Maximum Irony Has Now Been Achieved

Yep, it's a Fail Cake Fail.
Jen G., I used to think the shorter the word, the harder it was to screw up. Thanks for ruining another one of my theories.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
Yep, it's a Fail Cake Fail.
Jen G., I used to think the shorter the word, the harder it was to screw up. Thanks for ruining another one of my theories.
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Reader Comments (153)
Are you ^sure* this isn't intentional? ;)
It's hilarious!
I didn't know there was such a thing as a "FAIL fail"!
Are you sure it's not supposed to be "Final" as in "Best Wishes for a Happy Funeral. This is Your Final Party."???
Regardless, I need to go brush my teeth just looking at that monstrosity.
Wow. Sniff. Talk about the ultimate depression... receiving your final cake only to discover the misspelling reminds you of a lifetime of failure.
So terribly sad. I'd say happy trails, but -
Alixandra Hice
I think this cake was made to poke fun at one of the entries on failblog- I frequent that site (too funny) and here is the post that probably inspired this wreck...
Not sure why they made a tribute to it in cake form, but- well, it wouldn't be the first time we pondered that on this site, would it?
Sorry to burst your bubble, Jen- but I think they purposely misspelled it.
The urban dictionary says:
1. fial:
The epitome of fail. Fail is used on the internet as an expression of disapproval, so failing to type fail correctly will often lead to subsequent ridicule and derision.
(How appropriate for this cake!)
All that black frosting makes me gag. Yuck!
It's also possible that this particular misspelling was intentional :)
Great blog, keep up the good work!
...I think this is one of my favorites.
Stop - who does this? This has to be a set-up!
I always take delight in celebrating my "fialures"!! :o)
Ok... I cannot imagine the nasty black mouths after eating that cake.
Someday we'll have spell-check cakes... until then...
The idea of eating a cake made entirely of black icing makes me sorta sick. X.X and that blig plop of icing for no reason is a great touch too.
This can't be real. The utter simplicity of it is what shocks me. Sure, forget to outline the tail on an already ugly looking monkey-cake. Believe that it would make sense to make a life-like baby cake. But ... to misspell the word Fail? Really?
LOL oh wow. Truly, this cake is made of fail. And so is the education system.
My husband and I met in college. He had a project due and was showing me the presentation piece that he made. I about had a heart attack when I read it. It said, "Glaciation in Oiho." Yes, Oiho. He panicked. He didn't believe me that he had spelled it wrong until I took him to the license plate and proved it. He had to quickly run home and redo a section of his presentation piece. Thank goodness I found it! His parents proofed it and didn't see it!
So short words-- they can get way butched, too.
Black poo WIN!!! LOL.
Maybe they did it on purpose. I would have.
Can you imagine taking a big ol' bite of those black frosting roses? Yikes!
Maybe they spelled fail wrong on purpose... to make it a fail cake...
*shudder* never mind the bad spelling....can you imagine sitting around a room full of people who are all eating black icing?? Can you imagine the lips and teeth of said people?? Ee-gad!
Ewwww, I would not be able to eat a cake with all-black icing. That is just gross.
How do you get the icing that black?
That was great! I have never commented but I love this blog, I check it every day. Keep up the great cake wreck reporting!
OH MY WORD!!! I wonder what that looks like coming out!!!
Thanks for the translation!
I don't know what to say about this cake...words "fial" me!
I think this one was on purpose... "FIAL" slang for an ultimate fail.
Yes! Fail Blog another of my favorites for a hearty chuckle. The black icing is such a nightmare - seriously teeth, tongues, gums, lips - everyone will be walking around like they've been chewing coal. Ick.
HAHAHA! So what exactly is a fail cake??
I know a few people who would have specifically ordered that spelling for the humor factor. I'd like to think that's what happened here, but I've seen too many misspellings of easy words to have faith.
On the plus side, anyone with enough humor to order a failcake probably appreciated this ironic twist more than the original idea. This is a masterpiece of fail.
ICK--can you imagine what your teeth would like like after that icing? That cake is one of the most unappetizing I've seen on this blog yet!
Beyond the epic misspelling, can you imagine actually eating a black cake? The icing would be so bitter. Not to mention what your mouth would look like. Yuck!
I can only imagine what the inside of your mouth would look like after eating this cakewreck. Ewww.
This may be my new favorite wreck. Absolutely hilarious! Wouldn't you like to see their teeth after they eat all of that black icing?? Epic. Cake. Fail.
Black poo FTW!
I didn't know it was possible to fail at failing but apparently I've been proven wrong.
I thought it was, like, a Norwegian word for dead. Or something.
Angie (from over at
Em... who actually gives a "fail" cake anyhow??? isn't that a little twisted to start with????
Ok, this is a plain disaster in sugar!
Does anyone know exactly what black food coloring does to your insides? I'm not saying that I do, but I'd be tempted to think that by the time it circulates through the bloodstream (you know, along with the useful stuff) that your kidneys would be like, aw son-of-a-b!!!
Well, what flavor would the black icing be? "Logic" dictates liquorice flavor—but maybe it's just generic unflavored sugar. Or maybe bubblegum flavor or something.
That is one of the ugliest cakes I've ever seen. All I could think of was that someone ate a ton of black licorice & then barfed. Ugh!
Epic Fial, of course. I'm concerned for the people that ate this as well. I would flat-out refuse to eat that much black frosting if it were ever placed in front of me. Ew.
I think this is probably an intentional fail, but the worst thing of all is the black icing. I can just picture everyone who ate the cake walking around with black teeth.
I think I got the runs just looking at this one..
But yeah I think that the misspelling might be intentional.. maybe.
Fail cake win!
Seriously, I think this was intentional. I believe misspelling "fail" on a Fail cake was total irony.
And if black buttercream does to you what blank fondant does, expect a lot of green poo!
I agree with some of the above comments... the frosting alone is the fail!