By Popular Demand: More Wreckwear!

Because I love you guys, and you asked for it:
Here's the back:
And while I'm at it, check out this hilarious little number Erin Lusk of The Cupcake Attitude whipped up:
Ah, it doesn't get any better than passive-aggressive baked goods. Be sure to check out Erin's site for more cute designs like this.
And naturally, I stuck it on a shirt:
I also added a new "I Want Sprinkles" design last week for myself:
Which looks great on an apron:
And lastly, partly because I thought it was fun, and partly out of curiosity to see if anyone would actually ever purchase such a thing, I whipped up a Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockey tie:
If any of you actually buy and wear this thing, you must send me pictures. Seriously; that would just about make my day. ;)
You can click on any of the above pictures to go the corresponding Zazzle page, where you can tinker with colors and shirt styles to your heart's content. You could even buy the item in question, but I know that's just crazy talk, so I'll stop now.
If you have a design you'd like to see on a Cake Wrecks shirt, e-mail me! If I use it, I'll give you a shout-out here on the blog and link to your blog or website both here and on Zazzle.