Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys

This cake is so disturbing, I'm almost glad the picture doesn't include the whole thing. The plastic clone babies wearing naught but mohawks are bad enough, but then they're also riding carrots. What do you do with that? It looks like some kind of perverted vegetable rodeo, or maybe a bizarre clone military exercise, what with their little plastic fists raised high in identical salutes.
And what kind of occasion calls for a "naked babies riding carrots" decor, anyway? No, wait, maybe I don't want to know...
Reader Comments (216)
This may be the funniest caption
I have ever read. I am just glad I wasn't drinking milk at the time which would have spewed from my nose.
o.k I stumbled across your blog a couple of weeks ago and I just have to tell you how much you make me laugh - ALOT!!!
My husband and I are in the process of adopting internationally and it can be very I can come to your blog and laugh my head has been a great stress reliever....
Thank you!
I love you! This blog is hilarious ^
On the contrary, I think this cake is AWESOME and I am so making it for someone's birthday!
Carrot-riding mohawk babies, Happy Birthday!
Carrot-riding mohawk babies, Happy Thanksgiving!
Carrot-riding mohawk babies, Happy Arbor Day!
Fits every occasion!
Are they riding those carrots or humping them?
"perverted vegetable rodeo"...bahahahahaha! Just discovered your blog today...I'm only laughing until one of my cakes shows up.
Just tripped across your blog, and absolutely love it! (Glad none of mine are in here!) This baby/carrot thing you've got here, is an absolute riot!!
I think the cake itself is from Costco...they make a carrot cake that looks an awful lot like the purchaser just added the, I'm speechless!
I laughed for a solid 10 minutes, had to go into another room and do housework, in an attempt to stop laughing.
I haven't laughed this hard since SPY magazine was publishing on a regular basis.
Boy, that takes me back... to the final scene in "Dr. Strangelove"!
Oh my friend gave me this link and I have had a blast looking and reading now! OK this cake has got to be the funniest one I have seen!
I'm ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!
This blog is hysterical!
One of the funniest things I've ever seen! The commentary is HILARIOUS! I agree with the first poster - I'm glad I wasn't eating or drinking milk - I would have done myself some harm. LOVE THE BLOG!
I laughed so hard I'm crying. I never knew carrot cake could be so funny.
I just found your blog today, and I love it. I cannot stop laughing at this caption. Unlike those lucky enough not to be drinking, I just had hot coffee come out of my nose. It burns, and yet, I can't stop laughing.
The best part? If there is in fact a similar cake at CostCo, I can add babies to it (which I already have because I find them hilarious to place on random cakes) and make this cake funny!
apparently, they're all 'BOY' babies!
Not to a kill-joy, but this is probably for Mardi-Gras. Although the baby should be hidden in the cake... Maybe its for the Blind!
I wet myself a little reading this...seriously, you should put a disclaimer on the site and advertise for Depends.
OMG! I was drinking coke when I saw this one. My nose is still stinging, so not fair! And I think that next time my friends ask me to make a carrot cake, I'll just lose it!
This is a fantastic site and my cheeks are so sore from laughing, keep up the chuckles. :0)
"What holiday?" you ask. Why of course it is in celebration of Aryan Baby Carrot-Humpers Day!
like they are training for when the carrots take over the world!
Omg, that's too funny!!!! Holy carrots, Baby! I am going to wake MY baby laughing this hard. is this cake a play on words for baby carrots or something? Hilarious and random. Just how I like 'em.
Alright, apparently I'm not so stealthily reading blogs at work anymore, considering I just bust up laughing and everyone had to come over and see what I'm doing. Damnit. But SO worth it.
The last poster said she was afraid she'd wake up her baby.
Well, I woke up mine! :D Gods, I laughed so hard my stomach hurts. Just found this blog today and I am DYING. (do they make a cake for that?)
I'm planning a baby shower and I needed a theme.
Done and done!
I've had to leave the room TWICE to keep from peeing myself! My cats are all, "The hell?! Mom's squeaking and falling over sideways - hmm, she must be watching Eddie Izzard again."
"Perverted vegetable rodeo"?! Please:
1. Write books
2. Be my friend?
I have no idea why all those little Chuck Liddells have carrots in the mount position, but if this is what the Iceman wants for his birthday, are you gonna argue with him?
