Face Time On CW

This is so exciting, everyone: I had no idea there were Doctor Who fans in the Walmart bakery! Check this out:
How cool is that, huh? It's totally Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen!
[crickets chirping]
[Pin dropping. Loudly.]
What's with all the blank looks? Are you guys telling me you don't know who Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen is? Really?
Well, here, she looks like this:
See, she's a human from the future, and she's had so much plastic surgery that there's nothing left but her face. Get it? (Really, I don't see how you guys survive without this kind of quality programming in your lives.)Ok, now go look at that "cake" again, and tell me it's not her. Go on.
Hm? Oh. Yeah, I guess you do have a point: she doesn't have eyebrows. Or a nose. Or weird purply hair tufts. Or antennae. But if that's not supposed to be Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen, then I'm going to go out on a limb here and say maybe the Walmart in question should consider employee drug screening. Not that I'm implying anything by that, of course - nosirree.
Thomas R., you thought it was her, too - right?
Reader Comments (238)
That is TOTALLY Lady Cassandra! Moisturize her!
As if I weren't already terrified of Wal-mart.
Gee. Thanks.
I love you and your blog more and more each day, for bringing together two of my most favorite things: Doctor Who and baked goods gone wrong.
Now if we can just find the TARDIS in fondant...
That's ... wow.
Just wow.
Anyone else see lambchop...like the shari lewis puppet?!
i hope im not goign crazy here lol
I'm glad you went out on a limb for us on this one. Especially, since neither the cake or and "bitchy trampoline" seems to have any.
Are those purple things sunglasses? Is she supposed to be a cloud? A little happy cloud for that painting guys birthday?
I should watch the new Who. The old one with it's $5 prop budget used to crack me up.
word verification menforna...should be malforma for the cake
I don't care who it looks like (or doesn't) - what really freaks me out is that they would charge $20 for it! They should pay ME to take it home and throw it in the garbage. Yikes!
Someone needs to get this cake some tweezers. Seriously.
Now, a David Tennant cake, I would enjoy.
HAHAHAHA!! I do see lady Cassandra!
Hey Cassandra would have certainly been My first thought, too!
"Moisturize me! Moisturize me!!!"
B*tchy trampoline... :D :P
(Ladyfox7oaks, over here from the LJ/RSS feed)
Oh god, you do NOT want to look for Who cakes. Well, actually maybe you do - there are some pretty great wrecks out there. But they're mostly home-made from what I've seen so not nearly as hilarious.
I know who she is! And another Who-ite <3 She does in fact look like Cassandra AND Zoe Wannamaker - who played Cassandra........
Dr. Who=Best sci-fi schow ever!!!
Well, maybe not ever. I am overly fond of anything Joss Whedon.
And that cake totally looks like her. It was the first thing I thought when I saw the picture. Before I read the post.
I totally knew who she was, and you're right, that's totally her. Scary!
Looks like the Wal Mart bakery manager needs to revoke that creative license...
Maybe this is a signal from the lone Dr. Who fan in WalMart begging for rescue.
Moisturize me!
Woohoo! Fellow Who fan! And yes, saw it right away.
The minute I saw the picture, I immediately thought of Cassandra! I'm still convinced it's her...
Oh my gosh! I laughed right out loud - I actually thought it was Cassandra before even reading your description/comparison. NICELY DONE!
All I can say is those cakes better be MOIST!
You have reached a new level of awesome with the Doctor Who reference!
As for the cake...yeah, totally Cassandra.
No way, you're totally wrong! It's clearly made by a fan of French techno music producer Sebastian's recent EP Cover:
I'm just kidding, you had me at the first sentence actually. Cake Wrecks + Doctor Who = Made my day!
im going to have nightmares about this cake and that picture from Dr. Who.
Who would ever buy that?!
Moisturize her! Ha! That is hilarious. As soon as you said "Doctor Who" I saw Lady Cassandra.
But WHY would anybody want a cake of an evil, body-stealing, plastic-surgery-obsessed character?
Why not a TARDIS? How hard would a TARDIS be to make out of cake? I would like to see Ace of Cakes do that one.
That's creepy. I never watched Dr. Who, but after seeing that my interest is piqued. Was Cassandra a big player in that show? Seriously... what was that cake supposed to be?
It looked like a strange cow to me.
Hopefully this cake explodes just like she did :P
I agree with other's that is totally the Face of Bo. The heavy eyebrows, the big lips, the purple life support tubing . . .
All it needs is a little cat cupcake on the side . . .
Doctor Who is everywhere. And I love it!
Hmmmmmmmm. I confess I had never heard of Lady Cassandra, but I did Google her after reading the comments. Now, I'm even more confused.
However, I think this cake sorta kinda resembles the Jason's ship (the bow of the ship shaped liked a woman) from Jason and the Argonauts. It's supposed to be Honor Blackman (Hera). Anyway. That's what I think
I cannot imagine anyone paying $20.00 for this wreck. Man. What a ripoff!
The picture came up and my mind immediately thought 'Doctor Who'! Then I scrolled down and the smile spread across my face.
This is truly a good day. One of my favorite blogs references one of my favorite shows.
It looks like Toni Basil from the end of the Mickey video; that was my first thought.
I must see the Daleks cake, if only to finally use the following joke.
Wait for it....
Get it? It's like "Exterminate"...
you people are lame.
It looks like "Spidaris" from the Miss Spider cartoon.
Good Lord...
They're both highly disturbing!
Don't worry. I got it. :]
totally got the reference and agreed with you. The fact that you're a Who fan has just made me even more in love with this blog. But what was that face suppose to be for real? Did yhe person who submitted it have any answers?
I totally thought of Cassandra too!!
I think the funniest part of the whole thing is that they're charging $19.48 for it!
Um... I don't know why but it looks like Bjork to me.
Awesome! I love the Dr. Who reference! Cassandra as a cake? She'd be more appropriate as a crepe. :)
Who else could it be?
Hahaha, so bad, really.
It is reminiscent of Cassandra, scary!
that purple stuff sorta looks like sunglasses pushes up on her cupcake forhead
Not only do I know who Cassandra is, I am sitting not 2 feet from an action figure of her (or should that be an inaction figure?) We are knee deep in Daleks and Sea Devils too.
Bwahaha! And you can "explode" the cake to eat her! Love it. LOVE IT. Although MY favorite Cassandra incarnation is when she's David Tennant. Hilarious. I pee myself laughing every time.
That is the ugliest cake I have ever seen. I think it may even top the birth one.
I think those purple things on her head are supposed to be sunglasses.
The cake doesn't even care that it's on cake wrecks. Is it bothered? Look at its face. Face; look; bothered? It ain't bothered!
(Apologies to the Catherine Tate Show)
Um. Is it the evil spider villain from Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids??
Hooray for the Doctor! Does the cake need constant moisturizing, though?