The Sprinkles Decorator Strikes Again

What do you think, Steve B.? Are we dealing with a serial Wrecker here?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
What do you think, Steve B.? Are we dealing with a serial Wrecker here?
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Reader Comments (78)
Beeeeyoooutiful. Classsssy. Still, maybe easier to write it than craft it :P
oh my gosh. is this really for real? this is really a professionally made cake? i can't believe that!!!! how awful!
These are my favorite kind of wrecks. I heart this blog!
Word verification: swerlyg. Next time I order a cake I want to put this on the order form just to see what would happen...
I don't get it.
So instead I'll mention that I have achieved total cake wreck preoccupation. I woke up face down in my pillow last night from a dream where I was suffocating face down in the monkey cake. Seriously. It was a cakemare of epic proportions. Now I can't even get away from you in my sleep. Thanks Jen. Sheesh.
Alixandra Hice
Haha, yes! Return of one of my favorite styles-one I like to call "Literal". Although I think perhaps my favorite part is fact that, like the sprinkles cake, other than the obvious, there's really nothing wrong with either cake. They're actually quite pretty.
Was the cake rigged to explode at the appropriate moment?
Well, at least they did not include the quote marks nor the parenthesis.
Maybe it's a warning and the cake has a built in pyrotechnics system that will result in whoever cuts it being showered in cakey goodness?
Or the decorator has a Mission Impossible thing going and this cake will self destruct in 30 seconds...
George to Gracie: Say good night Gracie.
Gracie: "Good night Gracie."
My question is, is this an old cake? Or is the date another problem?
I'm wiping my eyes...
Goodness this is funny!
I'll get a headache though, if I try to understand the thought processes that allowed someone to pipe "Fireworks Explosion" onto someone's grad cake.
Brianna @ passion.fruit
I think I'm missing something, or my eyes are not functioning yet? I don't see any sprinkles? Help! :)
The sprinkles look like little bits of plastic that would either choke you on the way down or... erm... choke things up on the way out.
That said. Roses for a "fireworks explosion"? Really?
Fireworks would have been easier than those roses. How hard are a bunch of scribbly lines?
On the upside everything is spelled right. . .
*facepalm* Wizard's First Rule -- people are stupid. Including this cake decorator. Is it that hard to ask questions if you're confused about an order?
On another note, is the surface of the cake all messed up or something? Or was this photo just taken through a layer of glass or plastic?
Is this the same Wreckorator who did the "(Olympic Rings)" ? That was one of my faves! This may make the list, too! The rest of it looks great though, in an "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" kind of way....
Tracy O
Thats a riot!
I guess we should be grateful that it doesn't say "cap" in the top left of the "cake."
Well, at least they SPELLED everything right! And the colours aren't wrecky, the lines are straight.
[Verification word: stful Shut the F* up, Lady?]
No doubt that it's the Serial Wrecker. Look at the shape of the cap. Exactly the same in both, unless there's a bad stencil out there somewhere in general circulation.
Hmmm... I think this decorator needs to find a new career.
lol wow hmmmmm I can just see every ones face when they saw it. hmmmmm wow lol
This cake looks like it's *been* thorugh an explosion. The colors look streaky and the frosting is pockmarked.
how can people be so dumb? seriously! LOL!!
i read your blog everyday and i love it! this decorator has just made my friday morning(always a good thing) into a GREAT friday morning. i have the "i want sprinkles" wreck pic on my office wall;"firework explosion" has joined it! this decorator: great decorator or the greatest decorator? only history will tell...
Just to clarify my confusion... I DO get that there was supposed to be a fireworks explosion decoration on the cake - not an inscription - but what do fireworks and sprinkles have to do with one anothe?. Unless you mean the "I want sprinkles" cake and this customer got gypped by the same decorator? Have we really come to that?
But the cake would be so boring with just plain old fireworks! The inscription is so much more hilarious. Unless, that is, it's intentional.
You have some drama going on in the Comments here today. Huh.
Angie (from over at
A Fireworks explosion AND roses AND blue icing guaranteed to stain your guests? I'm kinda thinking Leslie is right; this thing blows. Up I mean.
It's always good to start your day with a laugh. How did this person not realize that when someone says "can you put a fireworks explosion on that?" that they meant "Make fireworks with sprinkles or icing"?
(word verification: lablefr. Say what?)
It really does seem like it came from the same place! The upside down Hershey kiss hat, the flowers along the lower right corner, the verbatim inscription! Only the writing isn't as nice! They're training minions!!!!
Can anyone seriously be THAT clueless? Duh!
Oh good Lord I love cakewrecks. You should have heard the snort I just emitted. Too.damn.funny.
I love how they also wrote out Fireworks Explosion instead of drawing a fireworks explosion. I love checking this site because it always makes me laugh!
Hey, now wait a do we know that this isn't marking a traditional event called "fireworks explosion" held by the school every year for graduation? I mean, it is possible, right? Right? Probable? Well, maybe not.
Oh, and Alix? I think you might have a problem...I'm no professional, but you're kind of scaring me a little.
Is this another Wal-Mart wreck?
If the decorator only knew how to Read!
Ah hhahahahahahaahha
I really like that!
I wonder if the decorator ever stopped to wonder why someone would possibly want the words, Fireworks Explosion, on such a cake.
When this happens, do they assume it's a weird inside joke in every. Single. Case?
[Word Verification: persap. Hybrid of per se and perhaps?]
"Fireworks explosion" makes me think of Borat. Romance explosion
I'll say what my Dad used to say when someone was less than correct; (especially in the business world!) "BRILLIANT!!!"
I'm almost surprised the decorator didn't draw pebbles on the cake for "rocks!" *g*
One of the first things I do in the morning is check to see what the day's wreck will be. Love it!
Note to self... don't pop in here with a mouthful of food... I now have to clean Chicken and Rice off everything....
This kind of wreck is just priceless... and the gag just doesn't seem to get old.
Word verification is ejecti.... I think the "decorator" needs to be ejecti from her job for incompetence.
I am a big fan of the dreidel. This bakery could be selling out of cakes in December.
LOL this made my day
Kalejosm, there are no sprinkles on this cake.
John & Alisha, the fact that 'fireworks explosion' is written out IS the wreck. What else do you see?
I, too, am worried about Alix.
Amanda, your commentary was perfect:
"They're training minions!!!!"
They are, indeed! *shudder* :)
The hat is drawn the same way (esp. the bottom edge!) so maybe it really IS a serial wrecker!
LOL flartus! I appreciate your concern. No more recounting Cake Wreck dreams online, I promise!
[dialing psychiatrist]
hahah... I'd love to meet this Cake Wrecker in real life and hope that they did this on purpose!
Even though I think the "I want sprinkles" one might have been better...I love it. Keep on wreckin', anonymous baker!