Yup, that is definitely a Costco carrot cake. You too can have this cake, just pick up a Costco carrot cake and grab 24 tiny naked babies from Dollar Giant!
We can stop looking now; we have found our wedding cake.
Seriously though, I can't stop laughing at this. :D
For this you belong in the Blogger Hall of Fame.
If this blog displayed this as a video, I would hope that either Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" or Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" would be played in the background for this.
Yee-ha! Ride 'em cowbaby!
This is like some strange sci-fi cake - I can't stop laughing!
Love this site!!! I laughed until I turned purple.
Ohmygod. I just found your blog today and am now going by and reading your blogs.
I literally spit coke everywhere, and my nose is burning. And I have tears streaming down my face.
And then I decided to read the comments, and took a sip a coke, and ended up spewing it everywhere.
Keep up the awesome blog. <3
What is wrong with this cake? It will the talk of the town at the 12th Annual Perverted Vegetable Rodeo and Auction in October.
We would love to have you as our Master (or would it be Mistress?) of Ceremonies. Last year, Perez Hilton was Queen of Ceremonies and look how it launched his career...I bet you land a sweet job at the Food Network hosting your own show with a great commenting panel:
Mary Alice- "Ace of Cakes"
Chelsea Handler- "Chelsea Lately"
Kimjohannes-"30316"(hip Atlanta zip)
Michael K.- ""
Kathy Griffin- "My Life on the D LIST"
You Made My Day!! :-)
(cheered me up when I have been in bed with a viral throat infection for the past week) I have great pictures if anyone needs to make a cake that looks like infected tonsils!
I too laughed till tears ran down my face! But then, I looked at the picture again, and started wondering ... why aren't there naked mohawk babies on ALL the carrots? Are there seven for some significant reason? WTH? I can only hope that the originator of this cake will come forward to answer these (and other) burning questions.
Love your blog!
"Perverted vegetable rodeo" is the best phrase I've heard all day, or maybe ever.
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen, and the blog title is the second funniest.
I've just laughed until I cried. Literally - I've got tears in my eyes.
Could it be someone's attempt at a Chinese New Year cake?
Chubby babys riding something symbolic [usually a boy with a fish or rooster] is a standard Chinese NY symbol. There are baby dolls like this - with the hand aloft gesture and stylized hair- available in the Chinatown supermarket nearest me.
Why carrots though, no idea.
Also apologies if this posts twice
Wow oh wow. DIsturbing.
I think it was for a brit milah, AKA a 'bris'!!
Between the image of the cake itself, the title, and comments such as
"Aryan Baby Carrot-Humpers Day!" and "perverted vegetable rodeo", I haven't laughed so hard since...
...the fireman cake?
I've been laughing an awful lot since discovering this blog. Keep up the good work.
Why am I suddenly hearing an Austrian-accented voice in my head saying 'sometimes a carrot is just a carrot, but hoo boy! this is not one of them!'
Thanks for brightening my day...and no doubt a great many days to come!
Dude! Don't be dissin'. "Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys" is my brother's band. You won't be laughin' when they go platinum!
My sister sent me a link to your blog, and I've just shared it with my co-workers. These are some of the funniest things I've seen in a long time!
Wow, this has to be the best cake of them all. I love how the babies have their fists raise. Truly a gem.
OMG! I think you can officially start a collection of comments that involve people almost spewing beverages because of the insane hilarity of cakes and captions. I'm in my cube (looking at your blog is a very serious part of my daily work), taking a sip of my frappuchino, when--all of a sudden--I decide it would be a great idea to click on "Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys." Little did I know what lay in store. Seconds later, I'm simultaneously choking on my beverage, trying not to laugh out loud, and tears are streaming down my face. This is one of the most genious entries ever. I'm also convinced that the rigorous symetry of the cake has to have some significant meaning. Maybe so that the cake can be sliced and EVERYONE can have their own little piece of "Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys"?
What a great phrase to memorize: Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys". I will be trying to work that into casual conversation now.
As Dave Berry used to say, that would be a great name for a band!
"Why am I suddenly hearing an Austrian-accented voice in my head saying 'sometimes a carrot is just a carrot, but hoo boy! this is not one of them!'"
Twister, your comment made me laugh so so much.
I've actually laughed so hard that I'm now crying...thanks!