson family.
I thought the first one was Madonna, though I wasn't clear on the swollen belly/insect connection. I had no idea on the second, but I knew the third was Miley Cyrus right away - it was the mouth. Which is as creepy as the eyes, in my opinion.
And here's a question - if we can at least identify them, does that automatically make them a little less wreckish?
Ha ! I thought that Beyonce cake was supposed to be Charro !!!
wow. those are bad. i thought they were madonna, charo and a blow up doll.
I got one... but only b'cause of the album titles on the, and I use this word loosely, cake. Um... these are just weird. I really don't want to eat anyone. These just help my case.
I was SO sure the second cake was Charo.
Also: Back in high school my friends and I hated abbreviations, yet a ton of people would abbreviate "birthday" as "b-day." We would read it as "bidet" and wish people a "Happy Bidet." I even made a card of a smiling bidet for such occasions.
I thought the second one was Charo.
I honestly thought the second one was supposed to be Charo!
I could have sworn the "happy b'day" cake was Charo. Really. I would have put money on it.
I thought the second one was Reba McIntyre. Um. Oops.
Hannah kinda look like Janice from the Muppet Show, but with the crazy-eyes. *does the I'm watchin' you two finger pointy thing*.
I could have sworn the top one was Celine Dion...
haha, I thought that second one was Reba McEntire.
Why is Miley Cyrus's tongue SO BIG!?
btw, i didn't get any of them
Doh!! I knew about the Beyonce 'BDay' thing and STILL guessed Pam Anderson!
I got Hannah Montana but thought the 1st one was Madonna.